Open Doors

Dear Ministry Partner,

When I took this position as Regional Director of India Subcontinent, all I knew was the vast area and space I would need to cover. It was an opportunity to get to know many groups of people surrounding the Gospel. They are people groups which have their own languages and cultures. It’s always astounding to see how God would connect me with a native person that is open to lead their people in discipleship. It was God opening the doors then and it is God who is still opening the doors now. What is occurring in the nations is because God is still doing what only He can do! Blessed be the name of our God!

God is Holy, God is True, God has the key of David, God opens the door and no man shuts it, and God shuts it which no man can open it. Revelation 3:7

This last month I have cultivated relationships alongside some people

groups for the first time; Bhutia, Tamil, and Sinhalese. We have courageously walked through each door to spread the Gospel among the nations. With your support we can continue to do the Lord’s work. The result here will be great. God is to be glorified! Read on below…

I appreciate you,

Regional Director of the India Subcontinent

Support The Lord's Work


To protect these believers from the persecution in this country, their names & locations are not disclosed.

Two teachers are training 15 church leaders.

Testimony from Pakistan

"Greetings in the almighty name of Jesus Christ! I am a 55-year-old pastor who has been teaching and preaching since 2002 with little formal Bible training. By the grace of God, I have taken the chance for this wonderful training through CCI. I have been learning very well while studying. Course 5 is providing me with very good Bible doctrine, and I am growing in new ways. I am thankful to the Lord for this great opportunity in my life, for this CCI training, and for my ministry."

- CCI Student


CCI Certified Trainer in UAE teaches this group of men. They have a break from their daily work between 1-3:30 pm so they use the time to study.


Here is Pastor S teaching Course #4: Preaching Biblical Messages & Pastoral Ministry in northern Bangladesh and southern part of Bangladesh.

Pastor D is enjoying teaching the students Course #3: New Testament Survey and seeing them actively reach the community for the glory of God. This great work is done with your support!

Testimony from Bangladesh

Mr. M lost his wife ten years ago and has since struggled to trust God, due to various family struggles. He takes care of his two daughters and widowed mother, but often avoided attending church and praying.

In an attempt to help Mr. M, counseling was provided, and prayers were said. He now attends CCI training and takes the classes seriously. He completed the Old Testament, which inspired him. He related to many of the leaders who God called and who also faced struggles. During our discussions of God's calling and their responsibilities, he repented in class and began a transformation. Now, he takes proper care of his children and mother. He regularly attends church and mentors and guides the church's youth. He's a faithful and reliable person in the church with a vision to share the Gospel with our ministry. He's grateful for the class that changed his life and helped him see his vision of being a servant of Jesus Christ who impacts the community.

We are thankful to God and CCI Ministry for embarking on a journey of discipleship in Bangladesh. We hope that the story of Mr. M's journey as a servant of Jesus Christ for Bangladesh will be a true testimony and a significant one.

North India

North India's Area Coordinator conducted a two-day Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) with fourteen pastors and church leaders. Five new teachers will begin training others in October.

Teachers Pastor A and Y are going for another round, making disciples beginning with Course #1.

At the border of Bhutan, I conducted a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW) to strategically start classes along the border. I had been praying about ministry among them for 3 years already. A mutual friend of one pastor below helped me to be able to train them. We can do more together!!!

Testimony from a student in North India

"Greetings in Jesus’ name! I was born into and grew up in a Hindu family. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord three years ago, and have been faithfully attending church services ever since. When my pastor shared about the CCI courses with me, I joined the class because I was already interested in learning the Word of God deeply. Now, I am taking the course and finding it to be truly wonderful! I have learned several things in Course 1, including Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation. Thank you for providing such wonderful Bible courses in our state. May the Lord continue to bless you all!"

- CCI Student


Praise God for His provision in the National Director of Nepal’s life and working through Missionary Ventures International, Inc. to provide better transportation to navigate the mountains of Nepal.

Pastor T teaching his class.

Pastor K with his class.

Testimony from a Graduate in Nepal

"I lead a women's group in central Nepal and I also help in our house fellowship. I have been involved in both ministries since I was 17 years old. I have undergone formal training and attended non-formal seminars, but they were not so effective in my ministries. Although they helped me learn lessons and granted knowledge, they did not teach me skills.

Last April, I joined the CCI training and at first, I thought it would be similar to other teaching or training programs. However, as I learned Book #4 (Preaching Biblical Messages), it changed my perspective about teaching. It not only provided me with knowledge and lessons, but also granted me effective skills for fruitful ministry. It helps me to determine my teaching goal and the reason for each message. These are essential things for biblical preaching.

This training not only helps me but also my church. I am more effective now when I teach and filled with joy and excitement for future ministry. I am eager to use my newly acquired skills and gifts to change people's lives for His glory. I am grateful to CCI Nepal for providing me with this great opportunity."

- 2023 Graduate

Sri Lanka

The ground is fertile in Sri Lanka. One church family sent me and Akash to explore what God was already doing. After we rode four hours, I shared CCI’s mission and vision with 8 pastors. These pastors want more… Support this great work!


God opened the door for me to travel to Bhutan (funds were provided through our church family's VBS). After a 4-hour drive, I shared CCI's mission and vision with 5 underground pastors. Will you help to support this work as it becomes what the Lord desires?

Will you Help Support the National Staff working in India Subcontinent Countries?

Prayers & Praises


  1. Please pray for our upcoming training classes around Nepal.
  2. Pray for funds to design and publish the CCI Nepali version of training materials.
  3. Pray that all staff can attend the CCI Global Conference with much needed funds. Finances are a big hindrance to attending. Click button at bottom of page to help.
  4. Please pray for the 5-month Discipleship Training School starting in a few days.
  5. Please pray for the 2 new teachers as additions to our team.
  6. Pray for potential classes in West and East Nepal.


  1. Please pray as my daughter is having problems with her liver. Many tests will be done.
  2. Please pray for new partnerships. Pray for each teacher’s travel and their families.
  3. Pray for teachers and students to gain wisdom. Pray for godliness for the students and holy power.
  4. Please pray for more openness in the CCI classes.
  5. Pray for new CCI classes, and more Teacher Training Workshops (TTW) and other seminars.
  6. Pray for CCI Pakistan.


  1. Pray for my visa processing. When I get the visa, I can attend the CCI Global Conference in November in Thailand.
  2. Continue to pray for my safe driving. I travel far for the classes in different places by motorcycle.
  3. Pray for our country’s political situation because big problems may arise with the upcoming elections.
  4. Continue to pray for CCI students so they can know, understand, and apply training to their lives.
  5. Please pray for that we are going to build a new church building. At first, we need land for the building and we need also support for both the purchase of land and the building.
  6. We are going to provide a token of love among 160 children before Christmas where we are sharing the Gospel. It’s a big challenge for us, but we believe God will provide.
  7. CCI students have been sharing the Gospel among the unreached children and youth with new strategies, so we need your prayer support continuously.

North India

  1. That poor students can be provided with scholarships in order to buy books.
  2. Pray for new partners who are joining CCI.
  3. Pray that the Lord would open doors to support more teachers.
  4. I want to own a house for my family. I have been renting and the situation has worsened.

Regional Director of ISC

  1. For visas to be approved
  2. For my wife because she became ill due to a virus. She is getting much rest now.
  3. Keep my family in your prayers after the passing of my dear aunt.
  4. For the new people which we have trained in new places and countries.
  5. For new graduates to begin training others.
  6. For foreign staff to faithfully serve God with integrity.
  7. For our families to be strengthened as we follow God.
  8. For the ministry as we plan to set leadership in place to handle the expansion.
  9. Bengali staff to be diligent in hardship.
  10. Bengali Translation to continue to go well.
  11. Please pray for all to be able to attend the Global Conference in Thailand this November.
  12. I have been training pastors and church leaders through Covid-era. They will graduate at the CCI Global Conference 2023.

Please pray for all to be able to attend the Global Conference in Thailand this November. The staff of CCI India Subcontinent Countries is looking forward to the Global Conference to be held in Thailand in November. Many would like to go, but do not have the money to BUY PLANE TICKETS. Please pray for God’s provision for this. If you feel led to help, please click below:

Help Us Attend the CCI Global Conference

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