Open Door Newsletter
April 22, 2021 Edition
Open Door readers, please make sure you scroll all the way through the bottom of this newsletter to make sure you do not miss any important information or resources.
Highlight of News and Upcoming Events
Student Life Office
  • Student Government and Student Trustee Applications
  • SGA Car Wash Fundraiser
  • Student Life Free Key Tags
  • Student Brave Space
  • Olga Lopez Scholarship
Diversity Caucus

Earth Day webinar and various exciting events (see below).
Counseling and Wellness Services

Coffee and Connection, Mindful Moments
Athletics and Fitness

E-Sports team news, Zoom Yoga, Zumba Fitness, Sports and Fitness with Josh and Lisa
Office of the Dean of Compliance

Resources regarding sexual assault
Transfer Services

Helpful online transfer resources, Springfield area colleges transfer fairs, Zoom around universities
QCC Writing Center & General Academic Areas

Information about the Writing Center and GAA small group tutoring
Messages from the Editor
Jorgo Gushi
Dear Open Door readers,

As we are approaching the final exams period, I would like to offer some advice:

  1. Start preparing a study schedule
  2. Focus on class material you are not completely knowledgeable about
  3. Create study groups
  4. Create a comfortable study space
  5. Eat right
  6. Most importantly, don't forget about self-care

Always remember that our dedicated QCC staff is here to help, do not hesitate to reach out regarding any question you might have.

Keep moving forward!

P.S. Make sure to review the SGA President and Student Trustee applications. These two positions are a tremendous opportunity to gain leadership skills and give back to the community.

Student Life News & Events


Thursday, April 22 at 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 29 at 3:00 p.m.

Participate in the SGA meetings to have a voice and make a significant change on campus!

For more information please email Jorgo Gushi at


Every other Thursday at 3:00 p.m.
Please join us for a virtual open forum and the opportunity to have respectful conversations about the issues of race and inequality.

Meetin ID: 936 2722 5740

Passcode: 290466
Student Life Key Tag Event
Click on the link below and personalize your own key tag. Complete all the information needed to receive your new key tag in the mail!!
Join us and others from all of the Massachusetts Community Colleges, CCRI and some New Hampshire schools as we gather for music and entertainment. This has been a difficult year for all of us so let's relax and have some fun. Come for one act or all of them and just enjoy the moment.
DCU Financial Seminar - Home Buying
Join us on Wednesday, April 28th, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm for a financial seminar on Home Buying via Zoom. Register for this seminar for a chance to win a $50 DCU Visa gift card by clicking HERE. 
We hope you’ll join us for this informative financial session as the first 10 attendees will receive a $10 Dunkin’s gift card!
DCU Realty is a one stop real estate company licensed in MA and NH. This Home Buyer’s Session is specific to the buying process in these states.
Even if an individual is not ready to purchase a home in the next few months, this webinar will help prepare them for when they are ready. Attendees will learn the basics of the Home Buying process including:
  • Where to start.
  • Difference between a pre-qualification and a verified pre-qualification.
  • What is a Buyer's Agent Specialist?
  • How to find the right house, how to submit a winning offer, the importance of a home inspection and what happens at closing.
  • What legal documents are needed?
  • And, much more!
As with all our seminars, we encourage questions and active participation.

Diversity Caucus
The Diversity Caucus is excited to announce some great virtual events coming to QCC for the remainder of the spring semester. Some event flyers with Zoom links and information are attached or imbedded below. Additional details and information for other events will be forthcoming.
Combined Earth Day and Stand Against Racism Webinar
8 Billion Angels ~ Global Documentary and Panel Discussion 
Co-hosted with the QCC Environmental Science Program
Thursday, April 22, 2021 from 11am-1pm ~ Click here for flyer and Webinar Link
Moving Beyond Monolingual Policy and Practice: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Pedagogy to Support English Learners in Community College. 
Teresa Varriale Gonzalez and Deborah Gonzalez– Wednesday, April 28th at 11:00am 
The QCC Diversity Caucus invites you to attend the QCC Poetry Jam! 
Read a poem from your favorite poet or share your own! 

Poetry Jam Event: April 28 from 7-9 p.m. 

For more information please email 
Previous Diversity Caucus event recordings and more information about upcoming events can also be found on our website:

 Office of Counseling and Wellness
QCC Student Clubs
The Psi Beta and Psychology Club Guest Lecture Series is delighted to share with you the unlisted YouTube recordings of our lectures this semester. Many thanks to the talented Anuj Nautiyal of Media Services for his expertise in converting these recordings for us!

Katie Berry, B.A., Food & Alcohol Disturbance Among U.S. College Students 3/11/21

Sukhmani Pal, M.S., Reminders of Threats & Prejudice Towards Muslims: Experimental Examination of Intergroup Threat Theory 3/31/21

QCC Writing Center &
General Academic Areas

Athletics and Fitness Corner
QCC Athletics Wyvern
E-sports Team

The official Esports season begins this Spring 2021 semester.

If you are a full-time student (12 credits of more) this Fall semester or you know of a student that is full-time and may be interested in being part of QCC’s E-sports team….Contact Coach Mello at

QCC Athletics Wyvern E-sports Team
this SATURDAY, APRIL 24TH at 6:00pm

League of Legends Game

Record: 5 win 1 loss
We will use Twitch as the streaming platform for anyone who would like to watch. (Link Below)
Please join us in supporting our student athlete E-sports team.

APRIL 25TH at 6:00pm

QCC - ZOOM YOGA FREE 5 days a week this Spring 2021 semester

Monday through Friday

Email Lisa Gurnick for a Zoom invite to Yoga;
Begins Wednesday, February 17th

Mondays & Wednesdays 6:00pm-6:40pm
(6-6:20pm Yoga & 6:20-6:40pm Mediation)
Email Lisa Gurnick for an zoom invite to Yoga;

QCC ZOOM ZUMBA FREE twice a week

Tuesdays 1:15 p.m.-2:00 p.m. and Thursdays 6:00 p.m.-6:45 p.m.

Email Lisa Gurnick for a zoom invite to Zumba;
Sports and Fitness with Josh and Lisa!


We are here for you, every Thursday from 1:00pm-2:00pm. If you have any questions regarding sports, fitness or other questions we can help with. 
Office of the Dean of Compliance
Denim Day is a campaign on a Wednesday in April in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The campaign began after a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped the person who raped her remove her jeans, thereby implying consent. The following day, the women in the Italian Parliament came to work wearing jeans in solidarity with the victim. Peace Over Violence developed the Denim Day campaign in response to this case and the activism surrounding it. Since then, what started as a local campaign to bring awareness to victim blaming and destructive myths that surround sexual violence has grown into a movement. As the longest running sexual violence prevention and education campaign in history, Denim Day asks community members, elected officials, businesses and students to make a social statement with their fashion statement by wearing jeans on this day as a visible means of protest against the misconceptions that surround sexual violence.

Denim Day is April 28, 2021!

Young Women Support Group; new cycle beginning April 28th. for women identifying survivors between the ages of 18-24yrs You can send referrals to


💙 Set boundaries together. Talking to your partner early on about what they are and are not comfortable with is part of a healthy relationship. You both might not always be on the same page, but you'll never know unless you talk about it. For example, you may assume your partner isn’t posting about your relationship on social media because they aren’t taking it seriously, when it might be because they don’t value social media posts the way in the same way you do. If posting about a relationship on social is important to you, it’s okay to say so! It doesn’t mean your partner will agree, but at least it’s a step toward getting on the same page.

💙 When things go out of bounds, have a conversation. Using “I” statements is a great way to avoid tension and focus on feelings. For example, instead of your partner saying, “I told you that you’re texting me too often, you're so annoying.” They can say “I feel a little overwhelmed when I get a lot of texts while I’m in class.” That way you know to ease up on messaging them during the day, too many unanswered texts in a row may cause your partner anxiety, and that you can work with them on other ways to stay in touch.

💙 Fearing your partner’s response to boundaries is a red flag. If you are afraid to say “no” in a relationship because you think the other person may react poorly, that can be a sign your relationship is unhealthy. A healthy friend or partner will never make you feel bad or belittle you when you are honestly sharing your feelings. (Note: At the same time, a boundary-setting conversation should remain calm and should never include yelling or accusations, if they do, that can also be a sign of unhealthy behavior).

Common Types of Boundaries and Questions to Ask in a Relationship:

Communication Boundaries: How often should we talk and when are the best times? Is texting or direct messaging better than Facetime or phone calls? What are we comfortable sharing about our relationship on social media?  

Financial Boundaries: When or how much money should we spend on gifts for holidays and birthdays? How should we split expenses, like going out to eat together, movie tickets, etc.?

Sexual Boundaries: How comfortable are we hooking up and being physically intimate? How do we get better at talking about what we’re comfortable doing? Are we comfortable sharing explicit photos and won’t guilt each other if not?  

ON CAMPUS CONTACT                      
Elizabeth A. Woods                               
Dean for Compliance and Education                  
508-854-2791- phone                                                  
pronouns she/her/hers
To report an ADA or Title IX Concern

Transfer Services

Helpful Online Transfer Services


QCC Transfer Services
(Click on the flyer for more)

Students' Corner
Student Resources and Services
(click on the flyer for additional information)
Helpful Student Resources:

Instructions for Exposure to COVID-19
Events Calendar

Check out the QCC Events Calendar and stay up to date!

Read more
Please reply to this email with any questions, comments and concerns.
Fuller Student Center
670 West Boylston Street
Worcester, MA 01606