Open Door Newsletter
February 03, 2021 Edition
Messages of Encouragement to QCC Students

Your hard work and dedication to your education has not gone unnoticed. Your classmates, faculty and staff have created messages to remind you that we are all in this together and we are rooting for you to succeed. You will earn your degree or certificate and be stronger than you were when you began your journey. Keep moving forward towards your goals and know you are making the smartest decision possible for your future. Continue believing in yourself, and remember all of the reasons why you are a Wyvern. We are proud to call you a part of the QCC family and we can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you!

Student Life News & Events


Thursday, February 4 at 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 11 at 3:00 p.m.

Participate in the SGA meetings to have a voice and make a significant change on campus!

For more information please email Jorgo Gushi at
FREE Winter Air Brushed Hats
Starting February 9, 2021
Design your own hat (one per student) and it will be mailed directly to your home. FREE !
Zoom with James Robilotta
Thursday, 2/4/21, 3 p.m.
Join us to hear all this and more from professional speaker, personal coach, and entrepreneur James Robilotta!
Valentine's Day Poem
Thursday 2/11 by 1:00 p.m.
Write a poem for Valentine's Day and email it to Cheryl Pike at

Best two poems will win a free box of candy and the poems will be published on the Open Door!!!!
Zuzu African Acrobats
Tuesday, 2/16/21, 2 pm
Let the Zuzu African Acrobats mesmerize you with their stunning moves and African music. You'll forget that you are only seeing them virtually as they bring a bit of African culture into your home. Relax and enjoy this live performance.


Every other Thursday at 3:00 p.m.
Please join us for a virtual open forum and the opportunity to have respectful conversations about the issues of race and inequality.

Meetin ID: 936 2722 5740

Passcode: 290466
QCC Student Clubs

 The Black Student Union (BSU) is a club that advocates the needs of students at the College, while empowering, teaching, discussing,and exploring the Black experience.

QCC Writing Center &
General Academic Areas
Tutoring Sessions
on Zoom


Check out the complete GAA tutoring schedule on Blackboard!
Join SHE!
Our mission is to SUPPORTHELP, and ENCOURAGE Quinsigamond Community College’s female student population in an effort to assist in the successful completion of their educational goals.   We are pleased to provide these students with the opportunity to gain academic, personal, and professional development.
The QCC SHE club is looking for female students to join. If interested email
Join Brothers and Keepers!
Quinsigamond Community College’s male student population in an effort to assist in the successful completion of their educational goals. 
We are pleased to provide these students with the opportunity to gain academic, personal, and professional development.
The Brothers and Keepers is looking for male students to join. If interested email Jeffrey Wright at

Athletics and Fitness Corner
QCC Athletics Wyvern
E-sports Team

The official Esports season begins this Spring 2021 semester.

If you are a full-time student (12 credits of more) this Fall semester or you know of a student that is full-time and may be interested in being part of QCC’s E-sports team….Contact Coach Mello at
QCC - ZOOM YOGA FREE 5 days a week this Spring 2021 semester

Monday through Friday

Email Lisa Gurnick for a Zoom invite to Yoga;

QCC ZOOM ZUMBA FREE twice a week

Tuesdays 1:15 p.m.-2:00 p.m. and Thursdays 6:00 p.m.-6:45 p.m.

Email Lisa Gurnick for a zoom invite to Zumba;
Sports and Fitness with Josh and Lisa!


We are here for you, every Thursday from 1:00pm-2:00pm. If you have any questions regarding sports, fitness or other questions we can help with. 
During this stressful and house bound time, below is information to help us keep going, stay healthy and find some relaxation. Be well and safe.

Reduce and Relieve Stress – 
The mental benefits of aerobic exercise have a neurochemical basis. Exercise reduces levels of the body's stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators.
  • Stretch your arms up and shake all about; dance to a song that is uplifting to you
  • Sleep! 7-8 hours are recommended; set an alarm to remind you to go to bed
  • Positive and Relaxing images; take time to really concentrate on a picture you find relaxing
  • Breathe! We do it every day. However, we forget the healing powers slow, deep breathing; relaxing and helps relieve stress

Reduce Cholesterol – 
  • Take time to exercise; make physical activity part of your daily routine
  • To reduce cholesterol levels the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a minimum of 40 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise or activity 3 to 4 times a week
  • Try not to make it like a chore; make it fun activities that you and/or your family enjoys like, walking up and down the stairs, walk with the dog, play with the kids, work in the yard

Prevent Osteoporosis –
  • Weight-bearing and resistance exercises are the best for your bones. Weight-bearing exercises force you to work against gravity. They include walking, climbing stairs, dancing as well as hiking, jogging and tennis but we can only do what we can right now and keeping social distance. Resistance exercises like lifting weights will also strengthen bones. If you do not have weights you can use cans of soup, sauce or other house hold items that have weight to them and are safe to use. You can do push-ups, squats and yoga exercises help also.

Help Prevent Coronary Heart Disease –
·       Lifestyle changes; such as eating a healthier (lower sodium, lower fat) diet, increasing physical activity, reaching a healthy weight, and quitting smoking.
Office of the Dean of Compliance
When dealing with conflict in your relationships, here are a few important things to remember:

💙Intent vs Impact: Often when someone says or does something to cause conflict, it wasn’t their intent to say something hurtful. Regardless, if “what you meant” is different from “what you said” it’s still important to apologize. A good analogy to remember: if you accidentally trip someone and it wasn’t your intention to do so, you still apologize for your actions.

💙The goal of healthy conflict is not "winning": While compromise may not always leave both people feeling that they got exactly what they wanted, agreement can be reached through compassionate negotiation of each other's wants and needs. And both parties should leave the exchange knowing that their feelings, opinions, and boundaries were heard and respected. 

💙It may take time: If you cannot seem to arrive at a compromise the first time you try to talk it through, don't worry. Take some time apart for everyone to process what has been said, sort through your feelings, and recharge before trying again. As tough as it can be, remember to take responsibility for your behaviors when working to resolve a conflict.
What can I do when I'm talking through my next conflict in a relationship?
Try apologizing without saying, "but..." Instead of going on the defensive, next time try saying: "I recognize that my behavior hurt your feelings, and I am sorry. That was not my intent, and it doesn't excuse how I made you feel." 

Title IX Office  Liz Woods 508-854-2791
Counseling Services 508-853-4479
Most of us want to be in a happy, healthy relationship. Maybe you’ve had a great example of a healthy relationship – your parents or your grandparents. Maybe you’re even in a healthy relationship now. But maybe you aren’t sure what a healthy relationship looks like. Maybe you’re wondering if it’s too good to be true. Or maybe that fresh, new relationship sheen has begun to dull a little and you aren’t sure if this one is worth the work of polishing.

We’ve put together 10 signs that your relationship is a healthy one.

1. You really like each other. It may seem obvious, but the most basic starting point in a healthy relationship is that you both feel comfortable truly being yourselves and you really like each other. You know each other and accept each other as you are.

2. You trust each other. When you trust your partner and believe the best about each other, then you can relax and grow closer. Without trust, you’ll have walls of self-preservation up and you won’t feel safe with each other. Which brings us to the next point . . .

3. Your relationship is a safe place. Not only do you feel physically safe in a healthy relationship, you feel emotionally safe too. You feel safe talking about your opinions, your worries, your fears, your hopes. And you respond in ways that make your partner feel safe doing the same.

4. You each have your own identity. In a healthy relationship, you’ll spend quality time together, and you’ll spend quality time apart. You’ll each have your own interests and hobbies and friends. Of course, you’ll change and grow and you’ll influence each other — maybe you’ll introduce him to the 80’s music your parents forced you to love and he’ll teach you the rules of whatever sport he played in high school, or vice versa. But neither one of you will lose the core of what makes you “you.”

5. You respect each other. You and your partner value each other’s beliefs, opinions, and priorities. You listen to each other and don’t overstep boundaries or disregard each other’s feelings.

6. You’re a team. You make decisions jointly. You work together to accomplish tasks and goals. You’re each other’s biggest cheerleader. What affects one of you affects both of you, so that neither of you feels you have to face problems or challenges alone.

7. You fight fairly. First, this assumes you disagree. Healthy relationships will include disagreements. The key is to fight fairly — you won’t call each other names or belittle the other; you won’t bring up every mistake or offense from the past; you won’t bring friends or family into the argument; you won’t become physically abusive. When you’re wrong, you apologize; and when your partner is wrong, you forgive.

8. You treat each other with kindness. Sometimes we think of treating strangers or acquaintances with the Golden Rule, but we forget to do that with our partners. In a healthy relationship, you treat your partner the way you want to be treated.

9. You communicate about sex. You talk about sexual boundaries and then respect those boundaries. You discuss your beliefs and values about sex, and you talk about your expectations. You also talk honestly about your sexual history and any exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

10. You’re both committed. In a healthy relationship, you aren’t keeping your options open. You’re committed to the one you’re in and you’re giving your best to the person you’re with. We’re not saying every healthy relationship ends in marriage – maybe once you really get to know each other, you realize you aren’t exactly compatible. But as long as you’re in the relationship, you’re committed to giving it your all.

After reading this list, you might breathe a big sigh of relief – your relationship is a healthy one. That’s great. You’re in a relationship that’s good for you and for your partner.
But maybe you’ve read the list and you’re feeling a little discouraged. You can’t honestly say you have all 10 qualities. If that’s you, then maybe you can read this list with your partner and talk about the areas that don’t match up. Can you work together to fix the issue? Or maybe the problem is a big one — there’s physical abuse or serious disrespect or unfaithfulness. Now might be the time to get some help and support from a trusted friend or family member or counselor. You deserve to be safe and respected. If you don’t feel safe, please get help.
Veteran Affairs Office
Black History Month
A Tuskegee Airman crew poses in front of a B-25. (Courtesy photo)

We are a nation of change makers, a nation of those who stand for equality and freedom. And each February during Black History Month, we honor the black Americans who came before us and still serve now, standing for their dreams and rights, and making a difference for us all.
Originally founded as "Negro History Week" in 1926 by black American historian and author Carter G. Woodson, it recognized the contributions of African Americans to the country and fostered a better understanding of the black American experience.

In 1976, President Gerald Ford issued the first African-American History Month proclamation, calling upon the American people to celebrate the event each February.
Since 1986 "National Black (Afro-American) History Month" has lived as a time set aside by law to recognize the contributions of African-Americans to our nation.

Counseling and Wellness Office

Transfer Services

Helpful Online Transfer Services


QCC Transfer Services



QCC Transfer Services
(Click on the flyer for more)

Students' Corner
Student Resources and Services
(click on the flyer for additional information)
Get your Blackboard, Q, and Q-mail questions answered!
January 20-February 3rd
Helpful Student Resources:

Instructions for Exposure to COVID-19
Events Calendar

Check out the QCC Events Calendar and stay up to date!

Read more
Please reply to this email with any questions, comments and concerns.
Fuller Student Center
670 West Boylston Street
Worcester, MA 01606