Granite State Detachment 542, Marine Corps League
Greater Hillsborough County Area
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Oorah my fellow detachment members. It is hard to believe that 2024 is already here when it seems like we had just begun 2023. Much has been accomplished in 2023, from our well run and supported fund-raising efforts, through assorted meetings and transitioning from Commandant B J Byers over to myself. It has only been with the support of our loyal and helpful membership that the work in progress has been able to be accomplished as we continue to move forward in time.
Let me remind you that there are many things that are a part of us as Marines.
(1) Civilians cannot and will not understand us because they are not one of us.
(2) The Corps - We love it. Live it and shall die for it. If you have never been in it, you shall never understand it. BTW I imagine that many Marine spouses will concur with this statement!!!
(3) THE TITLE - It cannot be inherited, nor can it ever be purchased. You and no one alive can buy it for any price. It is impossible to rent. You alone have earned it with your sweat, blood and lives. YOU own it forever, the title United States Marine.
I would be remiss if I also did not give honor and credit to our many associate members of our great organization. As important while we are serving our contracts as Marines, we likewise need many individuals and companies in our rear echelon to help and support us through our many missions. Likewise, I am truly honored to have associates as valued members of our detachment.
Now ladies and gentlemen time to "buckle down the hatches" to be moving forward with our mission and causes for our detachment, the communities and public that we serve.
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Alieni Semel, Saepius Exertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres et Sorores in Aeternum!
Strangers Once, Often Tested, Always Faithful, Brothers and Sisters Forever
Quidam Dedit Omnibus
All Gave Some, Some Gave All
Commandant - Gary Gahan
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As we transition to a new format for the Newsletter we would love to hear feedback from anyone and everyone on what you think of this new format. Are there things you would like to see added or removed?
Our members are in the community and attending activities that we would love to hear about. As you go about your day and would like to share with the detachment we would like you to email your ideas, comments, and articles on your activities to the Oorah.
Please click the button below to email us your feedback and articles ideas.
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Sr. Vice Commandant Message | |
Happy New Year Marines of the 542 Granite State Detachment!
I hope that all our members had a wonderful holiday with family and friends. Now it is time to get back to one of the things we do best in the Marine Corps League, which is fundraising to support our fellow Marines, veterans, and the greater Manchester community.
This year we are proposing five opportunities to raise money and are currently working to secure the locations.
First, we would like to set up on President’s Day Weekend (Feb 17-18) at Bass Pro Shop in Hooksett.
The second opportunity will be May 18th and 19th (prior to Memorial Day Weekend) at Bass Pro Shop and the 18th only at the Bedford, Hookset, and Manchester Market Baskets.
The third opportunity will be June 29th and 30th (near 4th of July) at Bass Pro Shop and the three aforementioned Market Baskets on June 29th only.
The fourth opportunity will be Aug 24th and 25th at the at Bass Pro Shop and the three aforementioned Market Baskets on Aug 24th only.
Our final dates will be Nov 9-10th at the Bass Pro Shop and the three aforementioned Market Baskets on Nov 9th only.
If we can get a commitment from each member to volunteer for two out of the five events (but, feel free to do more) we could raise extensive funds to help the detachment donate even more than in 2023.
We are only on site for six hours at each location, and I can tell you that three hours flew by when I volunteered at our last event. These fundraising opportunities are great ways to make our presence known in the community, to share what we do, and to bring in potential members.
Please check your calendars and let me know at our Jan meeting which dates work best for you to volunteer.
Semper Fi,
Michelle Van Valkenburg
Vice Commandant
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Jr. Vice Commandant Message | |
Hello Folks!
I am looking forward to serving as Junior Vice Commandant and to all of the responsibilities that come with it.
I am currently working on growing our numbers by creating recruiting opportunities and events.
There will be more to come!
Semper Fi
Mike Martioski
Jr Vice and Media Liaison
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The beginning of a new year is an excellent time to reevaluate what is important in your life. Set goals and work toward them.
I hope 2024 will be a remarkable and blessed year.
Don't forget to take some time out of your busy days to enjoy your family & the festive cheer of these magical holidays.
May the Lord lift you up this new year.
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Passing of Fellow GSD Members | |
It is with a heavy heart that we find ourselves with three fewer members of the Granite State Detachment this year. We went through a process, the end of this year, to reach out to all of our members that are on our roster. In this process we found out that two of our members had passed over the last two years and we were never notified.
At the end of 2023, we remember our members, our fellow Marines as they have maid their final journey. Please click on each link below to ready their full obituaries.
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New England Division Conference & Quad State Convention | |
April 19 - 21, 2024
Venue: Sheraton Nashua
11 Tara Boulevard, Nashua NH
603 888-9970
Deadline to make hotel reservations is March 28, 2024, be sure to use Quad State 2024 DNHMCL for special pricing.
Convention Registration
Before Feb 1,2024 is $30
After Feb 1 is $35.
Click the button to the left for details and to register.
Meal Selection
Banquet April 20th -Choice of:
New York Strip for $56 or
Roasted Farm Chicken for $54
Deadline to Register
March 28, 2024
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Program Book Ad Invitation
Help support the Marine Corps League and all the wonderful work we do year round with an ad in the 2024 New England Division Conference & Quad State Convention program. This program will be given out to all attendees of the event in April 2024.
This year we have six options for ad size:
Full Page Color Premium = $325 - this will go on the inside of the front cover, and the front and back of the back cover.
Full Page Color = $275
Full Page Black and White = $200
Half Page Color = $175
Half Page Black and White = $125
Quarter Page Black and White only = $75
Eighth Page Black and White only = $25
To place an order please click on the button below and email the artwork to If you prefer to use a printed order form please click the following link to print and place your order.
Deadline to place and order and get artwork sent in is March 1, 2024. Help support the MCL in NH and get out there and sell these ad spaces to local businesses or for your own business.
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Profile of Associate Member
Jim Ambrose
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Jim Ambrose - Associate Member with Granite State and Seacoast Detachments
I am originally from Bedford, Massachusetts, and lived in the Cape Cod Style house that my dad built with his friends and family. It was a very traditional upbringing at the time. My dad worked at Polaroid as a machinist, and my mom stayed home to take care of the house and me and my two sisters.
After working myself at Polaroid for five years, I saved up enough to buy a house in Newton Massachusetts at the age of 22. I lived in the house, remodeled it, and sold it after a year.
That was the beginning of about ten years of buying, remodeling, and selling houses in the greater Boston area, about eight total. I lived in every house during the remodeling. That was a true "work from home" job!
Moving on, I received my Mechanical Engineering Degree at Northeastern University in Boston. Then I moved to Rochester, NH and had a job at Nichols/Portland-Parker Hannifin in Portland, Maine, as a Manufacturing Engineer. It was a large manufacturing company of a about 450 employees that ran 24/7 making auto parts. It was a great job but it was time to get another job as the 100 mile a day commute was getting to be a burden after 16 years!
I found a great job at FlexEnergy in Portsmouth as a Mechanical Engineering Technician. FlexEnergy builds 333 kilowatt, gas fired turbine (jet engine) generators, mainly for the oil and gas industry all over the world. Several times a year I traveled to work on the equipment in many parts of the USA and Canada. One highlight was working on an oil platform 20 miles off the coast of Java, Indonesia.
I was introduced to the Granite State Marine Corps League Detachment by life member John Jenkins, who I was introduced to by my coworker Nancy Gero, while employed at FlexEnergy. I was invited to assist in a "spring social" event for veterans and their families. Having really enjoying the event I was then invited to join the detachment, which I promptly did. That was about 10 years ago.
OK, now to the Marine Corp League. At FlexEnergy, I met someone that was a MCL member along with her husband. I showed interest in their events and was invited to a "spring social" event for veterans and their families. I helped out and really enjoyed the event. I was then invited to join the MCL, which I promptly did. That was about 10 years ago.
Having been retired now from FlexEnergy for three years, I have been very actively participating it the many MCL events such as Honor Details, Firing Details, fund-raising events and social gatherings. It has been a most enjoyable and rewarding experience and all the MCL members are so appreciative, welcoming, and friendly folks!!
I volunteer at as many events as I am able, but I want to give the most credit to all the Officers and other MCL volunteers who provide all the very detailed and extensive planning that they provide.
It is hard to describe the joy of seeing the smile and excitement of a young child when handing then a little flag on a stick at the fund-raising events in front of Market basket or Bass Pro Shop!
Also, the family members at the Honor and Firing details are just so greatly appreciative of the service that we provide. Many did not even know that we would be there to honor their lost loved one.
I am a dual MCL member of both the Granite State and Seacoast Detachments. Mainly because I live about in the middle of both regions. Each detachment has their own, and sometimes shared events. I enjoy participating in as many as I am able.
In retirement, I also enjoy boating on my 24 foot Proline boat that I keep in the water at Great Bay Marine on the Piscataqua River in Newington. Going on six years with the boat, I average about 800 miles a year cruising the many miles of inland rivers and offshore out of Portsmouth Harbor.
Regards, Jim Ambrose
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The year was full of events and GSD #542 volunteers to help with each. Thanks to all that helped and we look forward to meeting new volunteers in 2024. Here are a couple of our events. | |
Building Dreams for Marines
August, 2023 Money Hole
manned by Gary Gahan and Marge Ramano
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Veterans Day Fund-raising at Market Basket in Manchester and Hooksett
November 11th
Sr. Vice Commandant Michelle Vanvalkenberg and her son Tom man the table in front of Market Basket in Manchester. It was a cold day but the donations came from people with warm hearts.
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With the proceeds from all the fund-raising events GSD held this year, with the help of our great members and volunteers, we are proud to distribute these funds to worthy Marine, Veteran, or Community organizations in NH. Below are a few of the check presentations from 2023. | |
Gary Gahan and Mary Ann Diekmann present two check to Paul Benoint of Building Dreams for Marines. The first check is for $750 from the Manchester Expeditionary Brigade and the second check is for $250 from Granitee State Detachment in a joint effort to support this great organization.
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Manchester Expeditionary Brigade and GSD542 teamed up again to make combined donations of $750 from the Manchester Expeditionary Brigade and $250 from the Granite State Detachment to Operation Delta Dog. Operation Delta Dog trains shelter dogs to become service dogs for veterans. In the picture is Gary Gahan, Charlotte Troddyn and members of their staff.
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In a short time, our new Jr. Vice Commandant, Mike Martioski, put together a weight lifting fund-raiser to benefit Homeland Heroes Foundation on December 10th. For all the details please scroll down a little in this newsletter.
Because of Mike's efforts and the generosity of all the people behind the donations, Mike was able to raise $2158 and GSD decided to help him reach his goal of $2500 and donated the balance.
Presentation of the check to Homeland Heroes Foundation; Pictured Left to Right: Julie Weymouth,
Mike Martioski, Jim Ambrose, & Gary Gahan.
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The Run for the Fallen event that took place on 9/23/23 at Waterville Valley NH. The event was for 85 service people of all branches that lost their lives in the Persian Gulf wars since 9/11.
The event was organized by the Post 35 American Legion in Hampton NH and the Seacoast Detachment #394 performed the firing detail.
There was a field of flags that consisted of a photograph and a short biography for each service member. In addition to the “field of flags”, there was also a run/walk, which was a four-mile route along which the family members had their own personal memorial for their loved ones. The memorials were spaced evenly along the entire route. People doing the "run/walk" stopped at each location to give their condolences to the family. Gary Gahan participated in the event riding his motorcycle with the "NH Patriot Guard Riders".
Jim Ambrose participated in the firing detail, but did not run or walk as four miles was out of his comfort range, however he did ride with Gary Gahan on his motorcycle, and they did stop at each family location along the route.
It was a very memorable event, and all the family members expressed their gratitude for the participation and support of the American Legion and the Marine Corp League.
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Welcome to Our New Members
Granite State Detachment #542 - 2023
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We are happy to welcome our newest members to the Granite State Detachment #542 in 2023. We are looking forward to years of friendship, camaraderie, and fun as we help fellow Marines, Veterans, and the Community together!
AJ Hebert - Joined 3/20/23
Michelle Vanvalkenburg - Joined 6/13/23
Jo Zurwell - Joined 7/12/23
Richard Marsh - Joined 9/1/23
Mike Martioski - Joined 9/1/23
Jesse Stufflebeam - Joined 9/1/23
Thomas Escandon - Joined 11/18/23
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Flag Raising at the Concord Capital Building | |
Breakfast after the Flag Raising in Concord | |
Boots on the Ground - Event at Gillette Stadium - attended by Mike Martioski | |
After we raised the flag at the Concord Capital Building, and had breakfast, it was time for lunch with MEB in Manchester.
This year the Manchester Expeditionary Brigade hosted a luncheon to celebrate the United States Marine Corps 248th Birthday on November 10th at the Derryfield Country Club.
Our Commandant Gary Gahan had the honor of cutting the cake as well as giving a speech. Fun was had by all from our detachment that attended.
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Paul Pouliot head of the Manchester Expeditionary Brigade | |
Gary Gahan addresses luncheon | |
Richard Marsh
GSD Member & Speaker
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Gary Gahan in commemoration of 248th Marine Corps birthday cuts the cake with an officers Mamaluke sword with cake bearers Joe Duquette Mark Lindsley assisting. | |
Pennies for Pounds Fundraiser | |
GSD Fundraiser for Homeland Heroes Foundation
Marine Corps League Detachment 542 and Mike Martioski had chosen to create a fundraiser and donate all profits to the Homeland Heroes Foundation! This remarkable organization is run by dedicated staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to fulfill their mission! Mike has personally utilized their services when the chips were down and he was incredibly proud to use his body as an instrument to give back to these outstanding people!
Mike competed in a weight lifting competition called "Bigger Than Your Self", at the Mass Iron Barbell Club. They graciously allowed Mike and the GSD to run a concurrent fundraiser for the Homeland Heroes Foundation.
The mission of Homeland Heroes Foundation is to offer an array of supportive services to active-duty service members, veterans, and their families in their time of need to help restore a sense of community, independence, and well-being at home.
Mike set a lofty goal of raising $2500 during this event. In three types of lifts, bench press (280#), dead lift (400#), and squat (330#), Mike was able to life a total of 1010 pounds! Side note, he did the exhibition deadlift in the BDU's he wore in Iraq 20 years ago (350#). Oorah!
With the use of social media, emails, and word of mouth to personal family and friends, we were able to raise $2,415.49! After fees associated with the event we had $2,158.47 to donate to Homeland Heroes; but we at GSD wanted to help make the goal and donated $341.53 to get the total to $2500!
Mike Martioski and Gary Gahan, Commandant, presented a check to Julie Weymouth, Cofounder of Homeland Heroes Foundation on December 13th as part of the "A Gathering of Gyrene's" hosted by the USMC, when Julie was the guest speaker.
Thank you to EVERYONE that made a donation to this great organization to help our fellow veterans. Below is a video montage of the weight lifting competition with our new JCV, Mike Martioski.
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Goal Set $2500
Goal Met $2500
Presentation of the check to Homeland Heroes Foundation
Pictured Left to Right: Julie Weymouth,
Mike Martioski,
Jim Ambrose, &
Gary Gahan.
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Christmas at Veterans Home | |
Gary Gahan, Mike and Tricia Martioski, and Jim Ambrose helping with the Christmas celebration on Christmas day at the NH State Veterans Home in Tilton NH.
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Eagle Scout Presented to
Andrew Johnson
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Eagle scout presented to Andrew Johnson on December 30th, 2023 at St James Methodist Church, Merrimack NH by Gary Gahan of GSD MCL. Andrew is attending as a Freshman, at Saint Anselm College, Manchester, majoring in political science with becoming a lawyer ultimately.
Pictured below (left to right): Gary Gahan, Nancy Johnson (Mom), Andrew Johnson, and Jason Johnson (Dad).
Congratulations on this great accomplishment, we at the GSD are proud of you!
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David "Doc" Freschi - Doc's Honor Flight
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Pre-dawn darkness
Still waits morning's kiss
The eerie, mournful, honoring
Pitch of the pipes, salutes
A class of fading warriors
A gentle, stirring welcome familiar
To any, whoever served.
Mount up, a little creaking here
To flashing blue, as escorts
Whisk us on first steps out
Still, some trepidation lingers
Emotions tumble, questions,
Excitement, doubt, and yes,
A touch of fear, march across the heart
Crowds line the airport lobbies
Young, old, kisses, hugs, handshakes
Tears threaten to tumble free
Shoulders rise, brief reminders
Of youthful days, stepping up
Stepping up to the call
Plane crew, no false courtesy
Just warmth and welcome
DC arrives and another crowd
The welcome takes up
Feelings now start the march
Towards expectation, a
Touch of pride, accepting a day of Memories forever burned into hearts Like wrinkles in our aging faces
The memorial visits start
Guardians, one for each of us
Talk, guide, listen and
Our dignity their first duty
Each step a precious piece of history unfolds
For me, as always, Viet Nam
The wall a sacred church visit
Always hushed, name upon name Some, their death reports I wrote Details march still, across my mind
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No names though, no names remembered
Though I probably read them here Perhaps that's how it should be
Their spirits walk with me still
Their blood, their sweat, their words
I taste, I smell, I hear today
The Korean memorial beckons
A sunny day, yet perfect
Battle grayness dominates
I stand and stare at a lone corpsman My job too, his exhaustion,
His alertness mine and still felt today
I live again that brief second as the Body starts to follow training
And fear and emotion are tamped
To answer action's call
To move through danger to help
We sit a bit, talking
Questions, inciteful and respectful
From my guardian
We move on through the day
Memories, experiences, tears,
Laughter, healing, all blend
Simple moments
Powerful, and satisfaction grows
A few minutes with an EMT
"Doc, you pioneered for me."
Just a few minutes, a gift of pride
A forever memory
Weariness starts the inevitable touch While spirits lighter become
A final dinner, speeches done
And closing flight home
No jeers, no insults, no pains
Honor Flight, where kindness and honor Meet honor and pain
And pain is turned to drifting, leaves
And the freeing light of forgiveness Beckons, and in mists those leaves fade
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Thanksgiving at the VA Home | |
This following message was written by Jim Ambrose to the head of the NH VA home where he volunteered serving Thanksgiving dinner. - Thank you Jim for your time that you donate to our veterans all year long.
"Volunteering on Thanksgiving day helping serve dinner to the Veterans at the New Hampshire State Veterans Home was a very special and rewarding experience.
I was there representing the Marine Corp League Granite State Detachment #542, and Marine Corp League Seacoast Detachment #394.
The dinner was so well organized and all the veterans were most appreciative of the extra social attention. I enjoyed the short but special individual visits with many of them.
The staff was very helpful and greatly appreciative of the extra help. Also, the other volunteers I met were such nice and friendly folks.
Thank you so much for your help to coordinate my visit at the Veterans Home and helping me help the Veterans. I will most certainly volunteer for future events as needed." Jim Ambrose
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Gary Gahan and Paul Coutu and a few others piled in their vehicles and went up to the Show of Lights presentation at the NH Motor Speedway in December to enjoy all the show had to offer. Here are some pictures from their outing. | |
The last FUNday Breakfast was had on December 30th, with good food, raffle winners, and the grand prize for the end of the year drawing. | |
Gary Gahan presented a thank you card and gift card for GSD's appreciation to Susie Sciacia, for setting up and serving our group all year long. | |
Gary Gahan is with "Tom Brady" Van Valkeburg as he pulls the first name of the Super FUNday drawing. | |
Super FUNday end of the year drawing winners.
Joe Duquette stood in for his cousin Roger Duquette who was not in attendance as the winner of the $50 gift card,
Chris Pierce and Mike Martioski each won a $25 gift card.
Commandant Gahan won the grand prize (pooled kitty) of $930 and he is donating it, with an additional $70 to the detachment to use towards the 2023 Commandant scholarship award. This will be in addition to the annual Diekmann scholarship award.(Amount not determined yet)
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Join us for our next FUNday breakfast on January 27th at 0800 at the Airport Diner on Brown Ave, Manchester to join in on all this fun! Hope to see you there! | |
Below please find some links for the VA website that may be helpful to you.
VA benefits can help Veterans and their families buy homes, earn degrees, start careers, stay healthy, and more. Join an event for conversation and information.
Outreach Materials
Use our outreach materials to help Veterans manage their journey with VA and learn about their benefits.
State Departments of VA Offices
Select a state or territory below to visit the website for that location’s Department of Veterans Affairs office.
Whether you’re just getting out of the service or you’ve been a civilian for years now, the VA Welcome Kit can help guide you to the benefits and services you’ve earned.
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Detachment members and guests please post these dates and times to your calendars, in advance, so that you won't miss one of these
upcoming events that may be important to you.
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September 1st - Membership Dues are due. Members who have not sent in their payment yet, please watch for a private email from Gary Gahan with details as to how payments can be made.
Monthly Member Meeting - Every 2nd Tuesday at 1830 for the detachment meeting at the Manchester Elks Lodge @ 290 Granite Street.
Upcoming Meeting Dates
January 9, 2024
February 13, 2024
March 12, 2024
Monthly Breakfast -Every last Saturday of the month at 0800 at the Airport Diner for the FUNday meet-n-greet breakfast @ 2280 Brown Avenue, Manchester.
Upcoming Breakfast Dates
January 27, 2024
February 24, 2024
March 30, 2024
March 1, 2024
Deadline for ads for the Quad State Convention Program
March 28, 2024
Deadline to register for the Quad State Convention
April 19-21, 2024
Quad State Convention - Sheraton Hotel - Nashua, NH - see more details above
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in Granite State Detachment 542
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Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps.
Our mission is to voluntarily aid and render assistance to all Marines, FMF Chaplains, FMF Corpsmen and former Marines, FMF Chaplains and FMF Corpsmen and to their widows and orphans.
Our Membership Coverage Area is the greater Hillsborough County with some towns in Rockingham County. For the full list of towns we encompass, please check out our membership page on our website.
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Monthly Meetings
When: Monthly Meetings of the Granite State Detachment are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month
Where: The Elks Lodge #146 located at 290 Granite St in Manchester
Time: Meetings begin promptly and 1830
Info: Membership is not a requirement for attendance and guests are always welcome to attend these events.
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Granite State Detachment #542 Officers | |
If you are interested please contact Gary Gahan.
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Marine 4 Life
If you are interested please contact Gary Gahan.
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You have received this email because you have subscribed for a newsletter at We will never sell or share your information, and will be used for informational purposes only. You can always unsubscribe from our mailing list, by clicking on Unsubscribe. | |
Granite State Marines League Detachment 542
PO Box 3857
Manchester, NH 03105
Meetings Held at Elk's Lodge at
290 Granite Street, Manchester, NH
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