Ontario By Bike E-News: October
Autumn Cycling in Haldimand County
Photo Credit: Haldimand Tourism

The beginning of autumn in Southern Ontario is signaled by crisp, cool weather and spectacular colours, the perfect conditions for a scenic ride.

There is no better place to enjoy the beauty of autumn than in Haldimand County, located only a short drive from Hamilton and other major urban centres in Southern Ontario. The peaceful beauty of this rural area makes it the perfect get-away for a day ride or weekend adventure.

Read our new blog post and find out more about the fantastic Haldimand Tour with lots of scenic stops, attractions, great restaurants and breweries.

Ontario By Bike's 2019 Photo Contest

Photo credit: John Todd
Don't miss your chance and take part in this year's Ontario By Bike Photo Contest. We are still open for submissions one more month. 

Slow down for a moment and capture your cycling adventures featuring your bike, cycling buddies and favourite ride locations to enter our  2019 Photo Contest.

Send us a variety of your top shots. Win a prize and get the honour to have your photo published in our 2020 Cycling in Ontario guide.

Find details at above link and submit your photo/s by  email before contest closes November 20, 2019. 
Fall Rides on the Escarpment
Photo Credit: The Heart of Ontario

The best fall colours are most often viewed from a height advantage. Looking out across forests of yellow, orange and reds can be awe inspiring. One of the best vantage points in Ontario is from and along the Niagara Escarpment. This treasured UNESCO World Biosphere stretches in length a full 725km in Ontario, from Niagara Falls through to the Bruce Peninsula. Many of the regions the Escarpment arcs through have bike routes that are easily accessible and make for a perfect seasonal ride to experience scenic rocky cliff faces, forests, waterfalls and the changing leaves. Try one of the following:
Layer Up, Layer Down

The secret of late season riding is layers. Regardless of the time of day you set out or forecasted weather the smartest way to ride is with a few extra and easily removable clothing items. If you are travelling light, and carrying no panniers, slip on a pair of arm and leg warmers, and when well heated roll them off into a small bundle that can fit neatly into back pockets of cycling jersey's. A light weight jacket can also be just as easily rolled into pockets or stashed in an under saddle bag. 
Of course if you are cycling with panniers, weather challenges and temperature changes can be minimized by carrying your favourite ride gear just a reach away. If planning an extended mid-ride rest stop or apres ride get together, don't forget a dry and extra layer to avoid a post ride chill.
Ontario By Bike Ride Recap 

With shorter days and colder weather coming up, we are slowly heading towards the end of this year's 
cycling season. For our last newsletter this year, we want to look back on a successful 2019 Ontario By Bike Ride season and share some of our memories with you.  Once again, we had a brilliant summer with lots of passionate riders, amazing volunteers and fantastic local supporters joining us on our tours all over Ontario.

If you weren't able to join us, feel free to download and replicate our ride itineraries to enjoy your own self-supported Ontario By Bike ride. Find all at: OntarioByBike.ca/Resources/Itineraries
We kicked off our 2019 ride season in June with the Trent Severn Trail Tour, a two-day ride through stunning Kawarthas Northumberland, cycling along the Trans Canada Trail from Campbellford to Fenelon Falls. Well-maintained rail trails and picturesque views from the Ranney Gorge Suspension Bridge and Doube's trestle bridge are just some of the highlights from this trip.
On the long August weekend, we took our riders out to Gananoque for the 1000 Island Ride along the St. Lawrence River, soaking up the beautiful landscapes and rich history of early Canadian settlements before ending up in Cornwall. Tons of islands and cute little towns nestled along the riverbed made this ride an unforgettable trip.
Later that month it was time for an urban excursion. Our Ottawa City & Country Ride brought us to our nation's beautiful capital. A day of quiet back roads enjoying the peaceful rural scenery was followed by an urban roll through Ottawa along the canals with lots of stops at museums and city sights.
Early fall was a perfect time for our last ride, heading south west to Oxford County. This Rural Road Ride through Ontario's cheese capital was filled with farmland scenery, lots of cheese sampling and a stop at the Tillsonburg airport for a private tour of the Harvard hangers, before heading back to Woodstock where we officially finished this year's group ride season.
At this point we would like to send out a big thank you to all our fellow riders who joined us this year as well as all the kind volunteers and our tourism partners who helped us make this year's Ontario By Bike rides as great as they were.
We are already working on some great ideas for next year and will publish the trips for next summer in February 2020. Make sure to keep following us and don't miss out on the fun.

Cycling in Ontario Guide 2019

Each year we publish the popular Cycling in Ontario / Le velo en Ontario guide. This 40-page magazine  is packed full of resources, feature stories and over 50 self-guided day-trips and overnight itineraries for recreational and experienced cyclists, as well as mountain bikers. 

As summer is slowly coming to an end and we are heading towards fall cycling season, cooler weather and beautiful orange and red coloured forests will offer some great times to ride your bike
Order your printed copy for some inspiration and find out more about cycling in Ontario. 
The magazine is free of charge, just send an email,  info@ontariobybike.ca with your mailing address and we will send you your copy home.
Stay Connected with Ontario By Bike!
Share using the hashtag #OntarioByBike & #BikeON!
Ontario By Bike Cycling Jerseys

Our limited edition cycling jerseys get a lot of compliments as they make their way around Ontario and the world on the backs of those cyclists that have connected with us to place their order. 

Printed in late 2018, we now have limited sizes available, but are looking to make a re-order once our stock is depleted and in early 2020.  These colourful, high quality and casual-fitted shirts will be the envy of your cycling friends and also make for a great gift. 

Cost: $80, plus $5 shipping, HST included. 
To order: Email info@ontariobybike.ca to check size availability and set up an EFT or cheque payment. View size chart HERE

This is our last enewsletter of 2019. With the ride season wrapping up for most, we will be turning our sights and spinning our wheels on an number of other projects through till February, including work on the 2020 Cycling in Ontario/Le velo en Ontario guide. 

We'll be back in touch early in the new year with more information and inspiration, to help you explore Ontario By Bike.

Thank you for reading.  

Ontario By Bike Network 
Project of Transportation Options 
850 Coxwell Ave ~ Toronto, ON ~ M4C 5R1 
Office : 416-827-2774 
Toll-Free : 1-866-701-2774 

Want to read more: Link to our e-Newsletter archive HERE