OneSource Center Nonprofit News

May 2024

~Together We Build a Thriving Community for All~

Christie's Reflections

"Collaboration" is a word we use every day, but what does it really mean for nonprofits? What kind of intentionality and process needs to be in place to make collaboration between agencies a powerful force for change? How do nonprofits create collaborative relationships that share missions in a way that strengthen and streamline impact and make more efficient use of resources? That better serve their clients in quantifiable ways?

In a recent survey of our members, we learned that nearly 90% of respondents were interested in enhanced collaboration opportunities to help them better achieve their missions and goals. On the strength of that, OneSource Center is pleased to share that we have have launched new collaboration initiatives designed to facilitate efficient sharing of information, resources, funding opportunities and success stories among like-minded agencies.

The first of these initiatives is to work within various sectors to bring agencies together for learning and discussion. Our first group is the Immigrant and Refugee Services Collaboration, which was launched with a successful in-person meeting on April 23rd. Read more about this exciting collaboration group below.

The second initiative meets the needs of those agencies for whom virtual collaboration is key. LINKAGE, OneSource Center's online Application, allows agencies to collaborate universally and in real time. The platform allows group discussion, sharing of resources, the ability to poll and garner feedback, and can schedule both virtual and in-person events.

OneSource Center would like to extend its thanks to the Haile Foundation who provided the funds necessary for both of these collaboration initiatives.


Laura-Aurora ("L-A", like the city) Stopa, Manager of Marketing and Development

L-A's favorite thing to do is to tell stories about extraordinary people and organizations doing extraordinary things. At OneSource Center, she is delighted to get to do this all day long through this newsletter, social media, email communications and in all sorts of creative ways to let our nonprofit community know that they are appreciated, recognized and most of all, supported.

At the very bottom of this newsletter you'll find the "Good News Submission Button" where you can send success stories from your agency that L-A can share with your fellow OneSource Center members to keep them inspired and energized...even on the rainiest days. Thanks in advance for sharing your good news!

Beth Kotzin, Manager of Volunteer Services

Beth is looking forward to getting to know all of our OneSource Center consultants and support their work helping our consulting clients achieve growth, become more strategic and maximize the impact of their missions. Her expansive experience from copywriting to marketing/PR to video production to newspaper editing and back to marketing before turning to volunteer management makes her a powerhouse addition to the OneSource Center staff. Because Beth finds great satisfaction in matching volunteers with projects just right for them, under her leadership OneSource Consulting services will continue to grow alongside the nonprofits they serve.

Beth is a born and raised Cincinnatian where she lives with her husband Scott, who is a physician. Beth and Scott have three sons: Jacob, 24, who is finishing his second year at the Ohio University medical school and twins Joshua and Benjamin, 20, who are finishing their sophomore years at Miami University and the University of Missouri respectively. They also have a dog, Tulip, who they spoil rotten.

Sammy Ali, Common Good Store Delivery Driver

OneSource Center is delighted to introduce Sammy Ali, who spreads good news throughout the community as he makes deliveries of furniture and other goods right to the doors of nonprofits. This job suits Sammy perfectly, as he values opportunities to talk to people about their missions, passions and activism. Sammy reports that "Our clients seem overjoyed to see us!" We think it's possible that they are actually overjoyed to meet Sammy, whose warm, easygoing manner makes him the perfect OneSource Center ambassador.

Sammy has a background in history and anthropology and is passionate about activism to support equality for folks who need it most. Sammy comes to OneSource from the Underground Railroad Freedom Center where he was the National Sales Manager of DEI and previously worked at the Cincinnati Museum Center.

Want to meet Sammy? Shop the many quality, functional furniture items in the Common Good Store needed in your workspace and schedule a delivery!


Better together logo


Collaboration between agencies - June 11, 9:00 - 11:00

Collaboration between agencies and their boards - September

Collaboration between agencies and their supporters - November

Look for registration information coming soon!


Give Like a Mother (GLAM) is a non-profit organization and OneSource member that provides customized clothing packs to children and teens in Greater Cincinnati. They accept gently used clothing, coats, and shoes from the community and use these items to provide comfort and confidence to the children we serve. 

The GLAM team creates a made-to-order clothing pack based on the child's size, gender, and style preferences. Here is how GLAM clients describe the joy they found in their clothing packs:

"We are in a bad place financially. My son is 8 years old and was going to start third grade this year with one pair of jeans. Luckily, we had clothes, shoes, underwear, and socks donated to us from GLAM. They were name brand and pretty much brand new, I mean they were amazing! My son was so happy with the clothes." -Kayla

"My kids are always happy to open something new. We had just come from a homeless situation in which we had to start completely over with everything so anything handed to them is a blessing for sure. I like how I described what they like and y’all try your best to find something in that matter like Mickey Mouse! My three-year old daughter was happy to see Minnie Mouse in her bag. And oh my God, the Pokémon shirts my sons love!" -Danielle

Take a minute to listen to Aubree Story, GLAM's Program Coordinator (otherwise known as the Director of Miscellaneous Things), talk about how they became OneSource Center members and how their membership supports their ability to do their good work. Click on the video here.


OneSource Center's inaugural Immigration and Refugee Services Collaboration meeting took place at iSPACE in Evendale, Ohio on April 23rd.

In attendance were over over a dozen nonprofit agency leaders hearing from City Councilwoman Meeka Owens, City of Cincinnati Human Services Director Deanna White, and Congressman Greg Landsman about legislation, support and funding for the immigrant community. Ever-evolving legislation, confusion about current policies, workplace discrimination and the economic challenges immigrants face make collaboration between these agencies of utmost importance.

To build on the momentum and continue the heartfelt conversations that took place at the meeting, OneSource Center has selected regional nonprofits that support immigrants and refugees to be the first community to take advantage of our new online collaboration application LINKAGE. The Immigration and Refugee Services Collaboration group is now live on the application sporting 39 active members... and growing. It is our hope that the sharing of information, legislative updates, resources, funding opportunities and success stories among these organizations will help them move more powerfully and effectively through the never-ending twists and turns in their uniquely challenging work.

LINKAGE has the capability to host up to 1000 nonprofit collaboration groups, so in time OneSource Center will be adding additional specific-interest groups to use the platform to supercharge their work and get daily inspiration from like-minded nonprofit leaders. If you are interested in forming a collaborative group within your sector, please let us hear from you!

We look forward to bringing you updates on the positive outcomes of this new initiative and welcome your ideas and suggestions about how we can encourage collaboration across the nonprofit spectrum to magnify impact across the board.


OneSource Center is reconvening an Advisory Board to help inform our work to better serve the nonprofit community.

We are seeking Executive Directors from agencies with budgets under $1 million to attend 4 meetings per year to provide input on various topics affecting the nonprofit community.

Bob Mecum, formerly with Lighthouse Youth Services and now a OneSource Consultant, will lead the luncheon sessions. Interested Executive Directors can complete this form and Bob will follow up with you.

The first session is planned for June 27.


OneSource Member Open House

June 13, 2024 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. Tours and Open shopping for Member AND Non-member Agencies

11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. BBQ Lunch and more!

Stay tuned for more details...


Up Your Nonprofit Leadership Game!

The EXCEL program is a nine-month leadership development and skills training program for nonprofit executive directors and those reporting directly to them. This program is designed to enrich the capabilities of those individuals leading or preparing to lead nonprofit organizations in our region.

The EXCEL 2024-25 cohort will meet approximately once a month starting in October 2024 and culminate with graduation in June 2025. Candidates for EXCEL must submit an application and have the full support and commitment of their organization to participate in the nine-month program. The selection process seeks to ensure a diverse group of participant backgrounds, organizations, and functional areas of responsibility.

Learn more about and Apply for EXCEL Here

AI's Got Talent: An Introduction to AI tools

May 09, 2024 9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

Virtual Event

Get ready for an engaging introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, where we'll unravel its inner workings and marvel at its remarkable ability to mimic human-like creativity. But hey, we'll also keep it real by discussing the current boundaries and limitations. Come curious, leave inspired! Gain valuable insights into the "transformative" capabilities of AI and how it produces helpful outputs and saves time. Plus, we'll spice things up with a live demonstration, giving you a sneak peek into the magic of creative data analytics.

Our presenter is Jeffrey Shaffer, a Professor-Educator at the Lindner College of Business in Operations, Business Analytics and Information Systems (OBAIS). He is also the Vice President of I.T. and Analytics at Unifund and Recovery Decision Science and is the co-author of The Big Book of Dashboards.

Register Here

Stumbling Towards Inclusion: Finding Grace in Imperfect Leadership

May 16, 2024, 12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.

Virtual Event

In this session, Priya Nalkur, Ed.D., provides support for leaders on their journey towards inclusive leadership. She tells her own story as a dual immigrant and woman of color who has devoted her life to helping individuals become better inclusive leaders. She shares her knowledge and experience with helping leaders as they travel this road. Note: Attendees will be entered to win a copy of her new book, Stumbling Towards Inclusion: Finding Grace in Imperfect Leadership.

Register Here

Being Present: Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace

Date: June 6, 2024 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Location: OneSource Center for Nonprofit Excellence

936 Dalton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45203

In this interactive 90-Minute overview, discover the benefits of practicing mindfulness in the workplace. Mindfulness has scientific support as a means to reduce stress, improve attention and productivity, decrease emotional reactivity and promote a general sense of health and well-being. This training will include opportunities to practice mindful skills with an emphasis on breath awareness, mind-body connections, communication skills and showing compassion for self and others. 

Our presenter Arlene Herman, is a certified mindfulness and meditation teacher.

This workshop is open to current 2024 OneSource members only and the class is limited to 10 participants. Not sure if your membership is up-do-date? Check your status here.

Register Here


Major Gift Fundraising headaches?

Are your donors leaving out the back door almost as quickly as they come in the front?

Are you wondering how to manage a major gift team, or even how to set one up for the first time?

Does the complexity of planned giving overwhelm – or even scare you?

Get the help you need...take your Free Donor Assessment here.

Planning a capital campaign?

Gail Perry Group has compiled their favorite articles to help you organize and roll out a wildly successful capital campaign to fund your important mission.

Organized into sections, you can find what you need when you need it.

Most of these articles reveal deeper campaign strategies that can help you move your campaign forward quickly—and successfully!

Peruse the Capital Campaign Resource Center here.

Writer's block?

Introducing a groundbreaking resource that revolutionizes the way nonprofit professionals craft compelling stories.

"Story Prompts for Nonprofits" provides an unparalleled collection of over 900 carefully curated story prompts, designed to ignite your creativity and help you generate captivating stories at a moment's notice. 

Say hello to endless inspiration! Get your FREE book Story Prompts for Nonprofits.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month

  • May 9 OneSource Center Webinar: AI's Got Talent: An Introduction to AI tools
  • May 13 Hamilton County Planning & Development NP Services RFP Q & A 
  • May 14 Virtual Class: Introduction to Proposal Writing
  • May 15 PBPO Quarterly Employment Webinar Series
  • May 15 The Daniel and Susan Pfau Foundation LOI Deadline
  • May 15 The Donald C. and Laura M. Harrison Family Foundation LOI Deadline
  • May 16 AFP Webinar: Are You Using Data To Evaluate Your Major & Middle Giving Programs?
  • May 16 OneSource Center Webinar: Stumbling Towards Inclusion: Finding Grace in Imperfect Leadership
  • June 1 Elsa Sule Foundation LOI Deadline
  • June 1 Middletown Community Foundation Grant Requests Deadline
  • June 3 Hamilton County Planning & Development NP Services RFP due
  • June 6 One Source Center Event: Being Present: Practicing Mindfulness in the Workplace
  • June 6 PBPO Employment Helpline
  • June 15 Andrew Jergens Foundation LOI Deadline
  • June 15 Duke Energy: Urban Revitalization Grant Deadline
  • June 15 The Thomas J. Emery Memorial Grant Deadline
  • June 15 Warren County Discretionary Grant Deadline
  • June 15 William O. Purdy Jr. Foundation Fund LOI Deadline
  • June 25 Giving USA Briefing
Visit the OneSource Center Calendar Here For More Grant & Training Information



Thank you to Messer Construction for your continued support in 2024. Your heart for philanthropy ensures that our regional nonprofits have the support they need to do the important things they do. We appreciate you!

Share Your Good News!

What's going on in YOUR nonprofit's world? Do you have a success story share? We love our members and would be thrilled to share your story. Contact L-A Stopa with your good news.

Good News Submission Button
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