October 7, 2022 || CARU Staff
One of Eleven Determined Youth Will Become the CARU-BC Representative
The Youth Ministries Department of the Caribbean Union Conference is getting ready to crown a youth representative, as it hosts the union-wide Bible Connection (BC) competition finals on Sabbath, October 15, 2022. 

Among the eleven participating entities of the Caribbean Union Conference (CARU) are its four missions, six conferences, and the University of the Southern Caribbean (USC). The youth directors of all CARU fields, coaches, sponsors, supporters and youth representatives will assemble at the USC campus, for the annual event.

“This is the first time that six of the young people are competing in the upcoming Bible competition,” said Pastor Marvyn Smith, the CARU Youth Director and coordinator of this youth event.  He added, “It’s a great blessing to see the impact this initiative is having in the lives of so many young people.  We want young people to walk closer with Jesus, learn about His life, passion and ministries, so that they, in turn, can continue impacting the lives of people in their communities every day and every week”.

The Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church selected the Book of Revelation as the study guide for Adventist Youth Bible Connection-2022. Pastor Smith commented, “Studying the Book of Revelation is both fulfilling and rewarding. When understood properly, the prophecies of Revelation have practical purposes. Studying them will, first, move young people to soul-searching and help them understand how they should live today while waiting for the future hope. Then, it will motivate them to take seriously their eternal destiny and to find their place in this world as they reach people around with the gospel message. This should help them to focus on preaching the last book of the Bible”.
Participants will get a chance to showcase their Bible knowledge and respond to questions from the study guide, during several rounds.  Each one will aim for the single spot to represent the Caribbean Union as its youth delegate, during the Inter-American Division (IAD) Bible Connection finals. 

The Guyana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be represented by Xabisa Hamilton who holds the distinction of representing the Caribbean Union at the IAD Bible Connection finals for the last three years.  As the Youth Director of the Guyana Conference, during those years, Pastor Smith was privileged to facilitate such youthful resolve. 

The in-person event is scheduled to begin at 3:00 p.m., and will feature a musical concert that includes the famed University of the Southern Caribbean Orchestra. Online attendees can visit the social media platform of the Caribbean Union Conference to view the event.
Caribbean Union Conference | 868 223 3885|info@carusda.org | www.caribbeanunionadventists.org