Quiet your Mind, Open Your Heart, Restore Your Spirit
Cantor Lisa Levine/YOGA SHALOM

Contact Lisa!
T o learn more about
Yoga Shalom other Programming and Music 
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Friday, February 10 2017
Soulful Shabbat
Temple Israel
Miami, FL

Sunday, February 19th 2017
Yoga Shalom, Chant & Chardonnay
Temple Emanu-El
Miami, FL 

February 12-17 2017
Mission to Cuba! 
February 14th, 2017
 Songs of Love and Peace Concert
Sephardic Synagogue
Havana, Cuba 

February 26th, 2017
4:00 PM EST
Harmony in Unison
Live Facebook Concert

March 16, 2017
Yoga Shalom
Brandeis Women of D.C.
10:30 a.m.
Temple Shalom
Chevy Chase, MD

April 28, 2017
Soulful Shabbat
Congregation Kol Ami
Elkins Park, PA



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One Yah For All! 
February,  2017
Tevet/Shevat  5777


Dear Friends,
      As a chaplain I often know the religious preference of the person I'm visiting because it appears on my rounds sheet.  When I enter the room I do a spiritual accessment to discover if my patient is practicing the religion which is listed.  This is crucial because when I engage in conversation and prayer,  I want to do so in language which will resonate for them.  This does not mean I abandon my theology and my beliefs. On the contrary, my spiritual address remains intact and is big part of what I bring into the space with me.  But it means that I use a prayer vocabulary which will be meaningful  and inclusive to my patient and his/her family in the intention of offering healing and hope.  I wrote my song "Bring Healing Down" a gospel healing song, for such occasions and I will often invite patients and their families to create their own prayers within that song.  It is powerful tool with which I connect with peoples of other faith traditions without compromising my authentic self.
     I notiiced at the Inauguration ceremony of our President there was l lot of praying going on.  The messages were hopeful and well intended.  Most of the prayers,  which were directed for our goverment, our leaders, our nation, concluded with the words "In the name of Jesus Christ we pray."  Now don't get me wrong.  I think Jesus was a phrophetic figure and a trail blazing rabbi in his own right. A great teacher and leader, he followed his own idea of what was just in his own time which is something I believe we should emulate.  However, I do not accept Jesus Christ as my Messiah or my Savior.  So when I hear clergy praying on behalf of our country, which includes many people who pray to other names of Yah (God), it deeply concerns and frustrates me that these religious leaders have not considered the beliefs and inclusion of ALL the people of our land.  
     Step by step, march by march, prayer by prayer we will join together with people who are united by a "Higher Power" in whatever form that takes, using our calling to bring justice, understanding and equality to all the peoples of our land and our world.  Through meaningful dialogue, respect and true insight to 'the other' we WILL achieve the basic human right of dignity and respect. One Yah for All!  



Click on the "Hear Now" Webpage  below and join me in spreading my message of peace and non-violence in the world. #bridgetopeace #nogunsnowarnomore 

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Don't miss Behrman House Publications 
  "Hebrew in Harmony".  D etails:  

Purchase Yoga Shalom @


Highlights of January!  
Lisa in the Studio with Sam Glaser finishing up her LP Bridge To Peace! Thanks Sam! 
Lisa with her teacher Reb Hanna Tiferet Siegel and performing at the OHALAH Cabaret Showcase!  
MLK Shabbat Featuring Lori Williams and the Wilson Sr. HS Choir, Tariq Al Sabir and the Washington Revel Jubilee Voices!  The Reverend Katherine Pegues delivered the sermon to a full house! 

We walked the walked and we talked the talk, area Cantors leading the Religious Action Center Prayer Breakfast then marching on Washington!  

Update: Lisa recorded the final tracks for the LP version of Bridge To Peace with Producer/Arranger Sam Glaser. Watch for the release of Bridge To Peace LP November 2017.

Featuring brand new songs for singing, sharing and bringing peace to the world. #bridgetopeace

Go here to listen and to purchase the EP:

Mending Hearts Making Peace:    A Spiritual Awakening and  Chant Practice for Healing and Wholeness
Sacred chant and drumming opens a pathway into the deepest parts of our souls and has the power to release stress, stir emotions and open the heart and body to healing and a connection with the Holy. Cantor Lisa has been writing healing music chants and adapting prayer melodies for her embodiment work in Yoga Shalom for years. Now Lisa has written some new deeply spiritual melodies which will help focus your intention on the path to wholeness, healing and inner peace. Practice includes guided meditations, creative movement, drumming, singing and kirtan chant.