Sharing news from January 2022

One Health Happenings
One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared monthly by the

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Thank you to so MANY of you for helping raise awareness about One Health thinking and Acting by participating in #OneHealthAwarenessMonth. Hundreds of social media posts have gone around the world this month reaching thousands of people teaching about One Health and One Health issues.
Keep the momentum going!!! 
Use the One Health Awareness Month Calendar to teach about One Health all year long.
COVID-19 and One Health
Related News

Don't forget to Check out and use
'See over 250 popular media OpEds, Commentaries, Podcasts and other media from around the world about the coronavirus pandemic that mention and/or call for One Health by name or theory ......... because popular media is read by the 'public'. Be sure to click on both 2020 and 2021 to fully appreciate the number of items that have been published.
Pandemic Related
Commentaries and Blogs

The minds and books behind the guiding principle - One Health - adopted this year by the G7, G20 and World Health Assembly to reform public health. By Craig Carter and Bruce Kaplan In: IMPAKTER
Université de Montréal professor Hélène Carabin, an epidemiologist in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the School of Public Health, is the co-lead author of this 30-page brief. Carabin argues for making animals and the environment part of the human equation in planning for future epidemics.

Digital Essay -
2020 was a year that none of us could have predicted. (As was 2021) Yet in many ways it is a culmination of the predictions we have heard for decades. Authors: Alders R, Dar O, Kock R, Rampa F, Chatham House, October 2020
- Our globalized food systems pose a threat to human, animal, and environmental health
- Our food systems are inherently unequal and further exacerbate inequities
- Actions for multilaterals, governments, communities, and individuals to take NOW, by 2030 and beyond.

Conclusion: International Solidarity and Sustainable Values
Other News
One Health Spotlight!!!!

by One Health Norway at U Oslo

"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come" Victor Hugo

In a world transformed by COVID-19, we've awoken to the need to do things differently.
April 27-29, 2022 

On the occasion of the launching of the new Helmhotz Institute for One Health (HIOH) at the University of Greifswald by The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), the University of Greifswald (UG), the University Medical Center Greifswald (UMG) and the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI Federal Research Institute for Animal Health). The rapid development of resistance to vaccines and therapeutics further exacerbates the threat posed by these pathogens. It is increasingly clear that global human health is a product of human-animal and environmental interactions. This means that isolated approaches focusing solely on human or animal health are insufficient to understand the genesis and spread of infectious diseases and to enable the development of innovative coping measures. The planned HIOH in Greifswald therefore takes a holistic approach that focuses on the health of humans and animals within their environment. The OHCG 2022 aims to promote interdisciplinary interaction and collaboration between the different approaches and directions of human, animal, and environmental health within One Health research, as a prerequisite for the further development of the entire research field. Organized into three sessions: 1. Pathogen-host-environment interactions, 2. Past, present, and future of zoonotic events 3. Antimicrobial resistance, vaccinology, and prevention. Questions contact the Scientific Committee:
Workshop Report Released
The Forum on Microbial Threats of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held a virtual workshop on February 23-25, 2021, titled Systematizing the One Health Approach in Preparedness and Response Efforts for Infectious Disease Outbreaks. The workshop gave particular consideration to research opportunities, multisectoral collaboration mechanisms, community-engagement strategies, educational opportunities, and policies that speakers have found effective in implementing the core capacities and interventions of One Health principles to strengthen national health systems and enhance global health security. This Proceedings of a Workshop summarizes the presentations and discussions of the workshop.
Wildlife Disease Association new mission statement highlights commitment to One Health. 

Previous statement: The mission of the Wildlife Disease Association is to acquire, disseminate, and apply knowledge of the health and diseases of wild animals in relation to their biology, conservation, and interactions with their environment, humans, and domestic animals

New Mission Statement: The mission of the Wildlife Disease Association is to promote healthy wildlife and ecosystems, biodiversity conservation, and environmentally sustainable solutions to One Health challenges.
GOHi and partners will collaborate in a five-year CDC cooperative agreement with the Government of Ethiopia to strengthen workforce capacity within a network of hospitals and a central laboratory to provide rapid detection, response and prevention of infectious disease threats. These funds allow GOHi to continue its One Health-related work to bolster infection prevention and control measures, implement laboratory quality assurance to maintain high levels of accuracy and proficiency and build capacity through training, mentoring and evaluation. GOHi’s project is part of the CDC’s Global Action in Healthcare Network, one of two global networks established by the CDC to combat antimicrobial resistance and infectious diseases that will span more than 50 countries worldwide. The CDC has awarded $22 million to nearly 30 organizations around the globe.
Hands-on graduate class introduces students to One Health approach. Started in summer 2018, this course provides field experience in outbreak investigation for students from all three universities.
Offered in Spanish and Catalan by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), this program provides interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training to professionals from different areas of knowledge to analyze the risks of the climate crisis for human health, assess the possible impact, and propose adaptation and mitigation solutions. [Note: While not ‘exactly’ the same (Planetary Health focuses on human health and would never be talking about comparative medicine or human-animal bond), One Health and Planetary Health are closely related sister movements and the One Health Commission applauds the similarities and much needed efforts].

Conference Theme: Global Health = Human Rights
October 30- November 3, 2022
The ASTMH is a long time supporter of One Health and the One Health Commission. You can have an impact to further understanding of One Health and One Health topics by conference attendees. This is your opportunity to step forward and help lead. Submission deadline February 24.
See Symposium Guidelines
In areas where Histoplasma is common, people who work in construction, demolition, and extraction occupations and in agriculture and forestry industries may be at higher risk for histoplasmosis. People who work in other occupations or industries and are exposed to bird or bat droppings or are involved with activities that disrupt the environment are also at risk.The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has created a website to provide information needed to understand and prevent work-related histoplasmosis in the United States. It is intended to help readers understand what histoplasmosis is, recognize activities that might expose workers to Histoplasma, and identify methods to protect themselves and others from exposure.
Did you miss it?

June 2021 
Africa CDC fosters a One Health Strategy in National Public Health Institutes (NPHIs) to lead public health responses and strengthen global health security.
April 23, 2021
regional Tripartite members, represented by Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, Mr Vladimir Rakhmanin, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, and Dr Budimir Plavsic, OIE Regional Representative for Europe, committed to foster One Health implementation at both the executive leadership and technical expert levels. As part of the regional coordination mechanism, the Tripartite will also establish a Regional One Health Partner Platform that will bring together policy-makers, partners and experts to provide strategic advice and foster the implementation of the One Health agenda in Europe and central Asia.
September 2020
Led by the UNIGE Institute of Global Health this new program was rolled out in parallel in Geneva and in the UNIGE campus in Kenya located at the heart of Kakuma Refugee Camp. The programme aims to build local knowledge and capacity fostering “One Health” champions to reinforce the local and national health system. The pedagogic approach provides an overview on Global Health challenges at the human-animal-ecosystem interface and the importance of the One Health approach, and introduces students to scientific research through interdisciplinary and international collaborations and innovation. More information in this paper “One Health education in Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya): From a MOOC to projects on real world challenges”
Hot Off the Press!
This is the opening chapter of the new book One Welfare in Practice: The Role of the Veterinarian (Ed. Stephens , CRC Press), the first book dedicated to the role of the veterinarian in One Welfare. The One Welfare concept recognises the interconnections between animal welfare, human wellbeing, and the environment. It shows how veterinarians can and are contributing to improving animal and human welfare, offering practical advice as to how the profession can further engage in One Welfare in a range of settings. One Health and One Welfare are parallel conversations moving in lockstep. Chapter 12, 'Working Animals: One Health and One Welfare' by Ben Sturgeon also featurs One Health.
An environmental scan of one health preparedness and response: the case of the Covid-19 pandemic in Rwanda. Igihozo, G., Henley, P., Ruckert, A. et al., One Health Outlook 4, 2 (2022).

Operationalizing the ECOWAS regional one health coordination mechanism (2016–2019): Scoping review on progress, challenges and way forward, Lokossou VK, Atama NC., Nzietchueng S, Koffi BY, Iwar V, Oussayef N, Umeokonkwo CD, Behravesh CB, Sombie I, Okolo S, Ouendo EM, One Health, Volume 13, December 2021

One Health approaches require community engagement, education, and international collaborations—a lesson from Rwanda, Henley, P., Igihozo, G. & Wotton, L., Nat Med 27, 947–948 (2021).
Did you Know About?
One Health at the U.S. Geological Society (USGS) 
USGS Wildlife Disease Science researchers conduct surveillance and research to support a One Health framework. Following the 2016 U.S. Joint External Evaluation (JEE), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USDA and DOI planned and implemented the first USA One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Workshop. Eight diseases were selected as priority at the workshop and include: Zoonotic influenza; Salmonellosis; West Nile virus; Plague; emerging coronaviruses; Rabies; Brucellosis; and Lyme disease. Of the eight prioritized zoonoses, USGS conducts work on seven including emerging coronaviruses. See also USGS Explore Search: One Health.
News from the One Health Social Science (OHSS) Initiative
OHSS Recommended reading
Stanford University Press, Eds: Tsing AL, Deger J, Saxena AK, Zhou F, An interactive platform to explore the more-than-human Anthropocene . Originally published in 2020, “Feral Atlas invites you to explore the ecological worlds created when nonhuman entities become tangled up with human infrastructure projects. Seventy-nine field reports from scientists, humanists, and artists show you how to recognize “feral” ecologies, that is, ecologies that have been encouraged by human-built infrastructures, but which have developed and spread beyond human control. These infrastructural effects, Feral Atlas argues, are the Anthropocene.”
The OHSS joins people from different disciplines to actively contribute to global understanding and promotion of the One Health concept with links to social science approaches. Toward this end, OHSS is forming Work Groups to engage professionals and to provide leadership opportunities. Current OHSS Work Group Topics include 1. Climate change, 2. Food security, 3. Infectious diseases, 4. One Health Policy, and 5.Pandemic Control. If you are interested in joining a work group, please send a message to with WORK GROUP and name of the topic in the Subject.
October 3-6, 2022 Conference (Virtual)
[First International Congress of Critical Animal Studies (CIDECA) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico]
“Critical Animal Studies’, an emerging field in the world academy on reflection and critique of the interactions between humanity and other animal species in the search for ethical conditions of respect to their primary interests. Critical animal studies have been built on the intersectionality of the humanities, the social sciences, and life sciences.”
June 29 – July 1 2022 Conference
2nd Annual Conference of The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis project
University of Saint Andrews, Scotland, Bringing together perspectives from the humanities and the social sciences in dialogue with the life sciences, this online conference seeks to break new ground in the hitherto understudied medical and health dimensions of species invasivenesseluc. It will elucidate how species invasiveness has been linked to medical and health questions, the epistemological, political and ethnographic realities of making this connection, and to examine how medicalized notions of “invasive species” have shaped relationships between humans, animals, plants, microbes, land use, and the environment. Submit abstracts by February 28, 2022. https://wwrat.wp.s
April 8, 2022 Symposium
University of Leeds, UK, This interdisciplinary symposium will explore the potential futures of care in light of recent critical interrogations of the human, life and care, the emergence of affective technologies (including social robots), and the turn to entanglement in critical and cultural theory. Special interest in papers that theorize care beyond the human, the animal, or even the biological, exploring how care functions both within and beyond what Elizabeth Povinelli calls “the carbon imaginary”, her term for Western epistemologies’ covert conflation of life and being, biology and ontology.” Proposals due by January 31, 2022.
Student News

International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA)

If you have an event coming up in your student club which is open to other One Health enthusiasts, fill out this form. Submissions will be added to the ISOHA Events Calendar available at
Students are spreading the message of One Health all around the world!
Your one-stop-shop for links to student group re-sources, educational opportunities, advocacy inform-ation, and communication platforms.
Student Educational Opportunities Map 
One Health Issues IN the News!
Author: Janet Midega In: StatNews
A paper published January 2022 in The Lancet shows that AMR was the direct cause of at least 1.27 million deaths in 2019 — more than many widely recognized causes of death, such as malaria and HIV/AIDs. ... The world must now move from awareness to urgent action and use the new data to make informed decisions about policy development for mitigating antimicrobial resistance and accelerating measures under AMR national action plans, whose progress has often been hampered by a lack of prioritization and shortage of long-term financing.

The referenced scientific paper - Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis, Murray C, et. al., The LANCET, January 19, 2022, DOI:org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02724-0
Valentines Day is already upon us!

Amazon Smile has donated over $200 million to charities worldwide! You can help increase AmazonSmile donations to One Health Commission by shopping at or with AmazonSmile 'ON' in the Amazon Shopping app.
Upcoming Events
Spring 2022
This series brings experts from all over the world to discuss a variety of One Health issues. All DelVal's online seminars are free, but you must register at our link to attend. For more information on our One Health program, visit
  • February 1st, 6PM EST: Operationalizing One Health: What’s it all about? Why is it so urgent? - Cheryl Stroud, Executive Director, One Health Commission
  • February 16th, 6PM EST: Invasive Species Identification and Control for Homeowners and Local Strike Teams - Mike Van Clef, Program Director of the New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team and Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space (FoHVOS) Stewardship Director, Co-Sponsored by Bucks County Audubon Society and Heritage Conservancy.
  • March 3rd, 6PM EST: Introduction to Organic Land Care - Richard McCoy, McCoy Horticultural
  • March 22nd, 6PM EST: Anthropogeny - Explaining the Origins of the Planet-Altering Ape - Pascal Gagneaux, UC San Diego, Co-Sponsored by Doylestown Environmental Advisory Council
  • April 6th, 6PM EST: Thicker than Water: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastics Crisis - Erica Cirino, science writer, artist, author, Co-Sponsored by Doylestown Environmental Advisory Council
  • April 28th, 6PM EST: Defining Sustainable Agriculture Production in a Changing Climate - Chris Gambino, Assistant Professor of Animal Science at Delaware Valley University, Co-Sponsored by Bucks County Audubon Society and Heritage Conservancy.
February 2022
(In person and virtual)
2PM - 5PM (CET)
Lyon, France.Hosted by the One Sustainable Health Forum. Prior to the joint meeting of the European Ministers of Health and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Lyon on February 9, this satellite EU session will bring together collectives of European non-governmental organizations (foundations, associations, universities etc.) They are meeting, acting for the general interest, to bring recommendations for building a European Health Union. This side-event has the PFUE label (French Presidency of the European Union) accreditation. Students attending will be given a certificate of participation! Free but you must Register to join the session More information contact
February 9-10, 2022 Workshop
Hosted by the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Research to advance understanding of the ecology and biology of wildlife species is more important than ever as the world confronts issues ranging from biodiversity loss to the emergence of zoonotic diseases. This workshop will focus on challenges associated with the unique welfare challenges of conducting research with biologically diverse vertebrates living in varied habitats, for which guidance resources on wildlife research sometimes conflict and recommendations outlined in the current version of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th edition) are not always aligned. Discussion topics include perspectives on animal welfare considerations; laws, regulations, and permits associated with fish and wildlife; wild animal population concerns; the role of veterinarians in wildlife research; restraint and handling of animals in the field; and transition of wild animals to captive settings. Free registration: 

March 10-12, 2022
Wildlife Congress 2022 - A Hybrid Event

Pretoria, South Africa, For more information click HERE.

May 1-4, 2022 Hybrid Conference
Bremerton, Washington. Hosted by Colorado State University's Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the State of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.  This conference and training program is designed to address the myriad issues that arise as people and wildlife struggle to coexist in a sustainable and healthy manner. Pathways encourages differing opinions, research, and results within the human-wildlife space. Questions 
May 9-11, 2022 Hybrid Symposium
Hosted by the U Guelph One Health Institute, this conference will bring together scholars, researchers and practitioners working collaboratively on either One Health research, development challenges or topics at the intersection of both. Submit abstracts by February 7 for oral or poster presentations or ‘Pitches for Progress’. The full 2 ½ days of the Symposium will be accessible virtually but the final day is also available for in-person attendance. Registration opens January 31.
May 15-20, 2022 Hybrid Event
Raleight, North Carolina, USA. Hosted by the Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine based at Duke University and partners. EMSI provides training in evolutionary medicine to students, postdocs, and faculty from diverse fields, plus clinicians and other medical, veterinary, and public health practitioners. The goals of EMSI are to:
  • Introduce core evolutionary principles
  • Apply evolutionary perspectives to a wide range of topics (including infectious disease, microbial resistance, cancer, the microbiome, and more)
  • Provide training in computational methods used in evolutionary and ecological research
  • Foster new collaborations across the evolutionary sciences, human and veterinary medicine, and public health
Through lectures, hands-on computational exercises, and team-based learning projects, participants will gain the background and the tools to apply evolutionary biology to questions of medical and veterinary importance. Application deadline March 7.
June 15-17, 2022 Hybrid Conference
Theme - Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights
Stockholm, Sweden. The One Health community has been explicitly invited to contribute to a track called One Health, SDGs and ethical conflicts. Deadline February 20, 2022.  Submissions – ISDRS Conference

June 21-24, 2022 Virtual Conference

Anual Conference of the Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE 2022). This conference will draw knowledge, research, decision making, and innovation from the Global South and North with concrete examples of how biodiversity and conservation science have, should, and will influence and inform environmental decision-making across all communities, sectors, and levels of government around the world.
June 23-24-2022
Hannover, Germany. Hosted by the German Research Platform for Zoonoses. For scientists and scholars in Germany. All doctoral students and postdocs who are members of the German Research Platform for Zoonoses can apply. (German but not a member yet? Apply for membership) Participants must submit an abstract by April 1, 2022 illustrating their research work; acceptance of the submitted abstract is mandatory. Accepted abstracts will be presented as posters. Be part of the One Health community in Germany!!! Free.

August 7-10, 2022 (postponed from March)
Atlanta, Georgia. Hosted by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in collaboration with the Task Force for Global Health. Held every 2–3 years, the ICEID conference brings together more than 1500 public health professionals from around the world to encourage the exchange of the latest information on issues affecting the emergence, spread, and control of infectious disease. Hotel reservations will need to be rebooked. Late breaker Abstracts deadline May 15, 2022.
November 7-11, 2022  Hybrid Event
Singapore, Hosted by the SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute. The WOHC is the world’s premier conference to advance the One Health agenda. Taking place biennially, it advances trans-disciplinary efforts that further our collective understanding of animal-human disease transmission alongside their social and environmental determinants. The WOHC attracts professionals from academic institutions, civil society, national governments, the private sector and multi-lateral organisations all coming together to share learning across diverse disciplines including epidemiology and disease surveillance, animal production and trade, food safety, animal science, human health, environmental science/ecology and global health security. See conference Tracts Follow on social media using #WOHC2022
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
Track the progress of One Health since 2001
Check out more past One Health Events on the Commission's
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January 30, 2022 Webinar
RACE-approved for CE
Hosted by Lafeber Vet. Many zoonoses come from non-domestic animals. This live, interactive webinar presented by Dr. Marcy Souza provided an overview of more common zoonoses associated with non-domestic or exotic pets such as salmonellosis, influenza, chlamydiosis, monkeypox, rabies, Mycobacterium, and various parasitic diseases. Recent outbreaks of zoonoses in exotic pets and people were highlighted. The potential role in the future of non-domestic species in the emergence and/or transmission of novel pathogens was discussed. Recording coming soon.
January 20, 2022
Zoonotic pandemics remain a global public health risk. The only way forward to control these pandemics is a One Health surveillance and response (OHSR) system. However, the human and animal health and the environmental sectors continue to operate in silos. In this webinar, Yahya Osman, veterinarian working at Jigjiga University, shared operationalization of OHSR in Adadle district of Ethiopia’s Somali region. The HEAL CoP webinars are organized by the One Health for Humans, Environment, Animals and Livelihoods (HEAL) Project jointly with One Health Centre in Africa. Recording available soon.
November 3, 2021 
The goal of this conference was to draw a picture of the ongoing One Health work in Norway and together frame the way forward towards a One Health Norway platform. Recordings available:  

"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come" Victor Hugo
November 3, 2021
(In Portuguese)
Federal University of Parana (UFPR) Professor Alexander Welker Biondo gave a lecture addressing Brazilian experiences in One Health. The aim of this Ministry of Health event was to debate among experts the effective application of the One Health approach.
October 24, 2021
One Health at the World Health Summit 2022
How to make healthcare systems green. What are the unused opportunities and barriers to accelerate the building of resilient health systems in line with One Health? How can healthcare systems and healthcare professionals contribute to mitigation and adaptation?
October 21-22, 2021
Hosted by U Nebraska Medical Center, U Nebraska Omaha, U Nebraska - Lincoln, U Nebraska at Kearney, U Rwanda, and U of Global Health Equity. The government of Rwanda has taken a proactive approach to building One Health partnerships among government ministries through the national One Health strategic plan. Currently, there is a need to integrate universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community partners as well as to incorporate disciplines from the environmental and social sciences. The diverse expertise and experience in current health and agricultural research teams provide a unique opportunity to establish a multidisciplinary collaborative Rwanda-Nebraska One Health Network to facilitate One Health research and education in urban, rural, and agricultural settings.
September 24, 2021 Webinar
Hosted by USDA-Wildlife Services, CDC, Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) and Bavarian Nordic, this free webinar saw discussion of the current situation regarding rabies in the US, the risks of the re-introduction of dog-rabies, the risk of rabies for travelers and other topics. Recording Available:

November 15, 2021
As part of its AMR Exchange webinar series, CDC sat down with international experts across One Health to discuss this critical issue and hear more about the important work happening to track antibiotic resistance in water, to examine its impact on public health, and to take action to address this potential threat. Recording available.
Don’t forget!! You can view and you, 'yourself', can also post your One Health-related Opportunities directly to the One Health Commission’s

Cash Award Competition

Air pollution is one of the greatest environmental threats to human health. It can result in heart and chronic respiratory illness, cancer, and premature death. Currently, no single satellite instrument provides ready-to-use, high resolution information on surface-level air pollutants. This gap in information means that millions of people cannot take daily action to protect their health. Help NASA deliver accurate, high-resolution air quality information to improve public health and safety! Check out this competition to wind Cash Awards.

The One Health Special Interest Group (OH SPIG) in the American Public Health Association (APHA) is growing fast, and is excited to welcome new members! The One Health group encourages team-oriented approaches to solve complex health problems based on the understanding that health across all sectors is interrelated. Our members come together to discuss ways to promote the optimal health of people, domestic animals, wildlife, plants and our environment monthly and at our annual meeting. Visit or reach out to Jessica Schwind at for more information.
Courses and Summer Programs

June 19th - July 22nd, 2022
UC Davis, California.

See many more summer opportunities

Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Apply by February 28, 2022.

OIE Headquarters, Paris, France.

Wildlife Health Australia.

Fellowships / Residencies / Postdocs

A joint initiative between Environmental Health News ( and The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, this program is designed to empower emerging leaders from historically excluded backgrounds in science and academia to reimagine solutions for a just and healthy planet. Now recruiting applicants for Fall 2022. Requires 60-80 hours of time over nine months. Open to early career scientists, scholars, or practitioners from systematically marginalized backgrounds pursuing work related to environmental public health, environmental justice, or ecosystem/climate justice. (Including but not limited to environmental health, epidemiology, urban planning, earth sciences, medicine, or sociology) with special interest in fellows who work in the following areas: energy, air pollution, climate change, toxics, plastics, Indigenous environmental issues/rights, food, water quality, and built environment. Fellows who complete all the requirements of the program will receive a $1,000 honorarium. Questions, Application deadline April 15, 2022.

Anchorage, Alaska. Get involved in research at the intersection of climate change and human health in Alaska, Mentor Dr. Micah Hahn. Fellow will be working to understand the converging impacts of wildfire smoke exposure and maternal stressors on birth outcomes. More information:

Applications for 2022 Soulsby Fellowships are now being accepted. Apply by midnight (GMT) 31st January 2022.

Journal Articles and Reports
A Global Review of Causes of Morbidity and Mortality in Free-Living Vultures, Ives AM, Brenn-White M, Buckley JY, Kendall CJ, Wilton S, Deem SL. (2022) EcoHealth,

Comparative Assessment of Pesticide Exposures in Domestic Dogs and Their Owners Using Silicone Passive Samplers and Biomonitoring. Wise CF, Hammel SC, Herkert NJ, Ospina M, Calafat AM, Breen M, Stapleton HM. (2022) Environ Sci Technol. 56(2):1149-1161.

Rethinking One Health approach in the challenging era of COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters, Kanamori H, Baba H, Weber DJ (2021) Infection Ecology & Epidemiology, 11:1,

Animal welfare, One Health and emergency preparedness and response in the Asia-Pacific region, Gongal G, Ofrin RH, (2021) WHO South East Asia J Public Health.9(1):50-51.

Prioritizing zoonotic diseases using a multisectoral, One Health approach for The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Goryoka, G.W., Lokossou, V.K., Varela, K. et al. (2021) One Health Outlook 3, 24,

Using a One Health approach to prioritize zoonotic diseases in China, 2019 Wang X, Rainey JJ, Goryoka GW, Liang Z, Wu S, Wen L, et al. (2021) PLoS ONE 16(11): e0259706.

Meanings and mechanisms of One Health partnerships: insights from a critical review of literature on cross-government collaborations, Shahid Abba S, Shorten T, Rushton J, (2021) Health Policy and Planning,

Creating a platform to enable collaborative learning in One Health: The Joint Initiative for Teaching and Learning on Global Health Challenges and One Health experience. Vicente CR, Jacobs F, de Carvalho DS, Chhaganlal K, de Carvalho RB, Raboni SM, Qosaj FA, Tanaka LF. (2021) One Health. 

One Health Evaluation: A Case Study at the University of Bologna. Aragrande M, Canali M, Roccaro M, Ferraro E, Bonoli A, Savini F, Piva S, Gallina L, Peli A, Sambri V, Scagliarini A. (2021) Front Public Health. eCollection 2021.

The one health landscape in Sub-Saharan African countries, Fasina FO, Fasanmi OG, Makonnen YJ, Bebay C, Bett B, Roesel K, (2021) One Health, Volume 13,

Upholding veterinary services as a pillar of one health in Myanmar, Olivia Sinn Kay Chan, Tint Naing, Hein Min Tun (2021), One Health, Volume 13,

Advancing with Transdisciplinarity: Effective Responses for Coronavirus. Lawrence, R. (2020). Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 11,
Worth Revisiting

Making One Health a Reality—Crossing Bureaucratic Boundaries, Rubin, C., Dunhamn, B., & Sleeman, J. (2014). Microbiology Spectrum. Vol. 2 No. 1.
December 2021
  • Save the Date - One Health Events
  • One Health EJP Annual report
  • Events Recap
  • Project Dissemination
  • Education and Training Programs
One Sustainable Health Forum News
  • Work of the International Working Groups
  • Working Group 7
  • New Instagram page
  • OSH Forum events intervention 
  • They are talking about One Health
New Book!

Legacy Report of the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats Program


This revealing film examines how human activity is setting off dangerous warming loops that are pushing the climate to a point of no return - and what we need to do to stop them. With captivating illustrations, stunning footage and interviews with the Dali Lama and leading climate scientists as well as support from Greta Thunberg, "Earth Emergency" adds the missing piece of the climate puzzle.
Online streaming extended to Feb 27, 2022.

by One Health Norway at University of Oslo
"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come" Victor Hugo
 In a world transformed by COVID-19, we've awoken to the need to do things differently.
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And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Bailey Archey, Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.
The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.
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