Sharing news from February, 2023

One Health Happenings
New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

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One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared monthly
by the
A U.S. based non-profit organization working globally

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Launched by the International Society for Infectious Diseases (home of ProMed). The International Journal for Infectious Diseases (IJID) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that promotes original research and perspectives related to One Health. IJID OH will feature updates, commentaries, and scholarly work from key leaders, visionaries, and organizations using a One Health approach. The aim of IJID OH is to advance scientific knowledge related to the connections between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.
New Publication from the OHHLEP
Adisasmito WB, Almuhairi S, Behravesh CB, Bilivogui P, Bukachi SA, Casas N, Becerra NC, Charron DF, Chaudhary A, Zanella JRC, Cunningham AA, Dar O, Debnath N, Dungu B, Farag E, Gao GF, Hayman DTS, Khaitsa M, Koopmans MPG, Machalaba C, Mackenzie JS, Markotter W, Mettenleiter TC, Morand S, Smolenskiy V, Zhou L, The Lancet, Volume 401, Issue 10376, 2023, pp. 530-533,

New Book 2022
Part of the Springer book series: Parasitology Research Monographs (Parasitology Res. Monogr., volume 16). This book covers current aspects of important infectious diseases affecting human and animal health in Latin American countries. Readers are equipped with details on arthropod vectors as well as on neglected health problems. Diseases covered include Chagas Disease, schistosomiasis, tungiasis, myiasis and leishmaniasis, Zika and Chikungunya viral infections, plague and yellow fever. One focus is given on parasitic transmission routes.
Included in this special publication newsletter:
  • FAVA’s dedication to the Asia One Health Fukuoka Declaration 2022
  • Government of India lays Foundation Stone for ICMR National Institute for One Health
  • India’s first 'One Health' consortium launched by Dept of Biotechnology, Post COVID 19
  • Journey towards National Institute of One Health in India
  • What do Experts say (and do) about One Health (and AMR)
  • Other One Health initiatives in India
See previous IAAVR One Health newsletters: 2016, 2017
February 17, 2023
One Health in Wales
Aberystwyth, Wales. Hosted by Professor Nigel Holt, Professor Charles Musselwhite and Dr Simon Payne from the Department of Psychology at Aberystwyth University, this event brought together influential leaders and practitioners to share knowledge and learn from one another. The day provided the basis for the second event which will be held in Cardiff in March.

New Novella: Teaching One Health to Youth with Fiction
By Laura Kahn, MD, MPH, MPP
This One Health and social justice themed hard science fiction novella is geared for students ages 10 and up. Two parallel coming of age stories collide on a distant planet. Siddhartha, known as Siddie, and his parents joined a small group of families leaving Earth. Blue belonged to a species calling themselves kodrya (ko-drya). Unbeknownst to Blue, Earthlings were orbiting her world and preparing to land. One in particular, named Siddie, would change her destiny. This novella will be a useful teaching tool to educate students about One Health, social justice, and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Access to Merck, an online medical reference, is unlimited and always free. More than 350 medical experts currently serve as contributors; all of the material is reviewed by an independent editorial board, regularly updated online, and available in multiple languages. The website features an extensive and continually expanding collection of visual resources, including videos, animations, three-dimensional models, interactive quizzes, and infographics. The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook translates the complex medical terminology contained in the professional version into everyday language. See Videos 
COHA is a One Health network of phenomenal, highly experienced, passionate professionals from across the Caribbean who are very invested in One Health and who work to embrace equity, diversity and inclusion in One Health locally, regionally and globally.
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galvaston (UTMB). "[Dacso emphasized that] One Health is not a framework exclusive to infectious disease but should be perceived as a whole health ecosystem approach to address far-reaching issues such as chronic disease, food security, poverty, and inequitable social determinants of health. He credits to employing a One Health approach a recent UTMB success story with a Nigerian partner program. One Health ultimately helped their collaborators extend typically limited communication channels and work across professions via clear identification of roles. “[One Health] is just a great platform to help bring together different professions and build successful teams”. https://bit.ly3kAR5s
Updates on the Exhibit
Washington, D.C., USA, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Three point three million people viewed the OUTBREAK exhibit between its opening in March 2018 and closing in Oct 2022. To date, over 300 applications have requested the Do It Yourself (DiY) ‘pop-up’ version of the exhibit (from organizations in 55 countries and 47 US states and territories) and that option remains open indefinitely. The full physical exhibit has closed but you can see the Smithsonian’s own DiY 'pop-up' version now established indefinitely in the Museum. It includes bilingual English-Spanish panels and audio-visual kiosks. The Smithsonian remains committed to educating about pandemic risks and One Health with the following activities: 
Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions 
February 26, 2023
Author: Terrence Scott On: Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) Website
‘Operationalizing One Health’, ‘Strengthening health systems’ and ‘Pandemic prevention’. By driving rabies elimination efforts around the world, we not only address the deadliest disease known to humankind, but also help to prevent and eliminate other diseases, present and future.

February 25, 2023
Author: Richard Seifman  In: IMPAKTER

The latest chatbots and other AI tools open new avenues for raising awareness of the merits of One Health (OH); here are some ways they could be used, recognizing both the potential and the limitations.
February 18, 2023
Author: Richard Seifman, Laura Kahn, Bruce Kaplan 
….across all parts of the sub-region, as a result of the collapse of basic infrastructure such as water, sewerage, and power, with supply systems shattered, communities will be treated for the most urgent short-term needs. And already in short supply, many professional cadres will be needed to address the manifold problems that exist early—and later. For example, preventing cholera will need to be a priority…..Indeed, the problems described cut across virtually every sector and aspect of any effort to regain a return to some level of normalcy. That said, dealing with disease risks in a holistic manner must be a linchpin for local and national authorities, encouraged and supported by the international community.
February 14, 2023
Author: Dennis Thompson In: UPI, HealthDay News
"Could this virus acquire the genetic capacity to spread to infect people readily and spread among them? That's always a possibility," ……….Other experts urge vigilance but think there's no immediate threat.
"It's a potential risk. The likelihood of that happening is, I think, still quite low compared to other risks that we have. But it's a real risk and it's something obviously we have to be prepared for, something we have to watch very carefully."

See also:
Did you Miss it?

Authors: Carter CN, Hoobler DG, Second Edition
Jim Steele pioneered the simple but powerful philosophy that human health is intimately connected to the health of animals and our surrounding environment. This book recounts Jim Steele’s historic career as the father of Veterinary Public Health. His 100 year life story is a great inspiration for anyone with curiosity and passion for the health (of all creatures), life and environmental sciences. His vision of Veterinary Public Health helped launch what has become the global One Health movement.
….”This Lancet Series explores the adoption of One Health approaches to improve health security and includes an analysis of the current landscape of preventive, surveillance, and response measures in outbreak situations of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic infectious diseases with epidemic potential as well as other potential public health emergencies such as neglected endemic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, environmental and chemical hazards and natural disasters.”
February 12-13, 2022 Conference
One Health International Forum 2022 in Fukuoka, Japan
“the COVID-19 pandemic showed the relevance of ‘One Health’ principles in the governance of infectious diseases… Sensing this urgent need, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology,.....launched its First ‘One Health’ project. This programme envisages carrying out surveillance of important bacterial, viral and parasitic infections of zoonotic as well as transboundary pathogens in India, including the North-eastern part of the country. Use of existing diagnostic tests and the development of additional methodologies when required are mandated for the surveillance and for understanding the spread of emerging diseases. This Consortium, consisting of 27 organisations led by DBT-National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad, is one of the biggest One Health programs launched by the Government of India in post-COVID times. The One Health consortium consists of AIIMS, Delhi, AIIMS Jodhpur, IVRI, Bareily, GADVASU, Ludhiana, TANUVAS, Chennai, MAFSU, Nagpur, Assam agricultural and veterinary university and many more ICAR, ICMR centres and wildlife agencies.”
Habib N, Parry J, Elfving R, Dunn, B.
This working paper explains the concept of One Health and how it aligns with ADB’s Strategy 2030 and operational priorities for development efforts in Asia and the Pacific. See page 9 - Executive Summary and pg. 11 - Introduction:
“One Health is an approach to human, animal, plant, and ecological health challenges that starts from a simple premise: these are all interconnected, and their solution demands communication, coordination, and collaboration across multiple sectors, disciplines, and levels of government. Using One Health as a framework is key to post-coronavirus disease (COVID-19) green economic recovery, reaching the Sustainable Development Goals, and global health security. The One Health concept is rapidly gaining traction in the development space and in developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The big-picture issues that One Health is particularly aligned with are highly relevant to the Asia and Pacific region, including zoonotic diseases, antimicrobial resistance, food security, ecological security, pollution and health, and climate change. One Health aligns with ADB’s Strategy 2030 and supports its operational priorities, as well as its aspirations to be a convener of partnerships and essential knowledge solutions provider to DMCs. One Health has the potential to be transformational for the work of international development organizations like ADB—which could be achieved by putting together a cross-sectoral strategy, financial commitment to One Health projects, and active engagement with DMCs and development partners to work together on One Health initiatives.”
February 2022 Documentary
FAO Egypt office, through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), has built strong and enduring ties with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR)...... These programmes have enabled the country to strengthen the capacity of the animal health system to prevent, detect and respond to endemic, emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases, specifically highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Through this short documentary, ECTAD highlighted the successful partnership with Veterinary Service; and ECTAD’s role in improving animal health and summarizing its main achievements in Egypt.

Book Chapter

Keune H, Payyappallimana U, Morand S, Rüegg S, (2022). In I. Visseren-Hamakers & M. Kok (Eds.), Transforming Biodiversity Governance (Chapter 5, pp. 93-114). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

March 2, 2022 Webinar
Hosted by Merck Animal Health, known as MSD Animal Health outside the United States and Canada, a division of Merck & Co., Inc. This virtual event featured experts in public health, veterinary medicine and parasitology, who shared their perspectives on managing the threat of vector-borne diseases. As one of the only biopharmaceutical companies focused on both human and animal health, and in recognition of the connection between the health of people and animals and our shared environment, Merck is actively collaborating with human, animal and environmental health stakeholders to tackle major population health challenges, including antimicrobial resistance, zoonotic diseases, vector-borne diseases, ensuring a safe and sustainable food supply as well as sustainable practices which protect our environment.
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on the

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Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also Publications list below in Library Section)
A global analysis of One Health Networks and the proliferation of One Health collaborations, Mwatondo A, Rahman-Shepherd A, Hollmann L, et. al., The Lancet, Volume 401, Issue 10376, 2023, pp.605-616,

A cross-sectional study of avian influenza A virus in Myanmar live bird markets: Detection of a newly introduced H9N2? Borkenhagen LK, Aung PP, Htay T, Thein ZW, Tin OS, Mon TS, Myint W, Bailey ES, Wanninger TG, Kandeil AM, Webby RJ, Gray GC. First published: 22 February 2023.

de Castañeda RR, Viller J, Guzmán CAF, Eslanloo T, de Paula N, Machalaba C, Zinsstag J, Flahault A, Bolon I, The Lancet, Vol 7, Issue 2, Feb 2023, ttps://

Improving agriculture and food security in Africa: Can the one health approach be the answer? Afriyie E, Ahiakpa K, Uyanga VA, Okoye CO, et al. Qeios. Feb 1, (2023). doi:10.32388/66UHUI.

Interventions to Reduce Risk for Pathogen Spillover and Early Disease Spread to Prevent Outbreaks, Epidemics, and Pandemics, Vora NM, Hannah L, Walzer C, Vale MM, Lieberman S, Emerson A, et al. Emerg Infect Dis. 2023;29(3):1-9.
February 2023. This report:
  • provides a summary of the SWOT analysis results on the One Health EJP from our 2019 survey of stakeholders, project owners & partners
  • highlights which key One Health EJP project outcomes focused on foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance & emerging threats can be utilised more widely
  • shares outcomes (e.g., protocols, databases, laboratory methods & other tools) applied to antimicrobial resistance/disease surveillance and prevention/detection/response activities

Action for Animal Health have released a new report that gives an overview of the state of animal health systems in lower-and-middle-income-countries, and includes a special focus on Ethiopia and Pakistan. It finds that animal health services are essential to sustainable development, but they are often poorly regulated. Public health and animal health sectors are not talking to each other enough, and the animal health sector is sometimes left out of One Health initiatives.
Publications you might have missed

A call for One Health Education [version 1]. Montgomery M and Baitchman E. MedEdPublish 2020, 9:281

Editorial: One health, environmental health, global health, and inclusive governance: What can we do? Front Public Health. 2022 Aug 5;10:932922. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.932922. PMID: 35991067; PMCID: PMC9389354.

Help the world find out about it. 
Be sure it is included on the Online One Health Opportunities Bulletin Board.
If not already there, you can submit it yourself!!!
Student News

International Student
One Health Alliance

ISOHA Contact Information! For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address
New ISOHA Overview Document, Membership Information, and Resources

Upcoming Events
March 8, 2023 Webinar
Hosted by the US Smithsonian Museum of Natural History OUTBREAK Exhibit Shared Planet Shared Health webinar series. Hendra virus spreads from flying foxes, to horses, and sometimes from horses to humans. The ecology of this transmission route involves an intricate interplay between the environment, bats, horses and humans that has fascinated researchers since the virus was first characterized in 1994. Our understanding of when and why Hendra outbreaks occur has become clearer, and provides insights into how preserving bat habitats can reduce infections in horses and humans. Wildlife disease ecologist Alison Peel will discuss the dynamics of Hendra virus spillover and share some intriguing new research with big implications for how caring for the environment could help prevent disease spillovers on our shared planet.
Free but you must Register.
March 21, 2023 Hybrid Event
Brussels, Belgium. Hosted by Bamberg Health. Eight 45 minute Panel Discussions on:
  • One Global Health
  • A Social Approach to Health: Demographic Challenges and Sustainable Development
  • One Health approach to Livestock and Fauna
  • Innovation in Veterinary Medicines and Treatments

  • The Global Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
  • Epidemiology and Sustainable Vaccination Strategies
  • Prevention and Control of Zoonoses
  • Sustainable agriculture and Innovation in Food Production

March 30-April 1, 2023
Oxford, UK. This conference will focus on the need for collaboration across disciplines and sectors in order to address human-wildlife conflicts worldwide.

April 3-7, 2023 Virtual Satellite Sessions April 14-16, 2023 In-person Conference
14th Annual Conference of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)
Held in conjunction with the World Health Summit Regional Meeting 2023 and the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centres International Global Innovation Forum 2023. Subthemes include:
  • Addressing the Social Determinants of Health
  • Pandemic Prevention, Covid-19, Emerging Infectious Diseases, and Other Communicable Diseases
  • Non-Communicable Diseases, Health Systems, Public Health, Primary and Surgical Care
  • Planetary Health, One Health, Environmental Health, Climate Change, Biodiversity Crisis, Pollution 
  • Politics, Governance, Diplomacy, Law, Corruption, Human Rights, Public Institution Strengthening   
  • Decolonizing - Reforming Global Health, Equity, Justice, Global Health Education and Research
  • Translation and Implementation Science, High Impact Development Initiatives, Bridging Research to Policy, Innovation and Research #CUGH2023
April 26-29, 2023 WVA Congress 2023
Taipei, Taiwan. Coincides with World Veterinary Day, April 29. Implementing One Health requires a multi-sectoral approach with three key elements, human health, animal health and environment. Despite being equally important, the environmental dimension of One Health has fallen behind the human and animal dimensions.
June 17-18, 2023
One Health and Vector-Borne Diseases
Third European Cryptic Infections Conference
Dublin Ireland. More information and website coming soon. Crypto-infections, which include tick- borne bacterial pathogens and others, are well recognised as a significant burden of disease in both human and animal hosts. However, much remains to be done to further diagnose, understand the underlying pathogenesis, and optimally treat these infections. This conference will bring together a wide range of scientists, both in human and veterinary medicine and in other disciplines dealing with these infections, to share their current knowledge of these infections and to develop a ‘blueprint’ to progress our study of these infections. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.
June 19-21, 2023 Conference
Museum of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. Collaborating to Face Future One Health Challenges in Europe Conference, hosted by the One Health European Joint Programme (One Health EJP) with in-person and online participation. The conference will provide the opportunity to reflect on the future of One Health, focusing on Europe, and share the solutions and impact that the One Health EJP has achieved. Conference attendance is open to a variety of different stakeholders and is free of charge. Registration deadlines: 31 March 2023 (in-person) & 12 June 2023 (online).
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
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March 1, 2023 - Webinar
In the Expert Talk Series hosted by the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade
Speaker: Sakib Burza, Health in Harmony. 
Indigenous peoples make up just 5% of the world’s population, yet they manage 25% of the earth’s land and support 80% of the earth’s biodiversity. Tropical forest protection is key to lowering the Earth’s temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius and meeting the pledge set forth by the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. Appropriate mechanisms must be identified to create a trustworthy environment to listen, learn and understand the importance of being guided by Indigenous and local communities to be able to develop inclusive and effective lines of action for primary pandemic prevention. Internationally coordinated and cooperative approaches to identify and reduce health risks from our distorted relationship with nature and wildlife must be inclusive and respectful of Indigenous knowledge systems and their communities needs and traditions. Join the meeting from the event webpage.

February 3-4, 2023 Conference
23rd Indian Veterinary Congress & 30th Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Research (IAAVR) Annual Conference and National Symposium, Kamdhenu University, Anand (Gujarat).
February 17, 2023 Webinar
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted trust as an important determinant of successful pandemic response and leadership; a prerequisite for the uptake of interventions and behaviour change among communities; and a contributing factor in community resilience. In this series of webinars discussants will "unpack" some of the dimensions of trust in the context of epidemics and pandemics. The first webinar reviewed the lessons learned at the intersection of trust and different responses to health emergencies including HIV, Ebola and COVID-19. The second webinar examined historical trust infrastructures that build and maintain trust within communities such as culture, language, ethnicity, tradition, story-telling and, traditional forms of medicine. With this historical backdrop, discussants explored how community trust infrastructures today can be supported in times of crisis. The webinars can be viewed on the EPI-WIN YouTube channel.
February 16, 2023
Hosted by The Ohio State University Global One Health Institute. Speakers: Dr. S. M. Mursalin, CEO, Pak One Health Alliance and Dr. Shagufta Zareem, Team Lead for Research and Development, Pak One Health Alliance (POHA). Dr. Mursalin focused on Pakistan’s One Health event-based surveillance initiative, and Dr. Zareen shared highlights of the Pakistan COVID-19 Pandemic Readiness and Resilience exercise carried out by POHA and partners in 2020. Recording available.
January 30, 2023
Celebrating One Health Awareness Month Days 20 and 21 One Health and Food Safety and Food Security
Hosted by the OHC One Health Social Sciences Food Safety and Food Security Small Working Group in partnership with IVSA- Alumni. Topics included:
  • Gender equality and One Health, climate change and philosophy of a possible change.
  • Multi Sectoral Coordination between animal and human Sector
  • Mycotoxins and their hazards to animals and humans
Recording available:
January 14-15, 2023
Hosted by the Caribbean College of Family Physicians, Jamaica and the Jamaica Veterinary Medical Association. Themes:
  • Our Environment and Blue Spaces
  • Infectious Diseases
  • One Welfare and Mental Health
See the Conference Programme and the Conference Flyer

Call for Papers

Call for papers are open for ISID’s open-access, peer-reviewed journal, IJID One Health. IJID One Health, the official journal of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), aims to advance scientific knowledge related to the connection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. As a platform for the presentation and discussion of scholarly one-health information, the scope of the journal traverses’ domains of human, clinical and veterinary diagnostics, surveillance, epidemiology, public health responses, innovations, and interventions. For more information about the journal and the submission form, visit:
Courses and Summer Programs

Seeking ways to be involved in One Health this summer?
Be sure to check out the One Health related Summer Programs on the Commissions Summer Opportunities Bulletin Board.
Apply by April 1 for an MS in Global Infectious Disease at Georgetown University! GLID candidates receive interdisciplinary training in basic infectious disease science, data analytics, and policy and governance approaches to the infectious disease problem. Diverse faculty hail from the biomedical sciences, human and animal medicine, epidemiology, diplomacy, and many other fields. Graduates enter the workforce prepared to address key problems in animal, environmental, and human health. Infectious disease isn’t one dimensional, and neither is this program.
May 21-26, 2023
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA. EMSI provides training in evolutionary medicine, with a focus on computational methods, networking, and advancing research frontiers. It attracts a diverse pool of applicants including students, postdocs, and faculty with biological or social science interests, plus clinicians and other medical, veterinary, and public health practitioners. The goals of EMSI are to:
  • Introduce core evolutionary principles relevant to public health and medicine.
  • Apply evolutionary perspectives to a wide range of topics, including infectious disease, microbial resistance, cancer, the microbiome, and more.
  • Provide training in computational methods used in evolutionary and ecological research.
  • Build collaborative networks across the evolutionary sciences, human and veterinary medicine, and public health to fuel new research in evolutionary medicine.
Participants will gain the background and the tools to apply evolutionary biology to questions of medical and veterinary importance. More information, visit the EMSI website. To apply, complete this application. Deadline, Monday, March 27th, 2023.


The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston

University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. The UW Department of Global Health (DGH) bridges the schools of Medicine and Public Health, with a mandate to harness the expertise and interdisciplinary power of all 16 UW schools and colleges. The leader of DGH is expected to support the mission of improving health for all through research, education, training, and service; to understand and address the causes of disease and health inequities at multiple levels; and to collaborate with partners to develop and sustain locally led, quality health systems, programs, and policies. The full job description and link to apply can be found:

Wallingford, England, United Kingdom
Fellowships/ Residencies / Postdocs

The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston
World-famous for its excellence in emerging infectious disease research and training. UTMB is looking for new team members who have a passion to protect the world against today’s and tomorrow’s emerging infectious disease threats.

Pennsylvania State University Population Research Institute
State College, PA, USA
Library (Articles more than 6 months old)
See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library
New Books!

Accompanying principles to the guidelines for prevention, detection, response and recovery from disease risks in and around protected and conserved areas
Published by IUCN, Gland, Switzerland in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance with support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). One key message made clear from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has been that sustainability must be a leading priority across all sectors to ensure a healthy and safe future. Tourism is among the industries that have a strong interest to reduce risks and increase resilience toward a more sustainable model in line with a One Health approach.

Healthy people and wildlife through nature protection: guidelines for prevention, detection, response, and recovery from disease risks in and around protected and conserved areas
Published by: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance with support from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). This report provides an orientation for Protected and conserved areas (PCA) managers on relevant sources of risk, with actions that can be taken to build up systems to manage disease threats across the variety of PCA contexts. A key message is that protected areas can – and should – play a vital role in One Health approaches to reduce disease risk and improve human, animal, and environmental health outcomes.

By Glady Kalema-Zikusoka, Uganda’s first wildlife veterinarian and founder of Conservation Through Public Health, this book is a memoir of her life working with wildlife, her career in conservation and One Health working with both gorillas and people and inspiring people to become change-makers. Dr. Kalema-Zikusoka addresses many species, how alleviating poverty and empowering women help endangered wildlife. This is a very hopeful book for the general public about African wildlife conservation. What’s missing in African conservation is African leadership. 
Listen also to this ’Boots on the Ground’ podcast interview with Dr. Kalema-Zikusoka
Virginia Tech University
  • Antimicrobial countermeasures
  • Distinguished speaker seminar series
  • Recent Publications
  • Mass shootings and The Link
  • Domestic violence and The Link
  • Criminal justice and The Link
  • Social work and The Link
  • And more!
  • OHEART Annual meeting
  • Data analysis of real time PCR training helps improve laboratory capacity
  • Future collaborations with AASTU may be on the horizon
  • One Health EJP Conference 2023: Collaborating to face future One Health challenges in Europe
  • The One Health EJP will be represented at the One Health Summit 2023
  • Workshops, publications, training programs
  • Feb 13 2023: Antibiotic sales during the pandemic; One Health action for colistin resistance
  • Feb 20 2023: Acceptance of COVID self-tests in Nigeria; Inadequate health budget in India
  • Mar 01 2023: Progress in addressing AMR in Mali; COVID rebound and antivirals
  • Research & Policy
  • Events & Opportunities
  • Read, Watch, Listen
  • The Rake in the Haystack: A Glimpse Into the Burgeoning World of Viral Spillover
  • One Health Initiatives for the New UTMB Department of Global Health and Emerging Diseases
  • Job opportunities
Hosted by One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP)

Dr. Susannah Sandrin, Arizona State University, helps make sure the science is sound in the cartoon series The Octonauts: Above & Beyond. This podcast is aimed at young children, but Sandrin says it’s important to communicate accurate science to everyone if people are ever to come to grips with the inevitable effects of climate change.
Dr. Kirk Scirto, a family practice physician in Buffalo, New York, has devoted more than two decades to trying to help others through global health and studying which methods are best. In his book, Doing Global Health Work, he describes how he found it’s more important to listen to people than to try to tell them what to do. In some of the poorest parts of the world, he’s witnessed that people are perfectly able to help themselves, and they have a better understanding of what they need than outside “do-gooders.”

See Podcast Series Archives

Check out more Blogs, Books, Podcasts, Presentations and Videos
in the One Health Commission’s


Thank you for reading One Health Happenings.

Check out more Resources on the OHC website.
And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
with support from OHC part-time staff, Ayinka - A. Brown and Neil Vezeau

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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