IAF Center Leadership Program

Introduction to Staff Members through the Ministry of Welfare

Dear Friends,


The Air Force Center Educational Programs have come to the attention of the Ministry of Welfare. That resulted in a number of joint activities of the IAFCA with the 'Youth Sponsorship', a project of the Ministry of Welfare of youth hostels, boarding schools and institutions scattered throughout the country.

Various staff members (social workers, managers, coordinators and instructors) of ‘Youth Sponsorship” were invited to the Center to sit in with our groups and experience flight simulators, simulation workshops and enriching lectures to our youths. They reported back to their government supervisors that they had a great time, and learned a lot. 

While enjoying the experience, they reported back that they acquired new tools and new knowledge to enhance their work. They recommended that we join forces. We await evaluation of the proposed program of cooperation between the Center and the Youth Sponsorship decision making powers. Verbally, we are told that this program will proceed. When it does, it will expand our mission to the combined youths manifolds.

Some of their comments were: 

A. "It was a really  fun day; thank you for a day of learning thinking out of the box solutions, which adds a number of new perspectives to our professional work"

B. "A day that teaches and enriches, brings a broad and creative vision, inspiring content, activity and interest."


Cooperation between our programs and the Department is looking like a new area of expansion with several other departments, which seems to be leading towards new budgetary additions to our resources.

Staff Members in the Escape Room

Staff Members in a Workshop

Unveiling the Poster to Honor our late Chairman,

Mr. Sheldon G. Adelson

On July 9, 2023, we had the honor of installing a new poster on the entry wall to the Center. Dr. Miriam Adelson and Yehochai Schneider, who is also the Chairman of the Center Association unveiled a sizeable poster honoring our late Chairman, Mr. Sheldon G. Adelson. A portrait of Sheldon with two identical messages both in English and in Hebrew is included below, quoting the following: “The Israel Air Force Center is grateful to SHELDON G. ADELSON for his 22 years of dedication and service as the Chairman of the Israel Air Force Center Foundation”. The poster was unveiled in the presence of retired high ranking members of the Israel Air Force staff who were the most instrumental in aiding in the fundraising of the beginning of the program some 35 – 20 years ago to build and staff the Israel Air Force Center.


The unveiling was followed by a lunch in our newly installed restaurant at the Center’s Event’s place “Theodor”. The lengthy gathering was enjoyed by all.

Unveiling the Poster Ceremony

with Dr. Miriam Adelson and

Mr. Yehochai Schneider

Lunch at the Israel Air Force Center

Please click here to make an online donation to continue these important projects for the youth of Israel and serve those brave men and women who are giving their all for the State of Israel.


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