Volume 2, Issue 2 | July 2020
An unwavering commitment to international students
international week cal poly pomona november 2018
Dear Friends:

Yesterday, you received a letter from Provost Sylvia Alva where she discussed the recent policy revision of the Department of Homeland Security that affects our international students. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, universities and colleges across the nation – including Cal Poly Pomona – will be offering courses online and in-person in Fall 2020. According to the new federal regulations, our students and scholars with F-1 and M-1 Visas prohibit them from taking all their classes online.

We want to conve y our unwavering commitment to the international students enrolled in our courses at the College of Environmental Design. Not only do they enrich our courses and community – but we see them as integral to the educational environment that we value and seek to protect at ENV. (Read the full statement by Interim Dean Lauren Bricker and Associate Dean Alyssa Lang .)
env logo
Diversity Assessment and Plan of Action (DAPA)

The College of Environmental Design convened its first DAPA Committee meeting on July 2 to discuss how the college can increase the diversity of its student population and faculty, with particular attention to African American representation.

Conceived as part of the 2019-23 Strategic Plan, DAPA underscores ENV's long-running commitment to attract, retain and invest in talented scholars and academics of color.

Nicole Butts , Presidential Associate of Inclusive Excellence and Diversity , facilitated the virtual meeting gathering more than 30 students, faculty and staff. Predominantly attended by students, many shared personal stories of disappointment and frustration they have experienced on campus. But one theme became apparent: the need to update curricula that reflect the plurality non-Eurocentric influences.

We welcome your voice in the conversation. Email env@cpp.edu to get a notification about the next DAPA Committee meeting this summer.
cal poly pomona covid-19 updates
Orientation, classes, and most services are remote/virtual for the summer term.

  • Update your contact information on BroncoDirect to receive important campus updates.

  • CPP is working closely with the CSU Chancellor's Office to find ways to support international students and scholars impacted by ICE's new modifications in the Student Exchange Visitor Program, said Provost Sylvia Alva.

  • The Person You Mean To Be: How Good People Fight Bias is the first selection of CPP's summer virtual book club, hosted by the Office of Inclusive Excellence and Diversity.

update icon
env updates
Visit the College of Environmental Design's news section for news and announcements.

  • Buildings 1, 2, 3, 7, 13, 89 and 209 are closed and locked until further notice. Studios and classrooms should not be accessed at this time.

  • The ENV Model Shop and Architecture Fabrication Lab are closed, but instructional technicians Delmer Guillen and Paul Saskas are available for consultations.

  • ENV Student Success Advising Center is on Instagram (@cpp_envadvising). Book appointments with advisors Teresa Castaneda and Elizabeth Guevara-Laxamana via CPP Connect.

  • Get career advising. Book an appointment with ENV Career Specialist Alie Ivie via Handshake.
interdepartmental | stay in the know
Susanna Davy 2020 Cavin Fellow
Susanna Davy , a Bay Area-based artist and technical designer at Gensler's Oakland office, has been named the winner of the 2020 Cavin Family Traveling Fellowship.

This endowed fellowship annually awards a stipend to a promising architecture graduate or a young practitioner (age 35 and under) who has graduated from Cal Poly Pomona or the University of Oregon to fund 10 weeks of travel and research. The program is administered by Cal Poly Pomona through Assistant Professor Robert Alexander , the 2008 Cavin Fellow and an alumnus ('01) of Cal Poly Pomona's architecture program. Davy holds a master's in architecture ('17) from the University of Oregon, and dual bachelor's degrees in art and creative writing ('08) from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

This year’s competition proceeded after the state’s stay-at-home order, with the in-person presentations and awards dinner cancelled (Travel will occur contingent on public health guidance). Davy’s prize is the largest amount awarded to date – $15,000. The 2020 jury was comprised of Julie Smith-Clementi (jury chair) of Smith-Clementi; Assistant Professor Victor Jones (Cal Poly Pomona); Associate Professor Mark Donofrio (University of Oregon); Jeffrey Murdock of Historic Seattle; and Mat Albores of Miller Hull Partnership.
how to redesign the world
Professor Alison Pearlman was among 19 professionals in the design, architecture, logistics, and healthcare fields asked by Politico Magazine to re-design our post-coronavirus world . How could, would and should things work in this new normal?

An art historian and gastronome, Pearlman has long studied and written about culture, design and dining. Read her take on how restaurants can sell their diners on higher prices.
steve rasmussen cancian
Lecturer Steve Rasmussen Cancian accepted a tenure-track faculty appointment in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Design at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University . One of the nation's top HBCUs, it graduates more African American landscape architects than any other institution.

Cancian taught at the department for five years, during which he shared his expertise in community engagement and organization; contributed updates to history courses; and taught the capstone 606 studio series and the course on Race, Class, Gender and Landscape Design.
Q & A with Jonathan Pacheco Bell and Fay Darmawi at the SF Urban Film Fest 2018 photo by Austin Blackwell
Jonathan Pacheco Bell , a project manager with the Los Angeles Neighborhood Land Trust, recently reflected on the department's role in the development of embedded planning .

"Years on now," he said in a June 13 article in Medium , "I’m sure of at least this: I could not have written my one-page manifesto without the support of faculty, students, and alumni at Cal Poly Pomona Department of Urban and Regional Planning."

The Los Angeles chapter of the American Planning Association's 2020 Planning Awards r ecognized Dean Emeritus Michael Woo with the Planning Pioneer Award, and alumnus Manuel Muñoz ('09) with the Outstanding Young Planner Award.
pando days
The Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies and the Huntley College of Agriculture jointly represented Cal Poly Pomona in Pando Days , which challenges 10 Southern California college and university teams to each develop and prototype ways to meet one of Los Angeles County's sustainability goals .

Teams present their projects from June 7-July 21, with a juried finale on July 25. See the rollout schedule and the other school projects here .

The CPP team's entry, Food Within Reach , addressed Sustainability Goal 10: a sustainable and just food system. It envisions interconnected foodways every quarter mile across LA County designed and built by residents in public spaces or accessible private land that can bridge capital and cultural gaps between eaters, seeders and feeders.

Prototypes and student projects of the Lyle Center-Huntley College partnership have culminated in a food pantry, aquaponic food-growing, and a culinary garden. These projects form the foundation of a countywide implementation strategy derived from conscious and regenerative use of plant, animal, and human resources.
virtual cpp
virtual env
opportunities | your professional development
Students and alumni seeking internships and full-time professional employment can virtually connect with employers from at least 50 nonprofit organizations, private firms and government agencies.

Prepare for the Final Hiring Virtual Fair by gaining insight into the mind of an employer in this virtual workshop presented by Lockheed Martin.

LIBRARY 101 WORKSHOPS | July 7-Aug. 6
A series of Zoom workshops held by the University Library's faculty librarians will teach students basic concepts and skills in the field of Information Literacy.

View the library's calendar for workshops and links. Highlights include:
  • COVID-19 Library Research (July 13)
  • Finding Credible Sources (July 22)
  • Virtual Art Museum Tour (Aug. 6)
alumni | designing the future
ms informed latina kimberly au
Kimberly Au ('19, visual communication design), a design intern at Ms. Informed Latina , was part of the team launched the its official site in early July. Dedicated to Latinas and disenfranchised communities of color, it provides resources on finances, career and health to help its audience navigate adult life.

"I was brought onto the project with the intention of leveraging my experience in digital design, my work with organizations, and my perspective as a first-generation college student to inform and make Ms. Informed Latina a reality," Au said. "It is a platform that strives to connect with communities of color while addressing the multicultural stories that impact their decisions and the way they lead their lives."

Ms. Informed Latina is the brainchild of Diana Pineda, a motivational speaker and the creator/producer of the Bestie Bestie Bom Bom podcast.
phil long image by wine spectator
Phil Long ('82, architecture) is a winemaker, founder of Longevity Wines , and president of the Association of African American Vintners . He spoke with Wine Spectator Magazine about the protests sparked by George Floyd's slaying and the surge in AAAV membership and support.

"Most people today don't even realize there are African American winemakers, at all," Long said . "So it's really about promoting awareness that we are here, we do exist, and we make great wine."
layla shaikley
Forbes reports that Wise Systems , a software logistics optimization company co-founded by
Layla Shaikley ('11, master's in architecture) with fellow MIT grads, has raised $15 million for its delivery management platform.
ON THE GRID is produced by the College of Environmental Design (ENV) at Cal Poly Pomona. Send your news, announcements and upcoming (virtual) events to env@cpp.edu .