Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 8.
Your absentee ballot must be postmarked today or returned in person to your board of elections before 7:30 PM on August 8.
Planning to vote on Election Day? Be sure to confirm your local polling location and bring proper identification. Here is a list of what is and isn't allowed. Polls are open from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM.
LMM strongly encourages you to VOTE NO on Issue 1. Issue 1 would take power away from the citizens of Ohio when amending our constitution. It is an extreme measure, as only 25% of citizen-initiated amendments have passed since 1912. If you would like to know more about LMM’s stance, read the full statement in opposition to Issue 1.
Get out and vote and tag us on social media (links below) when you vote NO on Issue 1. Use the hashtags #LMMVotes #NoOnIssue1.