Our Mission
Utilizing its in-depth knowledge of a broad range of community organizations and civic leaders, The Office of Neighborhood and Strategic Initiatives (NSI) assists faculty members and departments who need to connect with residents and organizations necessary for their research and service-learning projects. In addition, NSI provides that critical bridge between neighborhood organizations looking for UH faculty, staff, and students with whom they can collaborate as they strive to improve their communities.
Remembering Reverend William A. Lawson
Pastor Emeritus, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
Co-Chair, University Neighborhood Partnership Forum
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The Office of Neighborhood and Strategic Initiatives extends our thoughts and condolences to the Lawson and Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church family in the passing of our beloved colleague and friend Reverend William Alexander Lawson. Throughout the years under Reverend Lawson’s leadership UH and Wheeler Avenue have collaborated on making our beloved Third Ward a better community.
Reverend Lawson has taught courses at the University of Houston, served on numerous committees, and has been an important advisor to UH leadership.
Reverend Lawson’s inspiring example will continue to light the path for our continuing journey toward improving the lives of people in Third Ward and the larger community.
Elwyn C. Lee
Vice President for Neighborhood & Strategic Initiatives
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Photos with Reverend Lawson Over The Years | |
Reverend Lawson's biography from the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church website is provided below. | |
Pastor Lawson retired in 2004. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri., and reared by Walter and Clarisse Lawson Cadre in Kansas City, Kansas, where he graduated from Sumner High School (1946). He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology at Tennessee A. & I. State University in Nashville (1950). He returned to Kansas City to attend Central Baptist Theological Seminary, which conferred upon Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Theology degrees.
While in seminary, he married Audrey Hoffman Lawson of St. Louis. The Lawsons have four children, two grandchildren, and celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary in January of 2015. He came to Houston after graduation from seminary to serve as director of the Baptist Student Union and Professor of Bible at the new (eight years old) Texas Southern University (TSU). He served in that position for ten years, also becoming director of Upward Bound, a pre-college program for high school students on the TSU campus. During his years at Texas Southern University, a number of residents of the neighborhood persuaded the Lawson’s to establish a church near the university. Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church was established in their home in June1962. The congregation has grown to over 12,000 members, with many outreach programs, and is much respected in the community. Since the church was born and lived its infant years during the Civil Rights Movement, Lawson has been deeply involved in advocacy activities for African Americans, for Hispanics, for women, and for the poor.
In 1996, his 50th anniversary of being a minister, the Houston community honored him with the creation of a non-profit advocacy agency called WALIPP, the William A. Lawson Institute for Peace and Prosperity. That agency has gone before public officials and bodies on behalf of the underclass, and now has established two single-gender charter schools for boys and girls. WALIPP has also constructed 50 units of apartments for seniors in Houston’s Third Ward.
Finally, the agency is pulling together community development groups, churches, civic clubs, and local governments to redevelop the Third Ward so that aggressive real estate development will not expel all who need affordable housing. He has received honorary doctorates from Howard Payne College in Brownwood, the University of Houston, and Texas Southern University in Houston. He is the author of a book of meditations called Lawson’s Leaves of Love. Lawson worked in close partnership with wife Audrey, who worked with the Baptist Student Union at TSU, with the church for his 42-year tenure there, and now with WALIPP. Reverend Lawson retired from Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church in 2004, but remained its Founding Pastor Emeritus until his passing on May 14, 2024.
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Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Press Conference
Announcing Reverend Lawson's Service Arrangements
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For Additional Information on The Celebration of Life for Reverend Lawson click here. | |
Reverend Lawson's Community Service of Celebration | |
Dr. Renu Khator's Remarks
Reverend Lawson's Celebration of Life Service
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Reverend Lawson's Congregational Service of Celebration | |
Photos from Reverend Lawson's Services | |
Media Coverage on Reverend Lawson | |
UH Law Center 47th Bollywood Bling Annual Gala | |
Dr. Elwyn C. Lee, Vice President for Neighborhood & Strategic Initiatives was among the 15 honorees at this year’s gala held on April 6, 2024 at the Post Oak Hotel. Dean Leonard Baynes of the UH Law Center organized a small informal dinner on May 7th at the Davis Street restaurant to honor Dr. Lee and raise additional scholarship dollars. |
Third Ward Initiative Student Ambassadors | |
Boynton Methodist Church Spring Community Festival
On March 30th Third Ward Initiative Student Ambassadors volunteered at Boynton Methodist Church's Spring Community Food and Amazon Distribution Community Festival by assisting with the distribution of food, FREE amazon house hold products, and playing games with local neighborhood youth.
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Fresh Produce Mobile Mart | The Fresh Produce Mobile Mart, sponsored by Trinity United Methodist Church & Urban Harvest, took place May 15, 2024. This monthly event is held in the church parking lot and makes meat, milk, cheese, breads, fruits, nuts and other produce available at discounted low prices. |
U.S. Armed Forces Day Celebration | |
T.A.P.S. - Teen and Police Service Academy | |
This three-week summer camp for teens has been co-sponsored by the Office of Neighborhood and Strategic Initiatives (NSI) for the last 3 years. 60 to 80 youth participants this summer in June following a TEA approved curriculum that takes students through the role of the police, conflict mediation, creating a 20-year plan, drugs and alcohol prevention, human trafficking, college is not the 13th grade, time management, leadership, effective communication, team building, crime prevention, school safety, active shooter, victimization, anti-gang information, safe driving, first aid, criminal and juvenile justice issues and procedures, and fire safety. The students learn business etiquette, conduct a mock trial, ride the METRO, visit Harris County Court House where they meet judges and other criminal justice staff. This year’s camp will be held on the UH campus June 10-28, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
To view the KPRC Channel 2 News Story on our collaboration with T.A.P.S. click the video below. The deadline to apply for the TAPS Summer Institute is May 25, 2024. Click here to apply.
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For the last 19 years in collaboration with Civic Heart Community Services (formerly Change Happens), The Office of Neighborhood and Strategic Initiatives (NSI) coordinates Kids University a summer camp experience which exposes Third Ward and inner-city youth ages 7 to 18 to campus life and college readiness. Activities consist of a welcome pep rally, performances by UH student organizations, and seminars on admissions and financial aid. Meditation and vision board activities facilitated by UH Third Ward Initiative Student Ambassadors and other UH student leaders. Tours of the campus and residence halls and recreational facilities are given. This year’s Kids University will be held July 23-26, 2024. | |
Juneteenth Celebrations and Activities
For additional Information on Juneteenth events click here to visit the Emancipation Conservancy website and check out the flyers below.
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S.H.A.P.E. Community Center | |
For additional information on the 55th Anniversary Celebration click here to visit the S.H.A.P.E. Community Center website. | | | | |