Office for Research - Virtual Town Hall
Dear Colleagues,

It is March, the half-way mark for the semester and the one-year milestone of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. We are all intensely aware of the difficulties of this past year, and hopefully anticipating forging ahead. In the Office for Research, we are working to move forward and help those who produce research and creative products to also move forward.  

With this goal, the Office for Research is hosting a virtual town hall on Monday, March 22, at 11 a.m. The purpose of this town hall is to start a discussion about the future of research at Idaho State, including reassessing the distribution of F&A returns. The Office for Research will also provide an update on issues related to research and an overview of current procedures. The remainder of the meeting will be open to discuss your perspectives on engaging more researchers and conducting and producing more research and creative work at the University. We expect input at the town hall, but also invite emails on this topic sent to

The Office for Research team remains committed to those at Idaho State who produce research and creative products. Please join us for this virtual discussion. 

Office for Research
Virtual Town Meeting
Monday, March 22 at 11 a.m.
Passcode: 459928

As always, thank you for your engagement, decency, and hard work over this past year.

––The Office for Research Team
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