K2 Office Tips Header
Volume 12, Number 9 

October , 2017
We are now in October and September turned out to be the summer we never had.  This promises to be a busy fall.
October is dedicated to the annual Accounting Technology Seminar Series. This  is the 25th year that we have traveled with Alan Salmon & Associates Inc. from coast to coast presenting this one-day update on the technology that accountants, bookkeepers and their clients use. Because it's the 25th anniversary there will be a celebration. Each attendee will receive the 25th Anniversary webinar edition of my favorite Excel Tips. Many cities sell out quickly so CLICK HERE to register and hold your place.
On October 17th, I will finish a two part series on Excel Macros; and Intuit will show the new features in Intuit Profile. On October 26th, I will start my Word Magic series with great tips to save time when you are creating documents. Softrak will present Part 5 of their series on "Stepping Up from Sage 50 and QuickBooks".  
Attend in person and earn 1 verified CPD credit when you answer a minimum of 3 polling questions during the session. Every registrant will receive the recorded webinar so sign up today to ensure that you're on the list.     
October 17, 2017
12:00PM - 1:00PM EDT
October 26, 2017
12:00PM - 1:00PM EDT  
More Ways to Earn Verified CPD credits with K2E Canada Inc.  
K2E Canada Inc. along with our partner K2 Enterprises offer a broad curriculum of technology-focused CPD webinars that are accessible from the comfort of your home or office. We invite you to explore our schedule of Live Webinars covering a wide range of topics including Securing Your Data, Practical tools for Protecting Information, Detecting and Preventing Spreadsheet Errors and many more.   
As usual, I welcome your comments at  alan@k2e.ca
Alan Salmo n, FCPB


Excel Tips


ExcelAutoFilterUsing AutoFilter to Analyze Your Data          
Summary:  Analyzing data is easy with Excel's AutoFilter. Here is how to use it:
If AutoFiltering is not already turned on, display the Data tab of the Ribbon and click the Filter tool. Use the drop-down arrow to the right of a column label to select Number Filters | Custom Filter or Text Filters | Custom Filter. (The names of the options, and thus the choices you make, depend on the composition of your data.) Excel displays the Custom AutoFilter dialog box.   Use the controls in the dialog box to set the criteria you want used for filtering your list. your list.
Click on OK.

You can use the Custom AutoFilter dialog box to set any combination of criteria that you need. For example, you can tell Excel that you want to see any values below, within, or above any given thresholds. The filtering criteria will also work with text values. For instance, you can tell Excel to display only records that are greater than CE. This means that anything beginning with AA through CE will not be displayed in the filtered list. 

Excel also allows you to use wildcard characters to filter text values. These are the same wildcards that you can use in other programs. The question mark matches any single character, and the asterisk matches any number of characters. If you wanted to only display records that have the letter C in the second character position, you would use the equal sign operator (=) and a value of ?C*. This means the first character can be anything, the second character must be a C, and the rest can be anything. 

AutoFilter is a highly useful tool for when you are analyzing large sets of data.
AutoSumWant to Automatically Sum a Column or a Row from the Keyboard?  
  1. Select the first empty cell at the bottom or to the right of the numbers you want to add.
  2. Select ALT + "=".
  3. Press the Enter key.
CommonWorkbooksRemembering Commonly Used Workbooks  
Summary: When you work with the same workbook over and over again, you need a quick way to open these workbooks. Here is how to do this:     
  1. Select the File tab of the ribbon.
  2. Click on Recent at the left-hand side of the dialog box.
  3. Excel shows you a list of the most recent workbooks you've used.
  4. Scroll through the list of workbooks until you see the one you want to use regularly.
  5. Click the push-pin icon that appears to the right of the workbook in the list.
  6. Excel moves the workbook to the top of the file list.
  7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other workbooks you want to pin to the list.
Now you can quickly access the workbooks that you use all the time by displaying the recent workbook list where they will always be shown at the top of the list. 


Word Tip


WordTipInserting Captions          
Summary: You can add captions to screenshots, pictures, charts, text boxes and other graphic objects. Here is how to do this:  
Word's captioning features include preset captions for Figures, Equations, or Tables. Word also handles the caption numbering for you, such as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Here's how to add a caption:
  1. Right-click on the figure that you want to add a caption for.
  2. Click Insert Caption.
  3. The Caption dialog box will open.
  4. Click on the Label drop-down arrow.
  5. Select a Caption label.
  6. At this point you change the location of the caption below the figure.
  7. Click OK and Word will insert the Caption.
K2E Canada Inc. is a leading provider of professional development seminars for the Canadian accounting world.  Each month we publish this free Office Tips e-mail newsletter. These tips will save you time and enhance the appearance of your Office files.
To subscribe to our K2E Canada newsletter   CLICK HERE
Your information is always kept secure and never shared.
Alan Salmon
K2E Canada Inc.