October 2020
Hello October!
Ah, the relief from the heat has arrived. Our Colorado mornings and evenings are crisp and the days are filled with beautiful color. So far, we are having a beautiful Colorado fall and we are enjoying every minute of it! We always look forward to breaking out the sweaters and the general lower activity level that goes along with this time of year, hopefully you do too.
What's Happening This Month at PLN?
Decorative-Large $7.99-$9.99
Corn Stalks 2
Corn Stalks $14.99
Mini's and Gourds $1.49
Fall Sale Ends This Month!
Trees 50%-80% Off
Shrubs, Grasses & Perennials are
Fall Baskets & Pansies 30% Off
Fall Aspen
Large Aspen Trees
Fall Colorful Nannyberry Viburnum
Colorful Nannyberry Viburnums
Fall Baskets
Fall Baskets

Fresh Chili Roastin' Continues
Mild, Medium and Hot & Very Hot!
Hatch AND Anaheim's!
$45 - Bushel
$30 - 1/2 Bushel
$20 - 1/4 Bushel

Is it time to add
some festivity
to your home?
Fall Pumkin
Come Shop The Shop!
Copper Candles
Jack O Lanturn Man
Garden Thymes with Jackie
October Edition
“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
― L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
General Landscaping
  • It's fall cleanup time!!!
  • Add mulch to the base of trees & shrubs to prevent moisture evaporation
  • After a hard frost wrap your tree trunks to prevent winter sunscald damage.
  • Set up a schedule to winter water your trees. Generally, landscape plantings will need to be watered a couple times a month when the temperature is over 40 degrees.
Shrubs, Perennials & Bulbs
  • Plant spring blooming bulbs
  • Cut back perennial flowers - if the foliage is disease free, add the cuttings to your compost pile
  • Dig up tender dahlias and gladiolas and store for next year
  • Apply mulch around your roses to protect them through the winter months.
Veggies, Fruit & Herbs
  • Continue to enjoy the fruits of your labor while the weather holds. 
  • Clean veggie beds and apply a moderate (1" - 3") layer of compost
  • Extend your season by adding a cold frame around your cool season crops
  • Rough till your annual beds and add a layer of compost
  • Toss out spent summer annual plantings
  • Clean pottery and move to storage

Quote of the Month:

“Autumn leaves are falling, filling up the streets; golden colors on the lawn, nature’s trick or treat!”

– Rusty Fischer