October/November 2022

In this issue...

LWV Prepares Us for the Propositions

LBCC Food Drive

Thursday Night Movie Club

Last Call for Membership and Chai Campaign

Abortion After-Care Kits - Donate or Help Put Together

Winter Coat Drive

Membership Social: Advocacy, Who, Me? Yes, You!

Caring Corner Is Back

Join Working Groups for Abortion Justice and Voting Rights

Save the Date!

Preparing for the Propositions

Thursday, October 13, 6 pm, Temple Israel

Please join us to hear this important program, cosponsored by our Advocacy Committee and Temple Israel's Social Action Committee. Speakers from the League of Women Voters will cover what the ballot propositions really contain and who funded each one, so that you are prepared when you vote in the upcoming midterm election. NCJW's COVID protocols will be followed, and masks and vaccinations are required. The program will be both in person at Temple Israel, 269 Loma Ave., Long Beach 90803, and livestreamed here. RSVPs are appreciated to advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org.
There is no charge for this event, but we deeply appreciate donations to support our mission: to improve the lives of women, children, and families through advocacy, education, community service, and philanthropy.

LBCC Food Drive

Saturday & Sunday, October 15 & 16,

10 am - 2 pm, in front of Alpert JCC

In honor of Sukkot, let’s share our harvest bounty with those less fortunate!  We are collecting packaged food for needy college students who are coming back to school at LBCC.

If you can volunteer for a 2-hour shift, please call us at (657) 235-2511 or email us at communityservice@ncjwlongbeach.org.

Requested Donation Food Items (no glass please)

  • Single-serving size of almost anything
  • Canned/packaged protein (tuna, chicken, spam, etc)
  • Beans, rice, pasta, tortillas
  • Pasta sauce, oil, mayo (in plastic please)
  • Canned fruit & veggies (corn)
  • Grab & Go snacks, granola bars, protein bars, nuts
  • Peanut butter, jelly
  • Boxed milk (almond, soy, evaporated, etc)
  • Soup -- cups or canned
  • Baby food, formula
  • Boxed/instant dinners      
  • Mac & cheese, chili, etc.    
  • Oatmeal, cereal                     
  • Crackers, ramen, pancake mix
  • Microwavable meals

If you prefer to donate dollars instead, feel free to use this link and select the College Student Nutrition Fund:


4th Thursday NCJW Movie Club

Thursday, Oct. 27, 7 pm, Zoom

October 27, 7 pm, Zoom: Finding Altamira

In 1879, a Spanish archaeologist (Antonio Banderas) and his daughter (Allegra Allen) cause worldwide controversy when they discover cave paintings that are 10,000 years old. Banderas beams as a man obsessed, and his onscreen daughter reflects his brilliance. This is an engaging tale of the ever-present arguments that take place between science and belief, ensuring heartache for all. Truth wins in the end, decades later, when the church and its faithful catch up to science through surrounding discoveries of other heritage artwork.

Register here for the Zoom discussion

There is no charge for this event, but we deeply appreciate donations to support our mission: to improve the lives of women, children, and families through advocacy, education, community service, and philanthropy.


Last Call for Membership

and Chai Campaign

Membership renewal for annual members and our Chai Campaign for life members are both about to close.

If you want to do either, now is a great time! Click on your link below or mail us a check at NCJW - GLB & WOC, 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815.

NCJW – GLB & WOC is a 501(c)(3) organization which depends on your support to fulfill its mission to improve the lives of women, children, and families through advocacy, education, community service, and philanthropy.


Help Make Abortion After-Care Kits for Planned Parenthood

Saturday & Sunday, November 5 & 6,

10 am - 2 pm, in front of Alpert JCC

We've rescheduled our collection dates!

Help NCJW gather the supplies for Abortion After-Care Kitwhich we'll donate to Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties for their clients. These little bags containcomfort items given to patients after a procedure.


Donate supplies for Abortion After-Care Kits by either dropping off any of the listed items below or by donating $7, $14, or $21 to the Abortion Access Fund ($7 covers the cost of one kit). You can also donate gift cards or cash.

If you can volunteer for a 2-hour shift, please call us at (657) 235-2511 or email communityservice@ncjwlongbeach.org.


Winter Coat Drive

Thursday, Nov. 10 – Sunday, Nov. 13,

10 am - 2 pm, in front of Alpert JCC

Bring ‘em one and all!  Any size, and blankets or caps too!

If you can volunteer for a 2-hour shift, call us at (657) 235-2511 or email  communityservice@ncjwlongbeach.org.

Membership Social:

Advocacy, Who Me? Yes, You! 

Thursday, Nov. 17, 7 pm, Alpert JCC

You may think advocacy is not your thing. But maybe you don’t really know what it is.

You know there are issues that you care about. You know that change is needed.


Join us in a social setting to talk to folks who are already involved as well as others who don’t know if they want to be.

NCJW's COVID protocols will be followed; masks are requested. Please RSVP to advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org.

There is no charge for this event, but we deeply appreciate donations to support our mission: to improve the lives of women, children, and families through advocacy, education, community service, and philanthropy.


The Caring Corner Is Back!

Jeanne Halliday is our new chairperson, and she is waiting for your calls and emails! We strongly encourage you to let Jeanne know about such things as illnesses, deaths, simchas, honors, etc., in our community.

You can look up Jeanne's phone number or email in the Membership Directory, or you can call us at (657) 235-2511 or email us at info@ncjwlongbeach.org to request a card to be mailed.

Join Our 2022 Voting and Elections

Working Group

Voting and elections are a top priority for our Section. We have formed a working group to help plan and lead Section voting and election efforts through the November 2022 election. Topics to be explored include voter registration, postcard and letter writing, partnering with organizations like the League of Women Voters, and voting access for marginalized communities.  

We need you and your ideas! Contact the chair Chana Ham-Rosebrock at  advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org or leave a message for her at (657) 235-2511

Join Our Abortion Justice Working Group

For too long, the narrative in this country about abortion and religion belies the Jewish story: in Judaism, abortion is not only permitted, but sometimes required. NCJW, along with our allies and partners, has launched a new Jewish movement for abortion justice: 73 Forward. Our section has begun to explore programming options for this campaign, and our Advocacy Committee has formed a working group. 

If you’d like to help plan educational programs, advocate for legislation, and/or mobilize organized actions in support of reproductive rights, health, and justice for all, please email advocacy@ncjwlongbeach.org. We’d love to have you join us in the fight! 

Mark Your Calendars...Save the Date

Thursday, November 3: Board Meeting, 7 pm, Zoom. RSVP here.

Thursday, December 1: Board Meeting, 7 pm, Zoom. RSVP here.

Sunday, December 11: Chanukah Party, more info coming. Fun, potluck, comraderie!


Like us and follow us on social media and help us share NCJW events and advocacy programs with others!

Email us at info@ncjwlongbeach.org, call (657) 235-2511, or send mail to NCJW Greater Long Beach & West Orange County, 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815. Please add this contact information to your contacts list.