Our Mission: Fulfilling our promises to the men and women who served.
October 2019 Newsletter
Chapter Commander Tom Wendel
Greetings! Welcome to Chapter 10's October Newsletter! Our next meeting will not be on the 3rd Saturday of October, 19th. Our meeting will be on Saturday, October 26th .

In order for us to have the greatest impact for those men and women made ill or injured during service, we need you to add your voice. Please check out all of the articles and issues discussed throughout this newsletter. I encourage to become a member of the DAV Commander's Action Network (CAN) and share your voice. As Plato once said, "Your Silence Gives Consent." Let's be sure that we are not considered silent and use our unified voices to keep the promises to the men and women who served. Join the DAV CAN today, Click Here!

Thank you to all of our volunteers over the past few months. We cannot make a difference without you. Hope to see you on Saturday, October 26th.
News You Need to Know
VA Delays Caregivers Benefits for pre-9/11 veterans
The VA MISSION Act promised expanded caregiver benefits, but pre-9/11 veterans are still waiting. October was supposed to signify the long-anticipated start of the first-wave enrollment for pre-9/11 veteran caregivers into the Department of Veterans Affairs’ comprehensive caregiver support program. But continued delays certifying the VA’s information technology solution for the program have pushed back the timeline for expansion. To learn more, Click Here!
Women Veterans Deserve Better
Recent allegations were brought by a woman veteran who reported she was sexually assaulted by a fellow patient at the Washington DC Medical Center while waiting for her appointment. It is absolutely unacceptable that a veteran should be unable to access their earned care without risk of harassment or assault. To learn more about DAV's response, Click Here! 

Proposed Changes to Arlington
The Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy has proposed revised eligibility criteria for interment and inurnment at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). The Army will now begin the federal government's public rulemaking process, which includes soliciting public feedback to the proposed changes. To learn more about the proposed changes, Click Here!
COLA Increased to 1.6%
For veterans disability compensation c ost of living adjustment (COLA) increase of 1.6 percent, effective December 1, 2019. To learn more, Click Here!
Free Flu Shots at Walgreens
VA and Walgreens are national partners, providing no-cost quadrivalent flu shots to enrolled Veterans of the VA health care system. To learn more, Click Here!
VA stays ALL Blue Water Navy Cases until January 2020
After the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 was signed into law on June 26th, VA Secretary Wilkie issued a stay on all Blue Water Navy claims. DAV and our fellow VSOs have urged the president to over rule his decision. The stay is impacting thousands of veterans who need access to their benefits now. To read our joint letter to the president, Click Here! To see DAV's latest video update, via Facebook, Click Here!
Upcoming Events
October DAV Career Fairs
DAV is committed to ensuring that the men and women who stood up for America have the tools, resources and opportunities they need to competitively enter the job market and secure meaningful employment. For more employment resources, Click Here! The next event in Virginia is: Norfolk Veterans Job Fair October 31st
Chapter 10 Meeting on Saturday October 26th
We will not be meeting on the 3rd Saturday as usual, but our next meeting is Saturday October 26th, 2019, at 10 am. Chapter 10 will be meeting at American Legion Post #177, 3939 Oak St, Fairfax, VA. Service Officers will be available after the meeting. If you are not able to make the meeting and need immediate assistance, please contact the DAV National Service Office in Roanoke or Washington DC, Click Here!
Legislative Alerts
DAV Commander's Action Network Legislative Alerts
Help protect the earned benefits of ill and injured veterans and their families by becoming an advocate with DAV's Commander's Action Network (CAN). To become a member of the DAV CAN, Click Here! See the most recent DAV CAN Legislative Alerts below and click the link to take action.
DAV Chapter 10 Updates
Jerry Wolf, WWII former POW, threw out pitch at Nationals Park
On September 15th, Jerry Wolf, WWII Veteran, former POW, Purple Heart recipient and DAV Chapter 10 Member, threw out the first pitch at Nationals Park. Many of our members were able to attend the game and watch Jerry first hand. To see the video the Nationals created of Jerry, via Facebook, Click Here!
5th Anniversary of AVDLM
October 5th was the 5th anniversary of the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial (AVDLM). National Commander Stefen "Butch" Whitehead spoke of the importance of the Memorial. To watch him and VA Under Secretary Dr. Paul Lawrence via Facebook, Click Here!
Thank You Volunteers!
On Saturday October 12th, volunteers from Chapter 10 and DAV of DC provided the monthly cleaning of the AVDLM. Our last cleaning of the Memorial for 2019 will be Saturday November 9th at 7 am. To see the video from this month, Click Here!
Chapter 10 Chaplain, Rev. John Hoffmann
I am honored to serve you as Chapter 10's Chaplain. May you and your families be blessed daily with peace and forgiveness. As your Chaplain, I am available if you are in need of prayer or just need to talk. Please give me a call or send me an email. If you become homebound or hospitalized, please let me know. To send me an email, Click Here!  My phone number is 703-508-0200.
Chapter 10 Adjutant Shane Liermann
Now that we are in October, don't forget to log your LVAP Hours for September 2019, Click Here! Whenever you volunteer to assist an ill or injured veteran in our community, please report those as Local Veterans Assistance Program (LVAP) Hours.

Again, w e will meet on the 4th Saturday of this Month, Saturday, October 26th. We will not be meeting on October 19th. Please consider taking the time to discover the family that is DAV Chapter 10 and assist us in our mission. We hope to see you soon.