October Newsletter 2023

A Message from the President

President's Remarks

Governing Document Amendments - A VOTE OF THE OWNERS

The Windstar on Naples Bay Master Association Board of Directors is soon to be seeking your vote in favor of three Amendments to our Governing Documents. Click below to be directed to our website for detail on each proposed amendment.

The Board and Election's Committee will provide notice the vote is underway near the end of the month. This will be a secret ballot e-vote so you will cast your vote online/remotely. Look for your registration link via email in the coming week or two.

Fiber Optic Initiative

The Fiber Optic Committee has been moving along with this exciting initiative. Click here for the results of the summer survey which clearly indicate the community’s preference for high-speed internet.

The committee has put together a Frequently-Asked-Questions summary. Click here for a link to the FAQs. Still have questions? We welcome email inquiries: mitch@windstarmaster.com

We Need a YES VOTE for the Easement Amendment change in order for the Master to conclude and enter into a bulk contract with a provider, this amendment is necessary to give the Master an easement into the units to allow the provider access. That information is linked above in the "Cable &Telecommunications Amendment.

Fiber Optic Town Hall

Bringing Fiber to Windstar! Come to an in person town hall to learn of the many benefits fiber optic connectivity will provide to Windstar owners An in person townhall will be available to those present on Tuesday, October 24th at 3pm at the Naples Botanical Garden's, Buehler Auditorium.


The Botanical Garden has been very accommodating to Windstar and is an anchor asset to the Bayshore area; the Board encourages owners to visit or click the above link for details on donations and memberships.

Building & Grounds

The B&G team has been busy. Click here to find a recap of their 2023 activities and what’s being planned in 2024.

Lakes Committee

Click here for an update on the Lakes Committee activities.

Fountains: The second fountain, as you come down Windstar Blvd., is being replaced this week. The primary fountain is about two weeks out and that is covered by warranty. The fountain off of 2nd tee/3rd green is being refurbished and is also warrantied and will be last to be online. More details on why they are down in the linked lakes report.

Keewaydin News & Notes

A new Vessel for Mariner Services.

Captain Dan is working with the Master Association to provide new charter cruises for our owners & members on Mariner Services’ new boat, "Second Wind". For example, Captain Dan will offer fishing charters, dolphin watching tours, dinner excursions to Naples to name a few. In the near future we will be announcing when and where the excursions will be offered. Below are specifics on the boat itself


"Second Wind" is a 30-foot LOA Grady White catamaran, powered with twin 150 horsepower four-stroke Yamaha outboard motors. The boat is very rare, as only 150 catamarans were manufactured by Grady White before they sold the hull mold to World Cat Boats. The vessel was purchased by Mariner Services on Fenwick island, DE, had it shipped to Naples, and it has proven to be a very comfortable and stable vessel for navigating the waters of Naples Bay and beyond. The boat has ample seating for six people plus Captain, has a cabin bunk area, and a head (restroom facility) with a freshwater sink. The boat is multipurpose, is fully equipped for fishing trips as well as private sightseeing experiences. 

Keewaydin General Update

Trips on the newly repowered Keewaydin Queen are available. Make your bookings now at www.Bookeo.com/keewaydin


A refresher on the Rules of the Boat have been added to the booking terms and conditions and are linked here as well.

We emphasize that :

Per Coast Guard regulations, the captain or his designate is in complete charge of the vessel. Passengers must always follow his or her directives. Violations of the above will result in riding privileges being revoked without recourse.


No Passenger should address their concerns to any member of the crew of the Keewaydin Queen III. Any issues should be directed to the Manager, Mitch Johnson or the President of the Master Association. 

Violations of the above will result in riding privileges being revoked without recourse.


Island Status

Below are some photos taken post debris and tree removal over the summer. There is still debris to be burned and time needed to refurbish some of the structures. Furniture for the rebuilt deck and dock carts are being replaced.

Windstar Club

A Limited time Promotion to Windstar Residents

Please click the button below for the details on a limited time discount for a Social Membership for Windstar Residents.


Can I fish the ponds? While fishing is not great due to the salt water inundation from Ian and the subsequent fish kill due to low oxygen last year, you can still try.

If your residence is on a pond your sub-neighborhood will govern where you can fish along their property. Typically right behind your unit is allowed. If you would like to move around a bit the map linked here will guide where the Master Association allows on their common areas and right of ways.

Our Visitor Management software provider is updating several of the remote tele-entry kiosks and are reviewing alternative visitor management software/hardware options.

A new remote guarding kiosk is to be installed at the main gate. This will allow for guest/owner processing while the guard is roving or responding to trespass concerns. Currently the gate staff cannot leave their post during the day. This kiosk will involve communicating (via microphone, speaker and video) to a remote guard who will use our software to process a visitor. It is not intended to replace the onsite guard.


Fiber Town Hall Tuesday October 24, 2023 at the Naples Botanical Garden.

Master BOD Meeting Thursday October 26, 2023 3:00 PM Via Zoom 

Master BOD Meeting Thursday November 16, 2023 (2024 BUDGET ADOPTION) via Zoom and at the Naples Botanical Garden.
