
Landscaping Newsletter and Garden Tips
October, 2017   Volume 150

A Personal Message
Proud to have written 150 issues of our newsletter during the past 20 years in business!
Sorry we didn't publish a newsletter last month.  It's been crazy/busy.
We took the chimney off the house.
We took the doors off the offices.
We took the roof off the building.
Here's what it looked like for a while...  
Here's the roof one moment...
And, it's gone the next moment.  (Please note that we did actually patch the hole in the roof.) 
Open door policy here at Dell Sadler's.  Yes, that's the inside of our offices. 
Open invitation for a burglary!  (Just kidding.  We replaced the doors the same day.) 
Sorry it's blurry! 
This was one of the most pleasant renovations we've ever experienced.  The roofing company was so accommodating.  Our roof is beautiful.  We're planning to redo the siding also - in a color that compliments our new roof. 
We actually worked on a lot of landscaping projects for clients also.  More on this later in the newsletter.
Hope you'll have a wonderful autumn.  Please contact us if we can assist you with any outdoor projects this fall.

October Garden Tips

*  Remember the feeling you got as you went into your garden last spring, and there it was...

Here's a beautiful photo of spring flowering bulbs clustered together.

Who doesn't love tulips?

I've included a few solid tips to ensure those bulbs you plant this fall actually have flowers next spring.

Surround bulbs with wire cages if you have a problem with voles, moles, chipmunks, or other burrowing critters.
Hide bulbs from digging squirrels by planting them into established groundcovers. 
Work bulb fertilizer into soil at the base of planting holes.
*  Another crucial chore...
Clean-up your landscape beds. Don't let this year's diseases and insects carry over to next year.  Clear away all the fallen leaves and plant debris in your vegetable and flower gardens. Remove all the debris, bag it and haul it away.   
This is a perfect example of how to dispose of garden debris. 
Raking away tree branches that grew waaaaaay too big over the summer. 
*  You may know this already, but, this is the VERY BEST TIME OF YEAR to plant trees and shrubs.  You can get great deals at local nurseries and garden centers now.   
There's some information you'll need before you install.  For example, you'll need to make sure the tree is in the proper location for that species.  You want to make sure you dig the hole deeply enough.  And, you'll need to be sure to keep the tree well-watered, even through the winter.
Here's some excellent information about planting a tree here. 

I also found a link which discusses the proper way to plant a tree.  It's from the North Carolina State University's Extension Agency.

I really like the information they offer.  If you're a do-it-yourselfer, take a peek at what they offer:  
Or, you can always call me for assistance!

*  And to finish us up for this month, here are a couple of other good ideas for the fall garden...

*  Cut back perennial plants that have died down or leave the dead foliage in place for over-wintering birds.  Remember to hang bird feeders too.
I like these two bird feeders...they seem to be working well. 
*  After your final clean-up, think about adding a thin layer of mulch to protect plants from winter's frost.  Mulch also helps hold moisture, in the event we have a dry winter.
*  Get those fallen leaves off the lawn and out of your landscape beds.  Leaves block sunlight which may inhibit growth.  Plus, they just look messy!  

*   Here's my new favorite fall decoration - GOURDS!

I found this over the top idea on "Pinterest."  They used tomato cages, covered in wire.  Great vertical decoration! 

Fall Tick Repellent 

First, you should know that ticks are active year round.  Ticks are still active in the middle of winter.  There's still a very good chance you may be bitten as you enjoy cooler outdoor weather.

When I saw these two photos of fall activities, my mind saw tick activity!
With this in mind, you should know that my second tick treatment of the year helps to disrupt the entire life cycle of ticks. 

By fall, most ticks have reached the adult stage.  This means they can lay eggs which will hatch in the spring.  It's critical to eliminate as many ticks as possible in the fall, so that the local population doesn't continue unprecedented growth. 

This chart from the Center for Disease Control show the four life stages of a tick.  Although risk for a bite is less in the fall and winter, we need the second spray to eliminate the egg stage next spring.

The Center for Disease Control has excellent information about ticks and the problems a bite may cause.  It's even better and more factual than expected from this lifesaving organization.  It was my first look at their website and it is wonderful!

Click on this link for more information:  http://www.cdc.gov/ticks/index.html. 

And, please consider using my company to do this second treatment of the year to eliminate the threat of a tick bite.  I believe in my program so much that I'm giving away a free tick repellent service worth up to $500.00.   
Enter our contest this fall by going to dellsadler@dellsadler.com  Click on the Contact Us button and complete the short form.  You'll automatically be entered in our Fall contest.   
Evaluations and estimates are always at no cost.  We come to your property in person to evaluate your individual situation.  Always in person and always no charge.