October 2015 Newsletter
~ October 2015 ~

Ah, October. One of the most beautiful months in the mountains.
The vivid foliage heralds not only the start of a new season, but also Sugarloaf's annual Homecoming Weekend. It's a perfect time for fall hikes, target practice and reconnecting with old friends; the best way to enjoy all of that: With CVOA!!
The planners at CVOA Central have some good times planned for the weekend. Join us!! Better yet: Pitch in and help us! Honest - it's a lot more fun than work.
Start your weekend off Saturday with a swing by the CVOA Homecoming Booth, located in its usual spot just outside the restrooms in the base lodge. There will be some fabulous photography on display, some handouts outlining what we have planned for 2016, some hiking guides and cookbooks to scoop up for holiday gift giving and old friends hanging around waiting to catch up.
We're looking for volunteers so if you're willing to spend an hour or two sharing your CVOA stories with others and signing up new members, let Nancy know and she'll sign you up.
On Sunday, you have two options to choose from: a scenic hike in the Bigelows with Peg Bickford, or a day on the range ... trap shooting, kid programs, a fabulous BBQ and a Jeannette Parker Gift Basket Raffle.
We'll be there!! We're hoping you will, too.

~ Nancy Perry, CVOA President
Future Events Homecoming at the Range
Map, Compass, GPS Course Youth Introduction
Homecoming - Help Wanted Full day of Traps
Two Bigelows Hikes Barbecue Lunch
Bar Harbor and Acadia Trip Reports
Adventures "Test Run" Little Lyford Trip Report
Whistler-Blackcomb News
Photo of the Month Renew your Membership
Calendar of Events
October 3 & 4 - Map, Compass, GPS Course
October 9 - 12 - Sugarloaf Homecoming Weekend
October 11 - Little Bigelow Hike
October 23-25 - Bar Harbor and Acadia
October 24 - Fire Warden's Trail to Avery and West Peaks

January date TDB - Board/Member meeting
January 23 - Winter Social with Delta Knights
Feb. 25 - March 3 - Whistler Blackcomb
June 25 - Golf at Lac Megantic
Future Events & Adventures
Map, Compass, GPS Course
There's room for more....

I am receiving more requests for the GPS class; GOOD! The more the merrier and the more experience we will share. (Everybody that loves the woods has been lost at least once!)

We are set for Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 3 and 4, at the Carrabassett Library Begin Room. Nine a.m. to four p.m.; bring any GPS's that you may have and your compasses. If you happen to have some topographical maps, bring them too. I am looking forward to meeting some new outdoor people!
When parking at the CV Library for functions, please leave the spaces in front of the library vacant.
~ Dick Parker, Instructor
(207) 628-2122 or cvoa.adventures@gmail.com

HELP WANTED . . . . . 
...at the Homecoming Booth

CVOA is looking for a few volunteers to help work the Homecoming Booth.
It's really a meet-and-greet kind of job ... answering questions about our club and helping new recruits sign up.
And it's a great chance to catch up with old friends!
The booth is open from 10 am to 4 pm Saturday and Sunday. We like to have a couple of CVOAers around throughout the day. We have Saturday morning covered but could use some help Saturday afternoon and Sunday.
If you can lend us hand for an hour of two, please contact Nancy at cvoa.president@gmail.com. We'll sure appreciate it!!

~ Nancy Perry
Exploring the Bigelows - 2 more hikes 
October 11 and 24

It's happening! The weather is turning clear and crisp, leaves are hinting color, and it is a great time to enjoy fall with an invigorating hike. The views are rewarding and awe inspiring! Come join us for some fall treks and 'walks in the woods.' We welcome the average hiker, and will be taking plenty of rest stops for snacks and camera ops along the way!!
Sunday, October 11 - Little Bigelow Hike
  • Round out your homecoming weekend with this fun and popular hike of varied terrain of woods, open granite ledges, a few steep sections, and great views of Sugarloaf and the rest of the Bigelow range.
  • Total distance about 6 miles round trip.
  • Meet at 8:00 AM at Tufulio's parking lot; we will caravan/car pool the Carriage Road to the trailhead at Round Barn.
Saturday, October 24 - Fire Warden's Trail to Avery and West Peaks.
  • You'll 'bag' two 4000 footers in one hike!
  • About a 10 mile hike roundtrip. 
  • Meet at 9:00 AM at Stratton Brook Pond outlet, which is about two miles in on the Stratton Brook Pond Road. Stratton Brook Pond road is first right off Route 27 just north of AT Crossing/Parking lot.
~ Peggy Bickford, Hike Leader

  Click here for more info on our website. 
Bar Harbor and Acadia
October 23, 24, 25

Have you been to Acadia Park and Bar Harbor this year?  Each year a million people travel from all over the world to visit this beautiful place.  Now it's your turn!  

We've got the whole Mt. Desert Island reserved for the weekend of October 23 -25 (well not really, but it kind of feels that way) and you won't want to miss this popular CVOA event.  You already know how special the Park is, especially with the fall foliage.  Add to that a nice motel to stay at, lots of good eats in Bar Harbor, the infamous CVOA happy hours, and to top it off, you get to enjoy all this with your CVOA friends.  Feel free to bring guests with you as well.
So, check out our website post CVOA Bar Harbor Trip for more
information and book your room at the Cromwell Harbor Motel.  We look forward to seeing you on Friday October 23rd!
Contact Peter Weston at cvoa.adventures@gmail.com or call 207-885-5995 if you have any questions.
CVOA Adventures "Test Run"
Have an idea and wonder if anyone else is interested?

Have an idea and wonder if anyone else is  interested?  Maybe that idea requires a certain level of participation or ability.  The question could be money.  Do others see the same value as you in the activity?  Send what information you have to cvoa.adventures@gmail.com and we'll post them in the newsletter with a request for feedback.  What better way to find the answer than ask!
I'll lead this out with Little Lyford in the winter.  Our summer excursion was a huge success and I'm wondering how many hardy souls would love to be tucked into the Northern Maine Woods surrounded by snow.  The brief specs are:
  • Time - A February or March weekend
  • Distance - It's a 6 mile ski to the camps
  • Money - Budget rates are online at the AMC website
  • To do - XC ski and snowshoe on wooded trails
What is your interest?? That's the peek.  Send your interest and /or comments to cvoa.adventures@gmail.com.  Let's get the list of interested members started.
~ John Morey, Adventure Coordinator
Whistler - Blackcomb 2016
February 25 - March 3
Range News
Homecoming events at the Range
Introduction to shooting sports for young people:
A popular program designed to introduce area young people to the shooting sports for free will once again be part of the Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association Range's annual Homecoming program on Sunday, October 11.
The youth program, available to young people between the ages of 7 and 15, has introduced dozens of young people to the basics of gun handling, archery and safety in previous years.
It features a classroom session led by trained instructors and then hands-on use of .22 caliber rifles and youth archery equipment with one-on-one supervision by trained CVOA members.  CVOA provides the equipment, including youth .22 "Cricket" rifles, ammunition and archery equipment free of charge.
According to Jim Heichel, a CVOA Range Committee member, the rifle, pistol and archery ranges will all be devoted to demonstrations and hands-on use of rifles and archery equipment.
Heichel, who chairs the activities, has planned programs for rifle and archery running from 10 a.m. - noon and from 1 - 3p.m.  Participants will receive instruction on safety and gun and archery equipment handling, followed by supervised shooting in both disciplines. 
"With the growing interest in outdoor activities like these, this is a great opportunity to show young people the safe and proper procedures for using rifle and archery equipment," Heichel said. Plus, he added, "The kids will have a great opportunity to practice both disciplines in environments designed for these activities, with lots of shooting time."
If anyone has questions, or needs additional information, they can call Heichel at 628-3356.
An expanded program of trap shooting for the day:
Starting at 9 a.m., the range will open with its usual Sunday trap shoot, but for Homecoming Sunday, it will not only run through noon but will pick up again at 1 p.m. through 3 p.m.
This year in particular, the weekly trap shoot has become a regular event for an increasing number of "scattergun" owners.  The Homecoming Sunday doubles up the hours that are usually available.
Its popular barbecue from noon to 1 p.m. on Sunday:

....featuring chicken, hamburgers and cheeseburgers, hot dogs and "pot luck" selections from the kitchens of CVOA members.  Over the years, the barbecue has been heavily attended during the break from the Homecoming Sunday range activities.

Cost of the barbecue lunch is $7 for adults and $5 for children.
Anyone interested in providing casseroles or other main dishes, salads or desserts to go with the pot luck should contact Ray & Diane Stone at cvoa.range@gmail.com.
The CVOA Range is located on Rt. 27 about 1.6 miles north of the Sugarloaf access road.
Past Events and Adventures
Little Lyford Trip Report 
Paddling, Fishing, Swimming, Hiking, Feasting....

From morning hikes to afternoon paddles to evening bonfires ... CVOA lived up to its name as the "active outdoor club" during a 3-day stay in Maine's pristine 100 Mile Wilderness.
Some 28 members of CVOA spent a memorable weekend at the Appalachian Mountain Club's Little Lyford Lodge September 18-20. It was the group's first time with AMC ... but if the reaction of attendees was any indication, it won't be the last! "What a wonderful weekend," said Sonya Ducharme, who was attending her first CVOA outing with her husband Scott.
Members paddled, fished and swam on Little Lyford's ponds and rivers, hiked Gulf Hagas, "The Grand Canyon of the East", Indian Mountain and local nature trails, and feasted on fresh vegetables from AMC's gardens, salmon and ribs and homemade desserts.
Little Lyford offers a drive-in setting in the middle of the 100 Mile Wilderness, which runs from Monson to Baxter State Park. The AT runs through much of the area, as well as numerous other hiking trails, including Gulf Hagas with its series of spectacular waterfalls and swimming holes.
Guests stay in cabins or a bunkhouse, each with wood stoves and gas lights, and have access to showers, toilets and, in the winter, a sauna. There is hut-to-hut hiking and skiing to the AMC Chairback Lodge in the same area.
Plans are already being formulated for a fall or winter return.
~ Nancy Perry
Click here for photos from the Little Lyford trip.
2016 Memberships
Renew Any Time Now...

Your current CVOA membership is valid through December 31, 2015; our membership year now coincides with the calendar year.

There are four ways to renew your membership for 2016:
  1. Join online using a credit card: Click Here
  2. Join online and pay with a check: Click Here
  3. Print this form, complete it and mail it with a check.
  4. Renew at the Homecoming table on October 10-11, pay by cash or check.
We will remind you again in December if you have not yet renewed, and thank you for your continued support of CVOA.

~ Cindy Foster, Secretary
Stratton Summer Rec Program
Thank you note

We received a letter of thanks for the contribution CVOA made in June to the Stratton Summer Recreation Program:

"I am writing you to thank you for helping with the cost of the summer rec program. My children and I are so very thankful for your generosity and without your help it would not have been possible for my children to have the amazing summer that they did. Thank you."

Signed by:
Jennifer Raymond
Jazmine Raymond
Alexander Hamilton
Issaih Raymond
Jadaiah Davis

~ Cindy Foster, Secretary
Photo of the Month
Allagash Lake, taken by Judy Fitzpatrick-Weston
Do you have a photo suitable for "Photo of the Month"? Are you a CVOA member? If so, send your photo to: Cindy Foster, Newsletter Editor -  cvoa.secretary@gmail.com.
Carrabassett Valley Outdoor Association
Valley Crossing #6
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947
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