Fall is in full swing, and the library has a calendar full of events for patrons of all ages! Touch-a-Truck, our biggest family fundraiser of the year will be held on October 3.
Budding Picassos in grades 3 to 5 can sign up for art classes at the library and gain experience creating art with clay, watercolors and printmaking - check the dates below. For those who love mysteries, we have invited Sherlock Holmes (ade
ptly portrayed by Neill Hartley) to the library on October 22 to solve the case of the Speckled Band. Later in the month, the whole family is invited to the library for a fall craft night on October 28.
For those of you finishing up your fall cleaning, the Friends of the library invites you to bring your gently used books to the library by the end of October for their fall book sale.
We hope to see you in the library in October!
Seeking a "Guitar Strumming" Volunteer
Play the guitar? Like children? Know Old McDonald, Wheels on the Bus and other children's favorites? We'd love to use your talent at our baby and preschool story times a few times a year.
Please contact Catherine
at 610-759-4932 or
nazlib1@nazarethlibrary.org for more information.
Touch a Truck
is finally here! Bring a camera and come to our Library's popular
Touch a Truck
event at Tuskes Community Park of Upper Nazareth (3040 Bath Pike) this
Saturday, October 3rd
from 10:00 to 2:00. People of all ages will have the opportunity to create special memories of climbing on and touching vehicles that many of us only see from afar.
Some of the vehicles expected are: the PEEPSMOBILE®,
a bookmobile, a hearse, a concrete mixer, fire trucks, and a med-evac helicopter (weather- and- availability-permitting). FeFe and Chuck E. Cheese are also expected to make appearances. In addition, there will be activities tables provided by New York Life and Rutler Screen plus face painting by Tara! Refreshments will also be available for purchase. At 2pm there will be the parade of trucks as the vehicles exit the park.
Tickets can be purchased at the Library or at the event. Tickets ar
e $5 each or five for $20. (Cash or check only. No credit cards.) Childre
n under the age of 2 are free. If you buy your tickets by Friday, October 2nd, y
ou will also have a chance to win a gift basket (one entry for each ticket purchased)! The drawing for the Touch a Truck raffle baskets will be at noon on October 3 at Tuskes Park. Winners don't have to be present.
Proceeds from this fundraising event will go toward our circulating collections, equipment, and programs for children, teens, and adults.
In October, children in grades 3 to 5 will have an opportunity to explore art through workshops taught by PA-certified art instructor, Jen Pritchett, owner of
Starry Night Studio. Because of the structure of the workshops, children must commit to attend both dates of their chosen workshop. The sign-up lists for the workshops are in the Children's Room. Each workshop is limited to 12 participants.
Workshop #1: Children will be working with clay to create a beautiful work of art. It will be held on
Thursday, October 1st and Thursday, October 8th
m 6:30 to 7:30.
Workshop #2: Children will be creating a project that combines both watercolor painting and printmaking. It will be held on
Thursday, October 15th and Thursday, October 22nd from 6:30 to 7:30.
An additional art workshop for younger children is being planned for later this year.
Neill Hartley as Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band |
Thursday, October 22nd at 6:00, professional actor Neill Hartley will return to our Library as Sherlock Holmes in a thrilling version of the short story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. See Sherlock Holmes in his study working out the mystery. Then follow him to an old mansion where he must stop a killer from committing another horrible crime!
This fully staged presentation is sure to delight and entertain audiences of all ages. Following the performance, there is a short informational section about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and a history of his most famous character, Sherlock Holmes. The presentation is completed with a question and answer period with the audience.
Seating is limited to 30 so please reserve your seat soon! Stop at the library's Circulation Desk or call us
at 610-759-4932, ext. 1 .
Fall Crafts Night for the Entire Family
Get into the autumn spirit by coming to the Library at
6:30pm on Wednesday, October 28th to make fall crafts with the entire family.
Sign-ups for this event will begin on Wednesday, October 21st at the Children's Room Desk. There is a limit of 30 children for this event
Getting Ready for the Friends Book Sale
Friends of the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity will
accept donations for the Fall Book Sale until Saturday, October 31st. Children, teen, and adult books, DVDs, and CDs that are in good sellable condition would be appreciated. Items that are not accepted are: VHS and cassette tapes, encyclopedias, magazines, textbooks, or Readers Digest Condensed Books. Please bring your donations to the Library's Circulation Desk.
The Friends is a group of community members who raise money to provide programs and to purchase items for the library collection which surpass the library's annual budget. Without the Friends many of the annual events that you and your children participate in would not be offered.
The Friends next Book Sale will be held November 5th through November 7th.
Smile at the Library with AmazonSmile
If you enjoy shopping on Amazon and would like to support our Library, try AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile (
smile.amazon.com) is a simple and automatic way to support us every time you shop, and at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you'll find the same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, but with the added bonus that the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price to Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity or the Friends of the Memorial Library of Nazareth and Vicinity if you select us from the nearly one million organizations that are registered. As you shop you'll see qualified products marked "Eligible for AmazonSmile donation" on their product detail pages.