Common Threads
Thank you to everyone that helped make our Parish Picnic such a huge success! It was wonderful to see our parish family together again enjoying each other’s company. I saw children playing, old friends reconnecting, and new friendships beginning. We have all missed this sense of community. Hopefully, this is just the beginning.  

I want to express my gratitude to all of you who once again committed your time, talent, and treasure to our Tapestry Program. We have received thousands of volunteer and pledge forms that will help our parish continue to offer the committees, ministries and programs that will meet your spiritual needs. With your support, we will be able to plan for upcoming maintenance and staffing requirements. St. Brigid of Kildare would not have been able to continue serving you during this challenging time without the commitment and flexibility of our parishioners, staff, and clergy. I appreciate all your support.

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Advent Half-Night Lock-In
Saturday, December 11 from 5-10 PM

We are happy to announce that St. Brigid high school youth ministry is hosting our first Half-Night Lock-In during Advent! This event is open to all current 7th-12th grade students!

Join us for:
  • 5 PM Mass
  • Dinner (pasta, salad, bread, and cookies)
  • Social + Service: giant Jenga, giant connect 4, assorted board games, trivia, + more!
  • Christmas cards for retirement & assisted living communities
  • Hygiene care kits for the homeless
  • Advent Message
  • Live Music! Advent Worship

Registration is $15/ person. Register for the Advent Half-Night Lock-In by December 1 at the link below.
Fall Parish Picnic: Together Again
Thanks to all who volunteered, represented ministries and attended our fall parish picnic on October 10 at Brigid’s Green! We are thankful it was a beautiful day!

A special thanks to the Knights of Columbus for grilling the food!
Religious Education Rosary Making
We had a great turnout at this month's first Religious Education family event where families and children gathered to learn about the rosary and make their own rosary in Hendricks Hall. Families then headed over to the church to join together in praying the rosary. 

This year, Religious Education is offering weekly home faith formation for all children, supported by materials from Our Sunday Visitor. 

In addition, the program offers optional monthly in-person events on campus in addition to the weekly lessons so that we can continue to grow in community with one another. These events are open for families to attend together, so that they can grow in their faith as a family.

The next event will be Advent wreath-making in November. Details will be sent to Religious Education families.
Advent at Home: Rejoice!
Rejoice! Finding Your Place in the Advent Story follows the four weeks of Advent and will help us appreciate the places, people, and events that complement the story of the very first Advent.

In deepening our appreciation of the places, people, and events of the very first Advent, we can encounter the Lord in our own lives and hearts during Advent this year. Enjoy Advent. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the places, people, and events that shaped the story of the very first Advent and shape our own lives now.

Each day provides aids to help guide your prayer:

  • A word - Focus on a single word each day to draw out the details of the Advent story.
  • A reflection - Learn more about the people, places, and events of the first Advent and how they influenced Christ.
  • A Psalm - A Psalm to pray to help you enter into prayer.
  • A prompt - Space to journal and record how the Lord is speaking to you this Advent.

High School Youth Ministry will send in a bulk order (so books will be $7.50 instead of $12)!

Place your advanced order by 10/31 to ensure you receive a book for Advent!
EPIC Middle School Youth Ministry: Box of Joy
The November EPIC event is the Box of Joy service event on Sunday, November 7 from 11 AM - 1 PM! RSVP is required for this EPIC event.   

The RSVP deadline is November 1.  Use the link below to RSVP.
Box of Joy is a way to demonstrate Christ’s compassion to poor children in developing countries. When families and ministries pack Boxes of Joy for children in poverty, it teaches generosity, thankfulness and cultivates a servant’s heart. 

This year, we are asking all families to pick up one Box of Joy packing box per registered EPIC student from the parish office by November 5, 2021 and return it full of requested items for a child. 

More details about gender, age, and packing requirements will be sent to you after you RSVP your middle schooler for this service event. 

Bring your filled Box of Joy with you to 11 AM mass on November 7 (bring it to Hendricks Hall before Mass or place it under your pew during Mass). 

After Mass, join us in Hendricks Hall for pizza, to make Christmas cards, to complete a "get to know you" sheet to put in your box, and to double check boxes before packing them to be sent to children awaiting the Good News of the Gospel! 

EPIC coordinators: Andrea Komenda ( and Laura Ginikos ( 
Giving Tree 2021
Romans 12:13 When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them.
In this time of uncertainty and challenge, the need to bring Christmas cheer and hope to others is more important than ever. The Giving Tree Project is a wonderful opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of others and our community. If you are able, please join us in supporting those in need.

Due to the success of the program last year, we will again be using SignUpGenius for the Giving Tree Project, and will not be using paper ornaments. All gift requests will be listed on the SignUpGenius site where you will have the opportunity to choose a requested gift or make a monetary donation. Please click on the “sign up” tab next to the item you wish to donate. You will receive an email confirming your selection and reminding you of the due date. There will be a representative in the church Gathering Area the weekend of November 6 and 7 to answer questions about accessing Sign-up Genius. 

Gift Drop-off - Donated gifts can be dropped off in Hendricks Hall on:
• Saturday, 12/4 from 4 - 6pm and 
• Sunday, 12/5 from 8:30am - 2:00pm
If you have a conflict with the drop-off dates, please contact Deb Foley at or (614) 580-6622, to make other arrangements. There will not be a collection closet or area at St. Brigid to collect donations in advance of these dates or after these dates.

Monetary Donations – You will also have the opportunity to make monetary donations through the SignUpGenius site. Details are available on the site.
Please Note - All gifts / donations must be received by Sunday, 12/5.

We will be collecting gifts for the following organizations:
• Kentucky Mission: The Kentucky Mission is located in Booneville, KY, a rural area of high unemployment and low incomes. The Sisters of St. Francis minister to the needs of local residents and are requesting cash donations for emergency needs.  
• Heinzerling Community: Located on the west side of Columbus, Heinzerling serves a community of non-ambulatory residents with severe or profound developmental disabilities. Gift donations include toys, games and personal care items.
• Stephen’s Community House: St. Stephen’s serves residents in the Greater Linden Community. Services include elderly and youth programs, childcare, and emergency needs, along with a food pantry. We are collecting monetary donations and Kroger gift cards for their food pantry.
• St. Brigid of Kildare Emergency Fund: St. Brigid Parish often receives requests to help families with financial needs such as rent assistance, medical care, car repairs, transportation, etc. Small grants of money help those who are facing a financial crisis.  
• St. Lawrence Haven: Volunteers from parishes throughout the diocese make sandwiches and serve hot meals to about 250 people each day at St. Lawrence Haven, which is operated by the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Toy donations are requested for the children supported by this organization.
• Gladden Community House: Gladden Community House is located in Franklinton and provides services to the community such as education and recreation programs, meals for low-income residents, emergency assistance, and advocacy and support for individuals and families. Toy donations are requested for children served by their programs.

Please contact:
• Susan Corcoran regarding SignUpGenius: or (614) 832-2762 
• Deb Foley with all other questions: or (614) 580-6622 

Thank you for your generosity and support.
Thanksgiving Food Collection Drive
The Dublin Food Pantry is now preparing for its annual Thanksgiving food collection drive. This year has been a challenge with the pantry continuing to provide drive-through services to 100-150 families per week. This Thanksgiving, the pantry hopes to provide Thanksgiving food boxes for 450-500 families during the month of November. Many churches throughout Dublin will be providing food items for the boxes. Once again, the Social Action Committee is spearheading this project with the support of the parishioners of St. Brigid. This year we offer three options for giving:

  1. Provide an entire Thanksgiving dinner
  2. Provide a gift card(s)
  3. Provide boxed potatos and gravy

Click the link below to learn more about each of these options and to sign up.
Knights of Columbus & Respect Life Committee’s Virtual Fall Diaper & Book Collection
The Knights of Columbus and the Respect Life Committee part of the Social Action Committee of St. Brigid of Kildare are jointly sponsoring a virtual diaper collection from through November 6, 2021 to benefit Pregnancy Decision Health Care and Women’s Care Center, both of Columbus. By following the link for either or both Pregnancy Decision Health Center or Women’s Care Center and making a purchase from their respective lists, you will be contributing to their life saving efforts.

If you have questions please contact Program Chairman, Nick Little:
Men and the Nun is Back!
We will meet on the Tuesdays of November in Carr Room from 7:00 until about 8:15 PM (masks required). Our book will be The Whole Language by Greg Boyle, SJ. Available through most vendors and it is on kindle.

Over the past thirty years, Gregory Boyle, SJ has transformed thousands of lives through his work as the founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest and most successful gang-intervention program in the world. We will be using Fr. Boyle’s new book, The Whole Language, The Power of Extravagant Tenderness. In a community struggling to overcome systemic poverty and violence, The Whole Language shows how those at Homeboy Industries fight despair and remain generous, hopeful, and tender. Fr. Boyle’s moving stories challenge our ideas about God and about people, providing a window into a world filled with fellowship, compassion, and fewer barriers. Bursting with encouragement, humor, and hope, The Whole Language invites us to treat others—and ourselves—with acceptance and tenderness. 

To have a good discussion we need at least 8 men. Please register on the parish website or click below. Registration closes on October 28th. 
Family First at St. Brigid Supports Spirituality at Home - Article
Catholic Times featured article

St. Brigid of Kildare's Family First was recently featured in the September 12 Catholic Times. Below is an excerpt from the article, click the link below to continue reading (find the article on page 7).

Thirteen years ago, two young mothers attending Dublin St. Brigid of Kildare Church started talking to each other about their wish to get together with other parents, discuss raising children in a faith-filled way and learn from one another.

The two shared that desire with other mothers, and those conversations led to formation of a parish ministry known as Family First. Its programs provide opportunities for parents to grow as leaders in “the domestic church … centered on the lordship of Christ and the love of husband and wife,” as described by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007.
Protecting God's Children - Updated Sessions
The Diocese of Columbus will be offering Protecting God's Children (PGC) training sessions at the following times. All of these sessions are in-person.

  • Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 6:00 pm at Holy Spirit (via Zoom)
  • Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 6:00 pm at Holy Spirit (via Zoom) 
  • Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 6:00 pm at St. Francis DeSales (in person)

Please visit for registration and meeting instructions. Click on First Time Registrant, View a list of sessions, choose Columbus, OH (Diocese) and create a Virtus account.

Potential volunteers with children and youth must also complete a St. Brigid volunteer application, and submit a signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and submit to a criminal background check.

Full details and forms can be found at or contact Stacey Nerone, Safe Environment Manager at
Advent by Candlelight - Save the Date
Advent by Candlelight is an evening for women to gather together and listen to an inspiring speaker as she helps rekindle our souls to the spiritual significance of the Advent and Christmas Seasons.

Our theme this year is “Love”. Join Meg Hunter-Kilmer, Catholic speaker, writer, and self named “Hobo for Christ” as she helps us prepare our hearts this Advent for Christ’s Love coming down at Christmas.

Meg will join us for two nights on the evenings of November 19th and 20th. Please consider inviting your friends to this special event and possibly hosting a table. Table hostess duties include: reserving a table for you and up to 6 guests, decorating your table, and inviting your guests to bring wine, small appetizers, and desserts to share at your table. If you are not able to host a table, no problem, invite a friend(s) and sit at one of our open tables!

Save the date for registration beginning October 26th.
55 Plus Guest Speaker: All Are Welcome
Parishioners, family and friends of ALL AGES are invited to a special presentation arranged by the 55+ Club. You don’t need to be 55 years and up to attend.

Come hear our compelling speaker, Stan Stever, who was incarcerated for many years. Stan now works for Kindway, an organization that helps former prisoners transition into the community. The Kindway ministry is successful through the financial support of St. Brigid's Social Action Ministry and volunteers from many church communities like St. Brigid of Kildare Catholic Church.

"I was in prison, and you visited Me. . . For as long as you did this for one of these, the least of My brothers or sisters, you did it for Me." Matthew 25: 36-40

Date: Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Location: Hendricks Hall at St. Brigid of Kildare Church
Time: 1:30 - 2:15 p.m.
Note: A Question & Answer period will begin at 2:00 p.m.

While all are welcome, space is limited. Non-members must reserve a seat no later than Sunday, October 24, with Cathleen Wolf at (614) 376-0645.
COVID-19 Vaccines: Individual Freedom and the Common Good
Join Dominican Priest Austriaco for a discussion on the COVID-19 vaccine, the common good, and Catholic bioethics underlying it. Rev Austriaco holds a Ph.D. degree in biology from MIT and a S.Th.D. degree from University of Fribourg. In theology, his essays have appeared in The Thomist, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, and Nova et Vetera on bioethics and on the relationship between science and religion. He is the author of Biomedicine & Beatitude: An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics. He has recently written and spoken in a variety of public forums on bioethical issues related to COVID-19.

Serving Our Bishop
On Sunday, October 10, Bishop Brennan celebrated the annual Italian Festival Mass at St. John the Baptist Italian Catholic Church -- this year with help from servers and third-grade students from St. Brigid of Kildare Church and School!

Pause for Prayer Continues
with Sister Teresa Tuite, OP
Pause for Prayer
Every Monday night we take 15-20 minute pause for prayer. Join with others to pray, and to be silent together. Our prayer is mixed with silence, song, and comfort during these uncertain times. Monday evenings beginning at 7:00 PM  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. JOIN US ANY MONDAY – This is an ongoing meeting on ZOOM, so join when your schedule permits.  We took a few weeks away but will resume August 30.

Join Zoom Meeting at this link
Meeting ID: 825 3385 6351
Passcode: PAUSE
Basketball and Cheer Registration Continues
Basketball for 4th-8th grade girls & boys continues.  Player Evaluations for 7th/8th grade competitive teams, and then forming of the 4th-8th rec teams will start in the first week of November. Registration fees will be $190 for the upcoming season with additional gym space rental now needed with our number of teams.    Please remember after you register each child at, you must also provide the Parent Consent for the Columbus Diocese at 

Lil' Hounds Basketball for 2nd & 3rd grade girls and boys will again be held this winter.  Teams will have weekly clinics with their classmates to learn skills and have fun games.  Clinics will normally start in December, it's a great way to get out and work on those basketball skills with your friends.  Cost for Lil' Hounds is $85.  Register at

For more information on our basketball offerings, please contact Bill Baumel at

New this year is Cheer for 4th-8th grade girls. Practice will be once a week (likely Wednesdays) for 1 hour, and the Cheer season will be the length of basketball season.  The cost is $160 to participate (this includes full uniform, including briefs, hair bow, and poms).  Register at

Registration for Cheer will close up on October 13th at noon to allow for uniforms to be ordered.  Please get registered before it closes.

For more information on Cheer, contact Lindsey Meadows at
St. Charles Open House
St. Charles Holding Annual Open House November 7 for Prospective Students
Attention prospective St. Charles Cardinals and families: You are invited to see our campus and learn about the school during our in-person Open House program taking place on Sunday, November 7th, starting at 1:00 p.m. Included is a presentation by Principal Jim Lower, a Q & A session with faculty members, student-conducted tours of campus, and opportunities to learn about and speak to members of our many teams, clubs, and organizations. There will also be refreshments to enjoy in the company of your fellow future Cardinal families. Register for open house today at
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:

Neve Elaine Diaz
Lillian Eleni Lancianese
Gene Francis Lefeld
Nolan Charles Memmer
Mia Anne Vanderson
Azaiah Mark Hoying-Welch
Lea Jing Harrison
Maci Isabelle Pillar
Kentstyn Mae Pillar
Bennett Stanley Smith
Rory Joseph Winchester
Brian Edward Osei
Meadow Marie MacKenzie
Charles Warner McCauley
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Wedding at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:

  • Daniel Schmeling and Megan Wayman
  • Robert Latour and Emily Fitzgerald
  • Kevin Riley and Katie Shepherd
  • Cody Laux and Julia Vellky
  • Tony Hausfeld and Kasey Lorentzen

Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
Deaths of Parishioners
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.

  • Jennifer A. Pschesang
  • Estelle Hutta Scott
  • Henry “Hank” Mesewicz
  • Dianne J. Vohlers
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017