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October 2016 
Connected Riding® Newsletter

What's Hot

Peggy is doing the Caterpillar exercise while slowly eeking out (releasing tension) on the halter rein.

**3 Day Clinic and Lesson Day Modesto, California October 28-31, 2016 
**A Few Spots Still Open**     
**2 Day Clinic and Lesson Day Culpeper, Virginia November 18 & 19, 2016
**A Few Spots Still Open**    
Click Here For More Info 

**Why you should attend this 4 day intensive SCRT 101 course
January  13-16, 2017 
**A Few Spots Still Open**
This intensive 4 day course delves specifically into the rationale and step by step learning of how to find and feel Connection.The intimate and small group setting allows a slower pace and more opportunity to practice and ask questions. This differs from a typical foundation clinic which covers an introduction and overview of Connected Riding concepts. This course is open to all types of riders who want to learn more for themselves and their horses and is also the first requirement for those who want to teach Connected Riding to others.

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Hello Connected Riders,

I loved people getting to know each other better at our event, having fun and enjoying each other's company. Watching the instructors give their excellent lectures and the community function as a unit, I saw the spirit of cooperation for the support of the horses. Recognizing when the h
orses could do more and when they could not was the vision we held for our audience, and most got it. 

Peggy Cummings introducing her Connected team to the audience. Diane Sept (left), Debbie Davies (right).
Thank-you is not enough to express the gratitude for your support. The by-product of it all is getting to know you better.

Peggy Quote:
" Develop your eye. It will help you be more aware of how you move and stand and how you sit in the saddle. Becoming aware of your body and how it functions naturally is one of the most important aspects of riding.
~Peggy Cummings~
Visit Our Sponsor
Connected Riding Expo 
 at a Glance
Message from Susan:

Susan Cook accepting award at the Banquet for outstanding work. Congratulations Susan!
The greatest joy for me is experiencing the results of putting our mission and vision into motion with people I love and respect- It doesn't get any better than that! I am proud of how well our team works together in support of the work, the horses, and each other, a rare and unique quality in any organization. 

"Congratulations on your successful Expo! I can appreciate all the hours and hard work that went into it.  And I do appreciate it, since I was a benefactor to all that effort!   J Thank You!  I really enjoyed seeing all the Sr. Instructors and their unique view and application of CR. I don't think I can look at a horse the same again (I now have xray eyes and can see bones, nerves, and muscle LOL). My life altering take-away is I am ordering a different cinch for my Charlie pal. I didn't realize that the pecs also were located underneath it and how important those muscles are for his movement. I'm sure he will be totally appreciative.
(From  a Friend of CR in Corvallis, OR USA)
The 3 Brits were honoured to be a part of the Connected Riding team at the Sept 2016 Expo. We now aspire to maintain and develop the new friendships and professional relationships, to share CR with horses and their carers to their benefit.
(From the Brits)

Great Event SLIDESHOW by Anita Stark:
This slideshow captures just a few of the educational and brilliant moments of the weekend Expo and Banquet honoring Peggy's 40 year commitment to Connected Riding. 
Anita Stark was our amazing uplifting and fun MC at the Event, and producer of this Slideshow. Adam Cummings was always there with no end of support. Thanks goes to both of them! 

Raffle Winner:
Celeste Haddock won a $1000 prize tailor made for her needs! This included Connected learning tools, clinics, courses, lessons, merchandise, etc. Congratulations Celeste! See a photo of Celeste (below) as she works with Fancy, one of the Legacy horses.

Event Take Home Message:

Our International Event Helpers:
We enjoyed getting to know all of you better! Thank you for all of your help and support!

Above: Cat Wilton, 
Kay Giblet and Clare Lee 
Right: Bettina Thieme (Germany)
Sue Falkner-March 
Mette Tranter (Scotland)

Not pictured: Carlita Picard  (Germany)
Anika Schluter   (Germany), 
Melín Farriols, with beautiful baby and Mother (Spain).

Who was Promoted within the Connected Riding program?
Congratulations go to:
Melín Farriols (top left), and Judy Good (top right), joined our organization as new practitioners, and Laura Faber Morris (bottom) stepped into the instructor level. Congratulations to all!
Will there be another CR Expo?
Yes - Albany, Oregon
March 24,25 & 26  2017

Next expo event will take place at the NW Horse Fair at the Albany, OR Fairgrounds. After we assess this recent CR expo event, we will make plans to do similar events in the future, in different locations.

Our donation goal - 
We made some good gains to our goals for ensuring the health and well being of the SCR horses, as well as the program launch for the School.  That being said, the horses are in need of immediate financial aid in order to stay with the program. It is a fine line for the school to care for the needs of the animals and also be sure there are funds to get on with the business of completing the tasks of curriculum completion for riders and instructors, in order to offer more CR education world wide. We need a immediate donations to $10,000 to make it to a level of ease to move through this time of transition. All contributions matter and we value every contribution given!
SCR Legacy Horse Update - 
Last year, after their owner passed away, five beautiful Hanoverians were gifted to Peggy Cummings and the School of Connected Riding. Some money came with them, but not enough to support their needs. 
Lily had to be laid to rest. She was a sweet soul who gave us insight into why we do Connected Groundwork and Riding. She taught us many lessons with her patience and willingness over several months. Unfortunately issues accumulated over her lifetime forced the decision to euthanize her. You can read Lily's story on the School of Connected Riding Facebook site.

Isabella is re-homed with Rhonda Hockett. We now have "angels" caring for and working with Robbie, Dari and Fancy (see below).

Judy Good and Robbie,
one of our legacy Hanoverians
Describing Robbie most people begin with "He's so sweet!" He is SO sweet, and so tall (16.3 hands), so beautiful and looking to find a place/person of his own. I tell people he is now in "Judy's Spa," (my paddock) where I am fostering/loving him for the next several months. Prior to coming to me he spent time with DeWayne Brown, horse trainer extraordinaire, where he learned about trail riding. Trail riding is my "thing," so I look forward to some good weather days where we can explore the forest together. Let me know if you would like to visit him.
Dari is living with DeWayne Brown where he is learning to be a solid citizen and relax on the beautiful trails. He apparently recently survived a mud puddle!
Fancy has been helping students to find connection over the past year. She has recently relocated to Karen Cheeke's in Corvallis and is settling in to a routine of continuous relaxed movement.  Lots of Connected Ground Work and easing  into steady Connected Riding is the plan for this mature mare with great basics and a steady mind. She is seeking a person who wants their own special horse. 
Educational Moment
Answers from Peggy to questions submitted at the Expo:  

At the expo, why were the practitioners guiding the horses from the outside in groundwork?
Doing so, is part of an exercise to teach the horse how to create and experience a true arc/bend though his body from his nose to his tail. At the same time, it shifts the horse's weight off the forehand, rebalances him over all 4 feet, and opening the push from behind. It is a non-habitual exercise: doing something very different in order to change a pattern of movement in the horse.
Most of these ladies had not met these horses previous to the event. Taking each horse as it presented itself in the moment was the goal and challenge for this group of talented horsewomen. 
They did a great job!

Why or what do horses do to turn "wrong?"
They retract their necks and either go above or behind the bit while falling in or out on a shoulder with no true bend through their bodies. They can't come through their backs or access push from their hind legs in this way. This happens most often due to being ridden from the front end in compression- their posture becomes sculpted into an incorrect position. The use of gadgets, such as tie downs, draw reins, and side reins create this type of turn. Incorrect and poor saddle fit can also be a major factor, as well as imbalanced teeth or feet. These restrictions prevent the opportunity for the horse to work off the forehand and utilize his 4 legs independently.

Check out this wonderful little educational video clip:

Take a sneak peek at Peggy's and our teachers teaching activities next year. Plan ahead and sign up for an event in your area!