Foster long-term economic benefit
for Minnesota through value-added agricultural products.
Ag Innovator of the Year: Milk Specialties Global
AURI is pleased to announce Milk Specialties Global as its 2020 Ag Innovator of the Year. Working with AURI helped Milk Specialties Global develop their concept and turn it into a product that is now widely available to livestock producers.  
New Research Report:
Local Sourcing for Food Manufacturing in Minnesota
This research focused on small and mid-sized food manufacturers who are using Minnesota-grown products from different sectors (dairy, meat, fruit and vegetable, and grain) to either differentiate their products or because doing so aligns with their values.
WEBINAR: Building an Industrial Hemp Industry in Minnesota
Please join AURI on October 14th for a webinar presentation on the current state of the industrial hemp industry in Minnesota and opportunities surrounding hemp fiber, food, fuel and feed. 
Ag Innovation News
The newspaper is designed to make research and technical information easy to read and enjoyable for the average user. From an initial subscription list of 4,000, it has grown to reach more than 12,000 print and online readers every quarter, covering AURI’s work in the development of new food products, renewable energy, biobased products and new uses for agricultural coproducts.