Fairfax Update
News From Around Town...
October 30,2020
Message to the Community from Mayor Goddard

All About Connection
I have been searching for inspiration, a new soul stirring music or mantra such as Rzewski’s ‘People United’, to affirm what we already know; “The people united will never be defeated.”

"El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!"

I had abandoned hope that I might find that inspiration to write a message for this week’s Town Newsletter when I opened the Lifestyles section of the IJ yesterday to find this article by Vicki Larson.
It is entitled ‘All About connection’ and features the artist Marie Louise Klotz. 
The gist of it is that we humans share far more in common than not. Klotz is quoted saying that “Just as trees fall or their root systems are exposed, they climb on other trees or intertwine with other root systems.” This is the basis for multiple specie’s survival. This phenomenon is mimicked by the human community, in that trees and humans both live and die in biodiverse forests and they survive by natural connectedness. 

How will we survive in a time of unprecedented disconnection and polarization? 

Klotz states that “Focusing on what separates us may not just be a false premise, but may actually prevent us from coming together as a species for survival as we face some of the biggest challenges of our lives, from the Pandemic to Climate change.”-Marie Louise Klotz

Cliches abound about the power of working together, celebrating our differences, and discovering our commonalities. It is in the transition from cliché expressions and empty words to decisive action, that we stretch and challenge our assumptions about ourselves, and our assumptions and judgements of each other. There has never been a time with more opportunity for Fairfax to take stock and call out our points of intersection and commonality, our points of difference, and collaborate in taking action. 

In crisis, creativity explodes, artists paint and photographers shoot images which reflect a different tint, texture and truth. The artist sharpens and deepens both forgotten and new perspectives. If we are bold and willing to look, we can remember to heed the wisdom of our elders while humbly listening to the next generation. We are leaving our children a world facing myriad crises and existential threats, but they are already rising and will lead with new paradigms, values and spirit. They may be the cultural connectors who will guide us in the direction of collaboration. I am relieved and honored to hold space for them.

Fairfax thrives when we connect and collaborate. Our Town Commissions, Boards and Committees all represent a multigenerational power mix of volunteers, and Fairfaxians are joiners. We fill our committee vacancies, lead and join Firewise Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Response Groups (NRGs), celebrate our older adults and prioritize our stellar Age Friendly Fairfax. We receive wise counsel, expertise and hard work from our Climate Action Committee and are launching our Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee to ensure that we are moving toward an antiracist Fairfax. We support our businesses, and step up to volunteer when there are folks in need. We are better together. We are biologically, socially and spiritually linked in our human and natural environment. 

No matter the outcome of this Tuesday’s election, the duration of the Covid crisis, or the length of the 2020 Fire Season, Fairfax will continue to step up, and when we pause and dig down carefully to our roots, we will realize that we are dependent on one another for our survival, and programmed to intertwine. We naturally rely on each other and serve as a soft landing as we rise and fall in this forest we call home. 

Please vote, please smile on your neighbor and please have faith that we share far more in common than that which tends to cause us to divide.

With great hope and respect,

Mayor of Fairfax, California

Fairfax Women’s Club is The Polling Place 
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, and because every active registered voter received a ballot in the mail, there will be fewer polling places. However, polling places will be open for voting for four days: October 31 through November 3. The Women’s Club (46 Park Road) is the only polling place in Fairfax. If you must vote in person, go early to avoid long lines and crowds.
There is a ballot drop box in front of Fairfax Town Hall (142 Bolinas Road). Please vote by mail or ballot drop box to protect your health and the health of our community. You may hand-deliver a voted ballot to any polling place or ballot drop box in the county before the polls close on Nov. 3 at 8 p.m.
Marin Graduates to Tier 3 COVID-19 Status

As of October 27, Marin has officially moved into Tier 3, "orange" status, of the State's Blueprint for a Safer Economy monitoring list. This means more reopenings throughout our community, including:

  • Allowed indoors at full capacity: retail establishments; indoor malls; libraries; office space (although continued telework is encouraged for all types of office work)
  • Allowed indoors at 50% capacity or 200 people (whichever is fewer): restaurants; museums; places of worship; movie theaters
  • Allowed indoors at 25% capacity or 100 people (whichever is fewer): gyms and fitness centers (and can utilize indoor pools); family entertainment centers; wineries; card rooms.
  • Allowed outdoors only: bars and breweries (no meal requirements).

Please continue to do your part to keep us moving in the right direction — wear your mask, wash your hands and keep your distance.

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MHHS Guidance Outlines Safer Ways to Celebrate Halloween and Dia de los Muertos

With Halloween tomorrow, please consider using Marin HHS safe celebration guidelines, urging residents to plan at-home and virtual festivities. Marin HHS strongly discourages customary activities like door-to-door trick-or-treating or large multi-household parties, which can be high-risk for COVID-19 transmission.
As an alternative, trick or treat yourself at the Marin Center Halloween Fair Food Drive-Thru Spooktacular. From October 23 to November 1, the Spooktacular will be open from 4pm to 9pm on weekdays and 11am to 9pm on weekends. Don your costumes and prepare to be spooked with family-friendly haunted surprises and activities all while staying inside your car!

Fairfax will not be hosting our traditional Halloween Parade, downtown trick or treating and celebration in the redwood grove.
New Accessory Unit Information and Online Workshop

Several new tools are now available for homeowners interested in building an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in Fairfax.  Help is available whether a property owner wants to generate extra income, create more housing for the local workforce, or house family members.
ADU Marin is a new partnership between Fairfax, 9 other local cities and towns, and the County of Marin. The group launched a step-by-step website and workbook along with a webinar series to guide people through the process of building an ADU.

To introduce the new tools, an online webinar will be held on November 5 from 6:30-8 p.m.

  • November 5 – Mill Valley, Ross, Fairfax, unincorporated Central Marin. Register online.

Creating more housing options, especially affordable units, is a top priority of the cities, towns, and County of Marin. ADU’s are an important way to create more housing in Fairfax while maintaining our special character.
Citizen of the Year Nominations

Last year, the Town Council reinstated the Citizen of the Year Award at their April 3, 2019 meeting. The award was awarded annually from 1992 through 1997. A plaque with the recipients' names engraved upon it still hangs in the Women's Club.

The Fairfax Parks and Recreation Commission (PARC)
is taking nominations from the public for the 2020 award starting on November 1st. The nomination period will be open from November 1 - December 1, 2020.
Outdoor Seating Area in the Mono Parking Lot

The Town, in partnership with the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, is closing the lower half the Mono Parking Lot weekly from Thursday through Sunday during COVID-19. The closed portion of the lot (nearest to Bolinas Rd.) will have tables, chairs, and umbrellas for patrons of downtown restaurants to use. The Chamber has teamed up with Gestalt Haus to disinfect the tables and chairs between uses. Customers can still access the Mono Parking Lot from the Bank St. entrance. This seating area is open to the public to use and is not limited to customers of certain restaurants.

The program needs volunteers to help with set-up and take-down. 
If you can help, please reach out to David Smadbeck at david@fairfaxchamberca.com or call (415) 456-9604.
Peri Park Update
Peri Park Playground is open! Please follow the recommended safety guidelines posted at the park. We will be cleaning the Peri Park playground restroom once a day during the weekdays. There will be no cleaning service during the weekends. 
Fairfax Recreation
Age Friendly Nonagenarian Celebration

On October 24, 2020, the Town of Fairfax honored our nonagenarian Fairfax community members with a special socially distanced and mask wearing gift basket delivery to eleven of our residents. Our 90 and better year old residents were each given a basket filled with treats and treasures procured by local Fairfax businesses, including, Herban Garden and Rev 9. We included handmade masks and the 2021 calendar created by the Fairfax Open Space Committee. As well as donations from the Good Earth, such as, fresh flower bouquets, candles and pumpkins. A certificate signed by our Mayor is mailed to them directly. This was an intergenerational effort as the Children4Change school aged youth created handmade cards to honor our residents and posters distributed around town. This was our third annual celebration and though many more residents in Fairfax are 90 and over, we were delighted to honor the eleven that agreed to receive baskets during this unusual time.

Flying Dutchman Gymnastics
Our beloved gymnastics program is back at the Pavilion!

Please go to their website to sign up for classes

The fall catalog is here! Watch for it in your mailbox or stop by Town Hall to grab a copy. We hope you like the special layout and content that honors these challenging times and our unique community!

We have adapted our offerings to work with this "new normal". Download a copy here - we have class offerings for all ages!
Wonderfully Wild Marin: A Calendar and Online Fundraiser for Open Space
Want to help protect local open spaces during these trying times and get some amazing artwork as part of the donation thank-you gifts?  Here’s how!

The Fairfax Open Space Committee along with The San Anselmo Open Space Committee have been collaborating together to create an informationally rich and stunningly beautiful Calendar for 2021 called Wonderfully Wild Marin. The calendar notes astrological events, holidays from diverse cultures and religions, seasonal, cultural, and historical information about our natural surroundings along with outstanding vistas by talented local photographers. 

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Town Council Meeting
November 4th - 7pm

Tree Committee Special Meeting
November 9th - 7pm

Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee Meeting
The RESJ Meeting was canceled due to PG&E’s PSPS event. The RESJ meeting is in the process of being rescheduled and the new date will be posted at www.townoffairfax.org.

To view the agendas visit our Public Meetings page.
New Accessory Unit Information and Online Workshop
November 5 from 6:30-8pm

Register online - Mill Valley, Ross, Fairfax, unincorporated Central Marin.
Fairfax Climate Action Plan Community Forums
Second Monday of each month, from 6:30-7:30pm

Over the next four months, the Climate Action Committee will host meetings to go through the different sections of the Climate Action Plan. Our meetings are public, open to all, and occur on the second Monday of every month, from 6:30 – 7:30.

We will post notices of them on our CAC website. The meetings will be held by ZOOM, with no password. Click below for the meeting ID and the schedule.
Fairfax Food Pantry

Saturday mornings from 8-10am
Fairfax Community Church 
2398 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax.

The Fairfax Food Pantry continues to be open. Drive through or walk up service is available. In addition to our regular bagged groceries, folks will be receiving 15lb produce boxes as part of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP). 

We currently have enough volunteers, however, please sign up through the Fairfax Volunteer Match program and we contact you as the need arises.
PG&E Updates:
New Watch and Warning Notifications
PG&E has implemented Watch and Warning notifications to provide the community more notice of potential or scheduled PSPS events. To receive alerts sign-up at pge.com/mywildfirealerts.
Town of Fairfax COVID-19 Resources

Town of Fairfax sitio web se puede traducir al español

El sitio web se puede traducir al español usando el ícono del globo que se encuentra en la barra verde de cada página.

Our website can now be translated into Spanish (and other languages) using the globe icon found on the green bar at the top of each page.
Masks Available at Town Hall

If you or someone you know, needs a mask, come to the Town Hall lobby and grab one!
Email for Reporting Shelter-in-Place (SIP) Violations

The Town has created an on-line process for reporting SIP violations by businesses.

The email address is: sipviolations@townoffairfax.org

In the email, we ask that you include the business name, address, and as much detail as possible regarding the perceived health order violation. Town staff will follow-up with the businesses regarding the violations. Our goal is to gain compliance by informing and educating businesses of the need to follow shelter-in-place (SIP) orders. All businesses will be given a grace period to comply before additional follow-up actions are taken by staff.

The updated status of businesses and industries reopenings in Marin County can be found at MarinRecovers.com.