October 2023 Newsletter

Please join us for worship. Services will be both in person and live streamed. Contact Pastor Berg or Kristin Smith for the streaming information.
Visit our Website
FLC Activity Calendar
FLC Worship on YouTube!
Christian Education!

Spotlight on Volunteers!

The Fellowship Committee is comprised of members Susan Berg (Chair), Cindy Bannister, Nora Strothman, Karen Johnson, Paula Glandon, Mary Hatlen, Roger Steinke, and Christy Freriks (Council Liaison).

The Fellowship Committee enjoys coordinating Sunday morning coffee & treats as well as hosting annual events such as July 4th, Rally Sunday BBQ, and the annual Christmas Concert. If you would like to learn more about joining us, please email Susan Berg at susanlindsayberg@gmail.com.


from Pastor Berg's Monthly Blog

 Leona and Richard Keltner are a few weeks into their pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Over mountains and valleys, through rain and sunshine, they are experiencing a holy walk. Along with pilgrims from all around the world they are offering our prayers on the altars of Holy Places along the way. They are having holy conversations, holy silences and holy meals. They are following in the footsteps of pilgrims dating back to the time of the Apostle Paul. It will be fascinating to hear how this has changed them.

In 1510 Martin Luther took a pilgrimage to Rome...

Continue to Pastor Berg's Blog

2024 Pledge Drive and Time & Talent Survey

From your Stewardship Committee

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Our 2024 Pledge Drive and Time & Talent Survey are underway.

Pledge Card – we are asking EVERY household to complete a Pledge Card. There will be an email coming out through Constant Contact with a link to complete online. They are also available using the link below. Just copy and paste into your browser. You may also pick up a printed copy in the church. Some were mailed out on September 21st if you normally receive church information through the mail.


Time and Talent Survey – we are asking EVERY person to complete a Time & Talent Survey including young adults who would like to volunteer. This survey is only asking for your interests. The committee or guild leader will reach out to you and you can then discuss the details. These can be found online at the bottom of the Pledge Card using the link above. As above, you can also pick up a printed copy in the church and some were mailed out on September 21st along with the Pledge Card.

Please click the button below for more information.

September 24, 2023 Adult Education Stewardship Presentation

This Sunday, October 1 at 9:45 am!

Everyone has a unique Spiritual Journey. All are invited to grow in faith, learn in understanding, share thoughts and ask questions. Please join us as we Journey in Faith together. 

A Note From the Music Director:

The choir needs some bass voices in the men’s section. We’d welcome help whenever possible, for a season, a Sunday or for the Christmas Concert on December 3. Please contact Lucy Kay Osborne for more information . Thank you!

Coffee with Council

October 1, 2023

9:45 am in The Landing

Jean Peterson and David Berg look

forward to meeting with you!

Council Corner for September 2023 Meeting

On the first Sunday of each month, two members of the council host “Coffee with Council” during our Fellowship Hour. For October, David Berg and Jean Peterson will host the conversation. There isn’t an agenda; it’s just a time of community for all. So, bring your coffee, questions, thoughts, and any ideas that you’d like to share and stop in for a few minutes or for the entire hour. 

David and Jean will meet you in The Landing on October 1st, beginning at 9:45 a.m.

Yours in Christ because He lives,

Ho Brown

Council President


Fellowship Opportunities

Widows Support Group

October 9, 10 am

(formerly known as Friends Supporting Friends)

We are not a therapy group, but we are a place for widows to find friendship, support, and fun.

We meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 10:00 am in the library. Please join us!

Call Paula Glandon for more info. 425-483-1783

Women's Bible Study & Fellowship opportunities available:

Hannah Circle: October 21, 9:00 am.

Contact: Linda Siebert 206-369-7047

Rebecca Circle: October 18, 10:00 am.

Contact: Lucy Kay Osborne 425-823-9793 or dlktutti@comcast.net

FLC circles welcome all women of the congregation! Please contact the persons listed above for meeting locations.

Men’s Breakfast and Bible Study! (Also available on Zoom)

Saturday, October 21, 9 – 10:15 am. 

Join other congregation and community members for breakfast and conversation! There will be “food for the body, food for the soul and food for thought!” A group of 17 men typically attend. Please join us for discussion and enrichment. Questions to Roger Steinke

Reach Ministries
Opportunities for all Ages!

Sunday, October 8th, 12:15 PM – 5:30 PM “It’s Fall Fun at the Farm!”

Youth in Grades 7 – 12 are invited to enjoy a Corn Maze, Pumpkin Patch and Fall Food at The Farm at Swan’s Trail in Snohomish. The Church Bus will leave from the Church at 

12:15 PM. We’ll stop for lunch at McDonald’s in Clearview and Then “we’ll head on down to the Farm!”   

Please dress for the weather (boots, coats, etc.). Cost is only $15 per person (includes admission and lunch). We will return to the Church at 5:30 PM. Please Sign Up on the Youth Board. 

Friday, October 27: Family Movie and Game Night (6 – 8:30 PM)

Children of all ages and their families are invited for a night of fun and fellowship! A “Kid-Friendly” Dinner will be served and will feature Pizza, Salad and Tasty Desserts. A family movie will be shown in the Youth Room. Games for children, adults and families will also be played! There’ll be snacks and other treats! Please look for more information. Please SAVE THE DATE! Join us for a FUN Friday Night!

Looking Ahead!

Friday, Nov. 3 – Saturday, Nov. 4, 9 PM to 9:30 AM: “Youth Over-Nighter!”

Youth in Grades 7 – 12 are invited to attend this “Over-Nighter” at the Church! Please be at the Church by 9 PM. There will be activities, food, games, movies, snacks and a special surprise! Don’t forget your sleeping bags and pillows! Several of you asked about having this event and here it is! Our Over-Nighter ends at 9:30 AM on Saturday morning. Please mark your calendars and watch for more information. Questions? Please contact Roger.

From the Library Committee

Book Club!

October 24, 7 pm

Findings by Kathleen Jamie

Discussion Leader: Clint Bastin

It's surprising what you can find by simply stepping out to look. Kathleen Jamie, award winning poet, has an eye and an ease with the nature and landscapes of Scotland as well as an incisive sense of our domestic realities. In Findings she draws together these themes to describe travels like no other contemporary writer. Whether she is following the call of a peregrine in the hills above her home in Fife, sailing into a dark winter solstice on the Orkney islands, or pacing around the carcass of a whale on a rain-swept Hebridean beach, she creates a subtle and modern narrative, peculiarly alive to her connections and surroundings. 

Please contact Clint Bastin or Roger Steinke for additional information about the Book Club. A copy of the Featured Book of the Month is available in the First Lutheran Church Library. The Zoom link will be sent on Monday, October 3. Please join us!  

The Library committee reminds you to select and save your summer/fall adventures and events for your photo entry to our “ Share your Favorite Photo” contest/display.  We are creating a new youth category for next year. START CLICKING. Watch for the date and details for submitting your photo in upcoming newsletter(s).  

Visit our church library. “CHECK IT OUT”  

Click here for Financial Updates as of August 2023

The above link will be updated with the previous month's financial information after the Finance Committee is able to review the financial statements at their monthly meeting.
Social Ministry Update

Monthly Outreach

CHANGE FOR CHANGE All money received in the Change for Change jar will be used to support HOPELINK food bank.

HOPELINK helps homeless and low-income families, children, seniors and people with disabilities gain stability, while providing others with the tools and skills they need to exit poverty for good. HopeLink is not accepting food or other goods at this time. Click here for donation information.

January Monthly Outreach: Earth Ministries

February Monthly Outreach: Hopelink

March Monthly Outreach: Lutheran Community Services

April Monthly Outreach: Poor Peoples Campaign

May Monthly Outreach: Earth Ministries

June Monthly Outreach: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services

July Monthly Outreach: Lutheran World Relief

August Monthly Outreach: Camp United We Stand

September Monthly Outreach: Lutheran Disaster Response

October Monthly Outreach: TBA

A HUGE THANK YOU to all that donated school supplies, provided funds, cut fabric, sewed school bags, shopped, helped count & unpack supplies and stuffed the bags for Lutheran World Relief! We have a total of 400 bags with supplies to give to LWR for the fall shipment. You are all the best!!

TOP 5 Compass Housing Drive

For over 100 years, COMPASS HOUSING ALLIANCE has been meeting the needs of our community across the Puget Sound region by providing 24-hour enhanced emergency shelter programs for those experiencing homelessness and housing instability. 

During the month of October, FLC's Social Ministries Committee is asking for support of the Top Five Drive. Items collected will go to the Hygiene Center in Pioneer Square and area shelters.

Top 5 Drive! for Compass Housing

1.) New Men’s/Women’s Underwear (M-XXXL) 2.) New White T-Shirts (M-XXXL)

3.) Laundry Baskets 4.) All-purpose Cleaners 5.) Deodorants

(Due to the generosity of other donors, socks for Compass Housing clients are NOT currently needed!)


Junk Mail Awareness Week is October 1st thru 7th. Did you know that the average American gets at least 46 pounds of junk mail annually? Over 100 billion pieces of junk mail are delivered in the U.S. every year! The Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Advice website puts you in control of how much junk mail you get and, in turn, helps you make a positive impact on the environment by saving trees, water, energy and all other effects from the production to the delivery of junk mail. Check out the site and opt out.

World Habitat Day is recognized annually on the 1st Monday of October - October 2nd. The theme for 2023, "Resilient urban economies. Cities as drivers of growth and recovery," considers how cities can position their economies to benefit their residents.

World Animal Day is celebrated every year on October 4th. This day was established as an international day of action for animal rights and welfare. October 4th is the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and the environment.  

October 4th is also Energy Efficiency Day, recognized annually on the 1st Wednesday in October. Over 1049 local governments, universities, organizations, corporations, and utilities across the U. S. are participating in this day to promote the multiple benefits of energy efficiency. We can each do our part by assessing our homes for energy efficiency, including the following: check for air leaks around windows, attic access and exterior doors; examine door seals or gaskets on appliances such as the dryer, refrigerator, freezer, and oven; purchase ENERGY STAR appliances, electronics, and light bulbs; check insulation levels in basements, crawl spaces and attics; use a programmable thermostat; and unplug electronics when not in use to prevent phantom loads. And, saving energy has the added benefit of a cost savings as well!

From Our Partners

First Lutheran Church has purchased the LiVE bundle for 2023-24, so any LiVE events are free to our congregation! See the complete LIVE Project Catalog and register using FLC's Confirmation Code to register for free!

Crossways Bible Study

Ever had reading the entire Bible on your bucket list? Let Crossways and Pastor Mike Anderson be your guide. This two-year program, hosted by Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, begins October 1 with Genesis, and will include pre-recorded lectures sent on Sundays to your email address to be watched at your leisure. Optional Thursday evening Zoom discussions will follow each lecture’s release. The course is academic in nature and works well for those with or without Bible background. Click on the following link to register and to read endorsements from: Kathryn Buffum, Red Burchfield, Rena Connell, and Rebecca Langholz.  Crossways Registration and Information.

October 2023 - The Spirit

A Publication of the NW Washington Synod

First Lutheran Church | 425-486-2314 | 425-297-4898 |office@flcbothell.org