Hello Nicholas,

Here's the latest! As you can see, I'm back out shooting all kinds of fun freelance gigs again ... I'm so thankful for that.

I cannot believe how fast this year is going by.  Since returning to Southern California in March, it seems like every week has been packed with so much going on both professionally and family wise. The only downside to being busy is that sometimes there are schedule conflicts, though I do the best I can. I do have priorities though, and family is at the top of that list as it should be.  


Usually right after I send one of these newsletters out, I have nothing or very little content for the next one. That always worries me, but this time that wasn't a problem.  In fact, there's already much on deck for next time. Kudos if you make it to the end :).


That said, All exciting stuff this past quarter ... check it out! 

Press Enterprise assignments

Freelancing for the local newspaper seemed like a logical path since I spent so many years in the business. It's fun getting published in print again and the challenge of doing your best on every assignment has always been exciting to me. Especially knowing the pool of talented photographers out there.

Below are some PDF's from recent assignments ... High School football has been a fun addition to the mix ...

PSOC Judith Jelinek Tribute Concert

It was great working with the Philharmonic Society of Orange County again. It was a beautiful tribute for an amazing supporter of the arts and was held at the Soka Performing Arts Center. 

I'll admit I have been thirsting to photograph performing arts again and also wanted to try out the Nikon Z silent mode which in my opinion is very impressive.  

Newport Beach Public Library Foundation

This was a garden party in the Bamboo Courtyard of the Newport Beach Central Library. I don't think I have ever been to this library, but I can tell you it's big. 

Foundation staff and board members met with guests ... there were speeches, an award to NBPLF Board Member Jill Thomson-Tucker from the California Legislature Assembly delivered by State Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris, music and amazing food as guests listened to updates on the Foundation's projects. 

From their website - https://nbplf.foundation/

'Through generous donations, The Newport Beach Public Library Foundation provides vital funding that keeps our libraries modern by enabling and inspiring lifelong learning, advancing knowledge, and strenghtening our communities.'

'Over the past decade, the Foundation has contributed more than $7 million dollars to fund programs, technology, and services for the 1.2 annual users of the four library branches.'  

Field of Dreams

Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Anaheim-Cypress Gala

What a cool venue for a great fundraising event. It was held behind center field inside Anaheim Stadium. Parking was not a problem (haha). It was a beautiful warm fall evening, very well organized and you could tell that the guests were having a great time. 

My main job was to shoot photos of the VIP's for media use plus capture the flavor of the event. 

There was a high tech Silent Auction, Live Auction, Martini Bar, Dinner, Speakers and I have to say the OC band 'Flashback Heart Attack' was outstanding. 

From the Archives

I have been finding some of the coolest things as I peruse through my archives and look for things to send to Zuma Press (as well as eventually add to my own website).  

I try to have a theme, last time it was Orchestra Conductors ... here are a few notable women performers from my archives that I unearthed recently. This is like a stroll down memory lane for me.

From The Collection

Antique Cameras ... obsession or am I just being sentimental. Perhaps an intervention might be in order (haha). They definitely have a high cool factor. Not really worth a lot, but they are cool looking and think about all the photos that were taken with these beauties. One day when I have time I'd like to find film for them and test them out. 


When looking for vintage cameras, I'm always trying to find them in working order and in the cleanest condition possible.  And if they have a flash, a box or instruction booklet ... that's even better. That little Meteor camera is the latest.


I mentioned family stuff is now included in these email blasts ... there is much more of that going on these days.  I would be remiss not to mention this extraordinary trip we took to Nebraska recently.  It might be a little wordy, but check out this 'Post Card' from Nebraska!

Our home base was a small family owned house in Nelson, population 426. We actually stayed near by in Superior, population 1826, at the Victorian Inn since the Nelson house is a little small for our group. The Victorian Inn experience could almost be a story by itself :).


We visited the worlds largest covered porch swing (yep, there is such a thing), went to the state fair, visited some smaller towns than Nelson along the Oregon trail. We also visited a Pony Express station and even walked halfway across the Missouri river. This walkway goes from Iowa to Nebraska. Important to note ... I was able to confirm with a local why Iowan's (like my mom) say that Nebraska doesn't exist. My mom always told us this (in jest) ... now at least I know it's a real thing (haha). Nebraska has to exist though ... I was there. 

In truth, there is quite a bit of history in Nebraska. Especially on my wife's side of the family. As dramatic as the Netflix show 1883 is, there is something about standing out in the rolling hills of Nebraska on the Oregon Trail that really brings home how tough things must have been for these wagon travelers.  

Back to our trip ... though this is only my 3rd trip back to Nelson, I love going to church on Sunday where our group makes up over half the congregation on that day. They know my wife's family there and everyone is always so polite and nice. Small town, USA... kinda Mayberry like, only much smaller I think. 

We Tie Dyed shirts (yes we did!), morning walks were routine ... a great way to see these small towns. We visited friends and also visited a few cemeteries where relatives are buried.  We ended our trip on a high note at a beautiful Air B and B in Omaha. A little Bar B Que, Cornhole competition, and boom, we were on our way back home. There are a ton of fun pics ... here are just a handful ... 



Like I always say, these email blasts are a great way to stay in touch as well as show recent work with one single email. Feel free to share them with folks you think might enjoy them or may be looking for a photographer. Contact info is below or you can also reach me through my website at www.nicholaskoonphotography.com.

More photos next time ... but in the meantime, stay in touch and your comments on these newsletters are always welcome. 

Take Care,


Nick Koon

Nicholas Koon Photography





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