October 2021 Spot light Newsletter
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, our office remains closed, however, we are working remotely and responding to all phone calls, text messages and emails. - SBA Staff
A Word from Dr. Matt Brogli, AMS:

Every one of us desires something more. This is woven inside each of us. We crave to be part of something bigger, grander, and more profound than what can appear to be a meaningless day-by-day existence. We weren’t constructed to live only for ourselves. We were uniquely created by God and placed on earth to be part of something bigger than the narrow borders of our own survival and our own definition of happiness. The desire resides in each of us, and it is called transcendence. To transcend is to be part of something greater. We were created to be part of something so big, so glorious, so far beyond the ordinary that it would totally change the way we approach every ordinary thing in our lives. And in all of sin’s blindness, brokenness, and rebellion, that desire to transcend can be crushed. 

Our desire for transcendence is in all of us because God placed it there. He designed us to live for more than ourselves. He created us to desire meaning, purpose, and consequence. You and I were not wired to be fully satisfied with self-survival and self-pleasure. God purposed that the borders of our vision would be much, much larger than the boundaries of our lives. We were meant to see more than our physical eyes can see, and it is that greater vision that was meant to engage, excite, connect, and satisfy us. Over the past year, Virgil and I have had the privilege of serving as your Association Mission Strategists. We have been able to speak into many of your churches, meet with some of your pastors, and meet some of the fantastic people that make up the beautiful congregations of the Sandhills Baptist Association. As of our Fall Meeting, I will be stepping aside from the AMS role. I am proud of the recommendations and positive changes that we were able to institute. I am grateful for the opportunities we have shared in growing through differences of opinion and perspective and believe the association is stronger for the healthy participation and conversation. We know what we want, and we are willing to fight for it. 

God is at work in you, Sandhills Baptist Association. Paul prays that the Philippian believers’ love for God would result in acts of love for others. Love is the great binder for believers in overlooking offense and bringing those of differing viewpoints together. Not human love, but divine love centered around a relationship with the divine. No matter what you face today, you can be encouraged that God’s good work continues in your life, even when you don’t see it. I like the way that Tim lane says it, “God continues his work right in the middle of that tough situation at work, or with your teenager, or that battle with your weight, or your struggle with discouragement. God moves you forward as you submit yourself to him. His presence and faithful work give us confidence.” God is at work in you, and I thank God for each of you. Thank you for the privilege to know you, serve you, and be one of you.  

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philippians 1:3-5 Keep laboring and looking up, SBA! The best is yet to come, and the King is coming soon! May he find us all seeking to do more for the kingdom together when he comes. 
Grace and peace,                                                                                              
Dr. Matt Brogli

Job Openings
Ives Memorial Baptist Church located at 365 E. Philadelphia Ave. in Pinebluff is looking for a part time Worship Leader. Candidates that feel lead to apply should send cover letter, resume and references to https://office@imbcworship.org
The First Baptist Church of Sanford, NC, has an exciting opportunity for a full-time, permanent Church Secretary. FBC Sanford has a heart for local missions grounded in the heart of the Great Commission. The Church Secretary is the first person that meets and greets guest and members to our church daily, Monday – Friday from 8:30am-5:00pm. This person must have tact, courtesy, diplomacy, a love for Christ and a love for people. Proficiency in MS applications.
To apply, please send a letter of interest and resume to fbcsanfordpersonnel@gmail.com
Cameron Baptist is seeking a part-time Youth Director to lead, care, and teach their middle to high school students. Teaching responsibilities will include Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. A detailed job description can be found at www.cameronbaptistchurch.org/youth-leader-position/
If interested in this position please call the church at (910) 245-7222. 
Send resumes to Cameron Baptist Church, PO Box 155, Cameron, NC 28326 or email to office@cameronbaptistchuch.org
Seven Lakes Baptist Church is seeking a full time Pastor of Student Ministries. Seven Lakes Baptist was started out of a vision by the founding Pastor Ken Hankins(deceased) out of a need to have a local church in the Seven Lakes, NC Community. They are a body of believers that follow the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All their teaching and ministries are rooted and flow out of these biblical doctrines. The church currently has a Sr. Pastor, Chris Hrasbosky (the second pastor), a full time Worship Pastor and a 30 hr Admin. Secretary. The former youth pastor vacated the position to follow God's calling to train for full time pastoral counseling. The church has examined the current needs of the church and community and opted for a new role-Pastor of Student Ministries to better equip all children and youth. This person will need to be gifted in leadership in order to train, shepherd and support the volunteers under his areas of ministries. Any interested men are encouraged to send their resumes and a statement of faith to Resumes@slbcnc.com. Any Questions can be directed to Debbie Fox @ 910-639-4037

For More information please click on the links below:

The SBA is seeking a friendly self-starter to fill the part time Administrative Assistant position. This person serves as an assistant to the AMS and is important for the communication between the association and churches. Some expected responsibilities include but are not limited to checking the mail, answering phones, responding to email, generating, and distributing flyers and the Monthly newsletter. Interested applicants should be familiar with Microsoft word, and Excel, as well as be willing to learn how to efficiently use Quickbooks and Wix. If you are seeking a position that involves being a team player, encourages creativity, and helps to further God’s kingdom then please direct any questions or send your resume with a cover letter to Virgil@sandhillsbaptist.org no later than Oct 15th. 2021.
In attempts to help our churches gain employment opportunities, businesses and community leaders often reach out to the SBA looking to hire faithful believers to fill critical needs in their business. Below are some current opportunities if any of your members are looking for employment in the following areas:
What we're reading...

  • Flickering Lamps by Henry and Richard Blackaby
  • The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
  • Canoeing the Mountains by Todd Bolsinger
  • Shadow Christians by Dr. Jeff Iorg
  • Heaven by Randy Alcorn
Upcoming Events
A time for Discussion and Resource Sharing with our Church Ministry Leaders
We would like to offer a time of discussion, feedback (and desserts!) to our Ministry leaders. Check out our schedule below and stay tuned for more details to come!

Youth Ministry Leaders (k-12): Oct. 12th from 7pm-8:30pm at the Sandhills Training and Resource center.
Upcoming Associational Meeting Dates:
Thursday, October 7th- Executve Council meeting from 7 to 8:30 PM Located at the SBA Resource center. 5254 US Hwy. 15-501, Carthage NC
Monday, October 18th- SBA Annual Fall Meeting and Vote on Recommendations. Thank you Pleasant Hill Baptist Church for hosting! 2237 Camp Easter Rd. Carthage, NC 28327
Click the North Carolina Baptist logo above to see a complete list of events happening within the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina!
Support These Local Children's Camps
August Financials
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