Community Horticulture Program
Request for Volunteer Assistance


What's NEW!

Dear Volunteers and Community Horticulture Supporters,

Welcome to the new Community Hort eNews! We took a break this summer to redo the format of the eNews, but now we are back! We also hired a new staff member to help us expand our outreach. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Debby Gillen. Debby lives in Johnson and previously worked for the Extension 4-H program. Debby is joining the Community Horticulture staff as an outreach assistant, and she will be producing the monthly eNews, social media, and volunteer project outreach. 

This fall has brought with it a few changes to the program. With Debby's arrival comes my departure. I accepted a new position as the Farm to Plate and Forestry Products Coordinator, at the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund in Montpelier. The hiring process for my replacement is underway, and there are some promising candidates in the running. As with all goodbyes, this one is bittersweet. While I'm excited for a new opportunity and the prospect of working closer to home, I'm also sad to leave behind all of the wonderful volunteers and community members I have met around the state. All of the passion and dedication our volunteers put into improving Vermont is astounding! 


Before I sign off, I would like to extend a big thank you to all of our amazing volunteers for serving as horticulture educators and community advocates across Vermont. I am confident that master gardener and composter volunteers will continue to do great things. I would also like to thank my Extension colleagues, program partners, and supporters for making my time at UVM Extension such a wonderful experience.

I feel truly grateful that I was able to lead this program over the last 5 years. I hope that as we come out of the pandemic, the new coordinator will be able to move forward with all of your support, fresh ideas, energy, enthusiasm, and inspiration. Take care. Please stay safe and be well.

~Beret Halverson, Program Coordinator


Gardening Resources


Master Gardeners play an important role in spreading the word about invasive species.


Lymantria dispar dispar

The EMG helpline started receiving reports of the Lymantria dispar dispar, (formally known as the Gypsy Moth), from homeowners in May, and worked closely with UVM Entomologist, Margaret Skinner in sharing her Factsheet that provided information on the biology of the moths, as well as control methods.  The information was also shared statewide through the EMG listserv asking volunteers to please help spread the word.  Read Margaret’s Factsheet below.

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Asian Jumping Worms

The EMG helpline also receives many emails and phone calls from Vermonters about the Asian Jumping Worms they are finding in their home gardens. Master Gardener Helpline volunteer Robilee Smith worked closely with the VT Invasives organization and UVM Professor Josef Gorres on creating a resource page for the VT Invasives website that provides information on how homeowners can identify, manage and stop the spread of these invasives.

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The Spotted Lanternfly

EMG program has also played an important role in spreading the word about the recent finding of the invasive Spotted Lanternfly in Rutland County. There is no indication the pest is established in Vermont, but please be on the lookout in the future for the pest and if you see anything resembling the insect, please take photos and report the sighting here: . Look at the factsheet for information including images of the species, common look-alikes and biology. Photo from Lawrence Barringer, Pennsylvania Dept. of Ag.

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Gardener Helpline


Updates from the

Plant Diagnostic Clinic

Ann Hazelrigg, Plant Pathologist,

UVM Extension

From Fireblight to Fungal Leafspot, take a look at Ann's overview of the summer's activities from a disease and pest perspective.

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Growing your own food?


Help us by taking a quick survey!

Survey Here

Plant identification? There's an app for that-actually several!

Plant identification apps for smart phones have seen significant improvements over the past several years, offering the opportunity to take a photo and get an instant identification in many cases.

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Pollinator E-Book Available from UVM Extension Master Gardener Program

A group of UVM Extension Master Gardeners and Interns have developed a suite of resources for the home gardener focused on understanding the important role of pollinators in food production and strategies for expanding pollinator habitat.

One outcome of the group's effort is a Pollinator E-Book. Additional resources on pollinators can be found on the EMG website in the Gardening Resources section. 

Pollinator E-Book
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Building Resilient


October 16, 9 am - 1 pm (VIA ZOOM)

Dan Jaffe Wilder, Ecological Horticulturalist,

will take you through every step of the process to build resiliency into every landscape. From assessing conditions to determining correct species for each individual landscape, to ensuring diverse ecological niches.

This is a Master Gardener Chapter event.

Register Here.


Join Us

Master Gardener

Annual Conference

November 5 & 6 (online)

The Garden as a Place of Collaboration, Stewardship & Connection

A conference for everyone who loves to garden in Vermont and beyond, providing advanced education for UVM Extension Master Gardeners and garden enthusiasts!


For Information and Registration.

UVM Extension Contributors

Ann Hazelrigg - Plant Pathologist

Lisa Chouinard - Office & Program Support

Cindy Heath - Volunteer Coordinator




Community Horticulture Program

Burlington, VT 05405

(802) 656-9562

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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. University of Vermont Extension, Burlington, Vermont. University of Vermont Extension, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating, offer education and employment to everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status.  Any reference to commercial products, trade names, or brand names is for information only, and no endorsement or approval is intended.