October 2020

  • IDDSI Around the Globe
  • Upcoming Webinars
  • IDDSI Translations Acknowledgment
  • Well Done!
  • IDDSI (not) on the Move
IDDSI Around the Globe

Nach ihrem erfolgreicher Webinar im Juni arbeitet die IDDSI D-A-CH Referenzgruppe weiter daran, die Umsetzung und Implementierung der IDDSI-Struktur voranzutreiben. Dazu ist neben weiteren Webinaren und der Übersetzung der verbleibenden IDDSI-Materialen vor allem die Vernetzung der verschiedenen Berufsgruppen und der Firmen, die in diesem Bereich tätig sind, geplant und notwendig. Wenn du Interesse hast, hier mitzuwirken und IDDSI dabei zu unterstützen, dann schick eine Email an austria@iddsi.org oder germany@iddsi.org. Die Gruppe um Simon Sollereder, Silke Pirker-Neuwirth, Michaela Trapl-Grundschober, Dr. Matthias Krämer und Björn Degen freut sich, von dir zu hören.

We are very excited to announce the formation of the Austrian and German IDDSI Reference Groups. For more information and if you are interested in participating, contact austria@iddsi.org or germany@iddsi.org.
In Canada, the IDDSI Reference Group (CIERG) is actively working to support health care providers work towards IDDSI implementation. Current activities include communications for various levels of stakeholder to help inform about IDDSI as well as education learning survey tools and other resources to assist with implementation.   CIERG is look for more volunteers so if you are interested please contact the group at canada@iddsi.org

Most recently, ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association), AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) and several platinum sponsors (thank you Hormel and Simply Thick!) joined forces to collaborate on the formation of the United States and Territories IDDSI Reference Group. Be on the look-out for more information as the group begins its work. 

Reference Groups are proving very successful in helping countries and regions work towards IDDSI Implementation. If you are interested in forming a Reference Group for your region/country, please contact us.
Don't miss out on our upcoming webinars below. Click on the buttons below for more information and registration:
You can also find recordings of previous IDDSI webinars on our YouTube channel.
IDDSI Translations

It takes more than a village

Making IDDSI resources available around the world involves translating documents and resources into various languages. This can be a large undertaking and often involves the efforts of many individuals. An example is the work done on the Chinese translations of the IDDSI documents. There was tremendous collaboration from many people with great expertise, in the initial translation of the IDDSI Framework documents (IDDSI 1.0) into Chinese.

Further recent work from a team from China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan built upon the foundational work and have now translated IDDSI 2.0 Framework  and Testing Methods Documents into Chinese (Traditional) and Chinese (Simplified). An enormous Thank You to everyone who participated in this process.

You can find the full list here.
In future issues of e-bite we will acknowledge everyone around the globe who has assisted and participated in the process of translating IDDSI documents and resources into various languages. Especially now, as our documents have converted to IDDSI version 2.0, we need our volunteers more than ever! Ensuring our resources are accessible to all is key in helping improve safety for those who experience dysphagia. 
You can access all Completed Translations at: www.iddsi.org/translations

Please take a moment to provide feedback for our Translations Available for Review.
Well Done!

European Society of Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) Virtual Conference (Oct 8-10, 2020)

Congratulations to the ESSD Board and Committee on a well planned and executed Virtual ESSD conference.  ESSD pulled together a great program of invited talks, balancing current issues around COVID-19 along with some cutting edge developments in other aspects of dysphagia assessment and management.
Well done ESSD!
Upcoming Virtual Education Opportunities

The V Congreso Argentino Internacional e Interdisciplinario de Disfagia (5th Argentinian International and Interdisciplinary Dysphagia Virtual Congress) will happen November 27-28, 2020. 

More info here.
IDDSI Not On The Move Right Now (But Still Connecting Virtually)

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, IDDSI continues to stay home working hard on updating resources and supporting our global community “virtually” with IDDSI implementation.

We hope everyone in our global community is staying safe!
IDDSI Kitty wishes everyone good health!