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October 2017
Working Together, Building Together 
Carlos Bell,
We continue to work in an environment of exciting change and important progress. I would like to focus on the significant progress ACPE has made with the financial restructuring, i.e. new governance at the end of 2016. We, for example, have moved from ten different budgets (nine regions and national office) to one unified budget. The success achieved over the past year is attributed to our conservative approach toward budgeting and implementation of a new design and business model. 

The benefits of ACPE having one budget are efficiency, transparency, and reliability of financial data. ACPE should expect improved ability to plan, manage, and report in financial form the work of the association. The advance in efficiency also improves the completeness and reliability of financial information which is important to the board in meeting their responsibilities.

Call For Applications
Stephen Robinson, Leadership Development Committee Chair
The Leadership Development Committee is working on building a ballot for the electronic election this fall. As a reminder, according to our organizational redesign, the membership will elect members of the Board of Directors, the Accreditation, Certification and Ethics Commissions, the Finance Committee, and half (three positions) of the Leadership Development Committee.

Currently, we are working working toward implementing a new process for how we develop leaders for our work and match them up with where they want to serve as a volunteer. We are also moving toward more of an application process instead of the nominating process that we have used in the past. Our ultimate plan involves dedicating a section of our website to a home for Leadership Development. This will be a place where our members can learn about various leadership positions, engage in various assessment tools for skills, competencies, and leadership abilities, explore some ways to prepare for leadership at the national level, and prepare through online modules and training for our various roles.
Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming Election
This fall, in accordance with its bylaws, ACPE will hold an election to elect members of the Board of Directors, Accreditation Commission, Certification Commission, Professional Ethics Commission, Finance Committee, and Leadership Development Committee.

Interested in serving? The deadline to apply is September 30, 2017. Learn more.

The election will be held online with email ballots. Sample ballots will be distributed before polls open. Polls will be open October 30-November 6, 2017.
Certification Update
Mary Stewart Hall, Certification Chair
We continue to receive many wonderful questions about the transition to the new Certification process. One of the most asked questions is related to those who are in currently in some part of the Certification process.  To help address these questions, we have created a chart that we hope will guide you in understanding how things will move forward. You can find the chart on the New Certification Process Webpage.  Also, if you have additional questions, please email us. We want to know what's on your mind!
Accreditation Work Group Update
The Accreditation Work Group has been diligently engaged in a close look at our Standards for Accredited Programs, going through a careful process of reading, discerning and discussing the difference between Program Standards and policies for programs.  The Work Group will present their findings and recommendations to the Board at the November leadership meeting in Atlanta.  Based on the Board's feedback, the Work Group will complete revisions as necessary and will prepare a study document of the Standards for Accredited Programs to be sent out to the membership for comment in mid-February 2018.  We look forward to sharing more with you in the future.
Melissa Walker-Luckett, Chair,  2017 Annual Campaign
Fall is fast approaching in Central Texas. For me, that means the State Fair of Texas with outrageous food, new car/truck exposition tents, and crafts by women and men from all over the state. 

One of my favorite stops is the quilt show. The beautiful pieces are hung all around the hall high above other, smaller exhibits. The quilts of today are different than the quilts my grandmothers made. Quilts on display at the State Fair will have carefully planned and orchestrated color palettes selected for that one quilt and held together with intricate stitching. Quilts of early settlers were stitched together from scraps of clothing or bedding no longer usable for their intended purpose, but re-purposed to provide warmth during the winter storms of New England. I have quilts from my grandmothers that are made of flour sacks or leftovers from dresses my cousins and I wore as children. All of these works of art are functional. And, they are all beautiful.

You can make a significant gift to ACPE that costs you nothing now, and will keep on giving for years to come. Your gift can also memorialize a loved one. Here's how: 

A gift in your will is one way you can secure your estate and create an impactful legacy with ACPE. A gift in your will has many advantages:
Chaplains Podcast Series: A Resource for ACPE Educators
Thanks to the generous support of the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations and the F.I.S.H. Foundation, ACPE partnered with Interfaith Voices to produce the "Chaplains" podcast series. The 7-part series features stories of chaplains inspired by different faith traditions to answer the call to comfort those in life's most vulnerable moments. We hope the "Chaplains" podcast series can be a meaningful tool for ACPE educators training students to help others grapple with the deep questions of life and meaning. 

Listen here
Keeping Creativity Flowing, Keeping Growing Edges Growing
Hebrew SeniorLife (HSL), one of ACPE's centers in Boston, is doing two new things in 2018. Well, more than two. But two we are ready to share with you!

One is hosting a fulltime CPE Resident to focus on Spiritual Care of LGBT Elders. Nonagenarian gay men and lesbians in this country are disproportionately nonreligious and very often survivors of multiple kinds of abuse and trauma. The CPE Resident will engage one CPE unit focusing on Spiritual Care of the Nonreligious, one specifically on Spiritual Care of LGBT Elders, and one on Person-Centered Trauma-Informed Spiritual Care of Trauma Survivors. In addition, the student will take part in HSL's ongoing system-wide initiative with staff, residents, families, and patients to make HSL an LGBT-affirming environment. This three-unit CPE program is graciously funded by the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation.
The leading organizations in the field of Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care have come together to offer a joint symposium "Partners in Strengthening the Future of Spiritual Care."  This symposium will cover a range of information including partnerships, collaboration and research pertinent for those in the field of Spiritual Care.  In addition, attendees will qualify for 4.5 hours of applicable Continuing Education credits towards their respective certifications. 

Want to Publish One of Your Original Chaplain Prayers?
Dr. Jan McCormack and a colleague have a book under contract with Judson Press called Prayers beyond the Sanctuary: Representing the Holy in a Multifaith World. It is intended to help readers discern the difference between praying within their own faith tradition and worship spaces and praying in secular or Multifaith settings without compromising the prayer's own religious convictions. It should prove valuable for seminarians, new CPE students or chaplains, spiritual lay leaders, and spiritual leaders of all faiths.

Contributing writers will represent a diverse range of voices (particularly racial/cultural, gender, ecumenical and interfaith diversity). The more unique the setting or event, the more likely it will be accepted. Prayers must be original to the submitter. 


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