Bridge is a treat! It's time to take your tricks! Join us at the District's Halloween Regional in Spooky Nook (Lancaster). Make plans for this premiere event. The dates run through Halloween, of course, from October 30 to November 5. For all the information you need, check out the website here.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Contact your District 4 board members.
Dan Boye
Meyer Kotkin
Bill Bauer
Pat Civale
Joann Glasson
Greetings from the fifth highest peak in District 4! Why a picture of myself at the peak of Whiteface Mountain? It was a challenge that became a goal. I am far from being a "fit climber" or even hiker. However, while vacationing in the Adirondacks and hiking through all the amazing trails, I decided to try and hike up Whiteface by the end of the week. As we drove through the Village of Lake Placid and approached the mountain, I recalled vividly the 1980 "Miracle On Ice." The US Olympic Hockey team faced tremendous challenges on their way to their gold medal. We all have challenges to meet goals we set for ourselves. And for me that week, it literally was "put one foot in front - if not above - the other" and keep moving upward.
In bridge, the goal may be to achieve Life Master status, to attain the next level of bridge success as presented by the ACBL or to win a National Championship. Whatever YOUR goal is work hard to achieve it because the satisfaction afterwards will be your greatest reward. To achieve your bridge goal listen to your bridge mentor or your bridge teacher. They will help you develop the thought processes necessary in this great game to achieve your goal. To that end please join me in congratulating District 4's Director, Joann Glasson, for being a finalist in the ACBL's teacher of the year award. Joann exemplified the skill and temperament to achieve her personal bridge goals by being a being an ACBL Grand LM and representing the US in world competition (finishing 2nd in Chennai in 2015). In addition to her personal success Joann teaches a large number of players in how to improve their own games. In my opinion, Joann takes as much pleasure in watching her students improve as she has done in her own personal accomplishments. Congratulations, Joann on being recognized as one of the best Bridge Teachers across the country!
On the tournament trail, District 4's NAP tournaments are being held this month. Winners are rewarded with financial subsidies to the Spring Nationals to try and win your own National Championship being held in Philadelphia March 2018. You can still enter as you read this. Also, please plan on attending District 4's final Regional of 2017 in Spooky Nook (formally Lancaster) from 10/30-11/5.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the table in Lancaster and wishing you good luck in achieving your own personal goals. Remember, all you need to do to keep climbing higher is to put one foot in front of/above the other.
From the District Director
This spring, District 4 will be hosting the North American Bridge Championships (NABC) in Philadelphia. Only once every six or seven years do we have an opportunity to play in a National Championship without getting on an airplane. This is your chance and it's an opportunity that no bridge player should pass up!
This national tournament is open to all and has games available to players at every level of experience. If you have never been to a national tournament, I urge you to come. The excitement of participating in a bridge event that will host between 4,000 and 5,000 players from all over the world is unparalleled.
If you have never been to an NABC, here's a link to a Welcome Bulletin that will give you more information about the experience.
For players with fewer than 299 masterpoints, Deb and John Klinger have put together a great program of events for you. Because the number of players in the field will be large, there will be lots of masterpoints available. There will also be free lectures from nationally-ranked players every day. There is also a full schedule of Gold Rush Events for players with under 750 masterpoints.
Here's a link to the Intermediate/Newcomer schedule.
The tournament will be held at the Marriott Hotel at 1201 Market Street in Philadelphia and the attached Convention Center. If you would like to reserve a hotel room you must book through the ACBL to get the room rate of $160 a night. These rooms typically fill up early, so don't procrastinate.
Here's a link to the ACBL room reservation site.
If you will be commuting to the tournament site, SEPTA has a train that will take you right to the Convention Center. If you have a Medicare card, you can ride for $1. Just get off at Market Street East and you will be in the Convention Center.
If you plan on driving into Philadelphia, Everett Young has arranged discounted parking for our players. Here's a link to the parking information. If you take advantage of the discounted parking rates, you will need to pick up a discounted parking tickets at the Information Desk on the 5th floor of the Marriott Hotel when you get to the tournament.
Most important - if you plan to be in Philadelphia for dinner, take advantage of the terrific restaurant guide that has been put together by Ed Kung and Janet Johnson, two center-city foodies.
Here's a link.
Please don't hesita
te to get in touch with me (joannglasson@msn.com)
or my co-chair Bob Glasson, bglasson45@gmail.com,
if you have any questions about playing in the NABC.
We have a great committee of volunteers who will be working together to put on this tournament. If you would like to help us by volunteering to work at a desk at the NABC, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Pat Civale: pat@csa-accounting.com
October 7
October 7-8
October 28
November 23 - December 3
NAP district qualifying games take place in October. See the District 4 Schedule section above for the dates for your flight and click on the links for additional information.
Philadelphia Nationals Arrive in March!
It might seem several seasons away, but it's really not too early to start thinking about the Philadelphia Nationals coming this spring. The dates are March 8-18, 2018. Nationals offer events for players of ALL levels, including people who have never even played before! (Tell your friends who want to learn the greatest game.)
* The first weekend offers special opportunities for players with fewer than 300 masterpoints.
* There's a special "Learn Bridge in a Day" seminar for people who would like an introduction.
* Join us for welcome events and great hospitality.
* Corporate sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available.
For all the details, click here for the Philadelphia Nationals website and learn everything you might want to know.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Unit 112 Sectional (Webster)
October 14-15
Unit 112 Sectional (Endwell)
October 28-29
Unit 112 Sectional (Waterloo)
November 11-12
There is no Unit 112 report this month. Check back next month for an update.
Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania
Instant Matchpoint Game
October 25
NORTH AMERICAN PAIRS FLIGHT C SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7. Club level qualification is required and you must be a member of District 4. 2 session game - 10:00 am and 2:30 pm. You must play both sessions. Cost is $25 and includes Subway catering or bring your own lunch and pay $20. District winners receive travel subsidies to the Spring NABC in Philadelphia - up to $700 per player. The game will be held at the Acacia Lodge #579, 617 Union Street, Taylor, Pa. 18417. Contact George Mansour at atlas902@gmail.com NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 5th
THE HONESDALE-HAWLEY CLUB WILL BE HOLDING THE INSTANT MATCHPOINT GOLD game on Wednesday, October 25th at 12:30 pm. The club asks for pre-registration to be sure we have the required number of tables. Email Fay at skingp31@aol.com.
THE INSTANT MATCHPOINT GOLD GAME will also be held at Jack Burns game in Clark Summit.
GATLINBURG BUS TRIP - We are tentatively working on a bus trip to Gatlinburg - April 16 to April 21. Plans are just in the beginning stages and we do not have pick up spots settled yet, but we would like to know if you are interested in going on the bus. No definite commitment at this time for you or the bus but we need an approximate count of those who might want to come. Bus trip only - everyone needs to make their own hotel reservations. Email Fay if you are interested. skingp31@aol.com
THE UNIT 120 SECTIONAL held at the Quality Inn, Wilkes Barre, September 15-17 had a good turnout and if you were not there you missed a good time and possibly some silver points.
Friday Morning Open Pairs - Flight A and B
½ Bill Burns/JoAnn Mauger, ½ Arnie Gwirtzman/Ged Manzi
3 David Meyer/Marlene Meyer
4 Steve Tillman/Jeanne Fainburg
Flight B - 3 & 5A Jim Mazeika/Mary Tragis
4 & 6A George Mansour/Bill Orth
5 Martha O'Connor/ Carole McCallum
Flight C - 1 Judith Stillinger/Wanda Cristali
2 Jean Olcese/Bob Reed
Friday Morning NLM Pairs
Flight A - 1 Larry Taren/William Buchin
2 Rosemary Powell/Ann-Louise Strickland
3 Joseph Kovach/Victoria Tarleton
Flight B - 1 & 4A Janet Morganthau/Grace Sutherland
2 & 5A Jon Clemens/Craig Bailey
3 Begona Kowet/Woody Wolston
Flight C- 1 & 4B Janet Chaiken/Kathy Vogel
2 Winifred Pearsall/Sunny Kline
A - 1 Norman Rubin/Suzanne Rudick
Flight B - 1 & 2A Joe Distini/Denise Torrey
2 & 3 George Mansour/Bill Orth
3 & 4A Martha O'Connor/Carole McCallum
4 & 5A Bill Burns/JoAnn Mauger
5 Kate Shumaker/Gwen Ritter
Flight C - 1 Gretchen Jack/Beverly Bright
2 Sue Kluger/Joseph Kovach
Flight A & B- 1, 1B Robert Wojack/Lee Allen Fett
2, 2B Janet Morganthau/Grace Sutherland
3, 3B Craig Bailey/Jon Clemens
5 Larry Taren/William Buchin
Flight C - 5, 1 & 4 B Marie Wildman/Anne Pelak
2C Winifred Pearsall/Sunny Kline
Flight A - 1 Judith Haber/Carol Drewniak
3 Deepak Khanna/Mary Lee
Flight B - 1 & C & 2 A Jean Olcese/Mary Dean
2B & C Joe Distini/Doreese Torrey
5B Arthur Kibbe/Stephen Tillman
Flight A - 1 Larry Taren/William Buchin
2 Patricia Latshaw/Jean Pryzbylkowski
Flight B 1 & 3A Janet Chaiken/Kathy Vogel
2 Jack Schrum/Martha Haviland
Flight A - 1 Judy Stein/John Schwartz
Flight B - 1 & 2B - Bill Burns/Carole McCallum
4 Arthur Kibbe/Stephen Tillman
5 George Mansour/Bill Orth
Flight C - 1 & 2B Joe Distini/Doreese Torrey
2 & 3B Larry Kemmerer/Kate Shumaker
3 Colin Kelly/Mimi Joe
Flight A - 1 Betsy Cutler/Craig Bailey
2 Larry Taren/William Buchin
Flight B - 1 & 3A - Janet Chaiken/Kathy Vogel
2 & 4A Harold Koehler/Rita Groves
3 & 5A Jack Schrum/Martha Haviland
Flight A - 1 Judy Stein, John Schwartz, Tom Kriz, David Kresge
2 Tom Weik, Al Shrive, Dave Meyer, Steve Tillman
3 Jean Olcese, Beth Travis, Candace Osborne, Joan Benedict
1 B and 1 C)
Flight B 2 Marianne Higgins, Bill Haynes, Bill Burns, JoAnn Mauger
Ten players from West End DBC played in the open section, all winning silver points. Another ten players were In the NLM's, likewise all winning silver points. Jan Morganthou moved up in rank to Sectional Life Master. Begona Kowet became a Regional Life Master. Bill Burns topped the leaderboard with the most masterpoints and JoAnn Mauger was 4th for most masterpoints won at the Sectional. West End is wondering if they had the most players at the tournament with 22. It sure is impressive.
David Forth and Gilly Chase won silver points in Delaware.
Unit 121: Berks Montgomery
Brian C Snyder
We held our Non Life Master Sectional on Friday September 22 at Sacred Heart Villa. There was a morning and an afternoon session. Anne and John Alderman placed first overall in the morning, and Betsy Cutler and Donalee Griswold won the afternoon session. Our next Non Life Master Sectional will be held Friday December 15. More information can be found here:
Our next Unit game will be the Hawley Quier Memorial on Tuesday October 24 at Sacred Heart Villa. This game will have a Halloween theme. Congratulations to Jewel Albright on attaining the rank of Club Master.
October 20-22
The unit will have its fall sectional on 20 October thru 22 October at the Lehigh senior center in Allentown, a convenient location, handicap accessible, and plenty of parking. Please see the flyer in the four spot or on the district web site. There will be free pizza between sessions on both Saturday and Sunday. Anyone needing a partner please contact Mary Ann Sharpless, the partnership chairman.
The unit will have its annual meeting and holiday party on Sunday 12 November at the Brookside Country Club. The meeting will be preceded by a luncheon buffet, and will be followed by a pairs game. There will be a separate game for players with less than 299 masterpoints. Tickets are $25 which includes the luncheon and card fee. Tickets go very quickly. See Frank Kuebler or any board member for tickets. The unit subsidizes the cost for this event. Anyone wishing to have an issue or item discussed at the annual meeting should contact unit President, Stan Yellin.
The unit will hold its annual memoriam pairs game on Sunday 10 December at the Lehigh count senior center in memory of members who have passed away in the past year. Please contact Julie Brooks for details.
The annual unit directory will be published in early February. If unit members desire any additions or corrections to the 2017 directory please change your data with the ACBL prior to 15 January. The ACBL data is what is used for the directory. After 15 January, contact Arup to make any changes. Thank you.
The mentoring program is going well. Anyone desiring to be mentored or anyone desiring to be a mentor, please contact Mike Kohler.
Please congratulate Jeanne Kuebler and Frank Morgan for becoming Silver Life Master and Tom Kriz, Ed Spitzer, and Peter Stoyanov for becoming Ruby Life Masters and to Paul Irvine for becoming a Sapphire Life Master.
October 13-15
November 10-12
Unit 141 STaC
December 4-10
Unit 141 congratulates Sandra Salasin for attaining her Ruby Life Master designation.
We hope to see you at the October Sectional at Bala Country Club. Come try the one session
BAM (Board a Match) event Saturday morning. If you are need pair to team with, email U141PartnershipDesk@gmail.com.
This is a fun event...come try it.
Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania
October 13-15
November 13-19
The end of October ushers in the Lancaster Regional Tournament
, once again being held at Spooky Nook Sports Complex. This will be the tournament's 2nd year at Spooky Nook, and we want to see you there! Check out the tournament flyer
for game details and additional information.
The month of October is jam-packed with special games and gold point opportunities.
There will be twelve Club Appreciation Games, including four Swiss Team games that pay partial gold points. A Women's Swiss Team Game has been added on Sunday, October 29, as a Club Appreciation Game, so ladies, get your teams together now.
On Wednesday, October 25 we will be participating in the Instant Matchpoint Game. Join us for a soup and home baked bread luncheon at 11:30 and game time at 12:15. At the conclusion of the game, a detailed hand analysis booklet will be provided. We need 5 tables for your scores to compete in the ACBL-wide scoring, so please plan to come out and support our game.
Monthly Open game with Wine and Cheese - October 11
Birthday Game - Sunday, October 15
Monthly Swiss Teams - October 18
Brunch and Bridge game - October 21
Check out our calendar
for charity games, club championship games, and Grass Roots Fund games, all paying enhanced points. You won't want to pass up any of these great opportunities to play. Thanks for your support!
Special games with extra points awarded for the month of October include:
- October 2 - Unit game
- October 9-13 - a full week of Club Appreciation games
- October 16 - Club Appreciation TEAM game! (pre-registration required, contact Andie Sheaffer, 717-801-7597 or andie.sheaffer@gmail.com)
CONGRATULATIONS to these Unit 168 members on their new master point rank achievements:
Club Master:
Jinan Bahia, Patricia Calvani, Jean Eiding, Karen Gayman, Jean Kirchhoff, Linda Rice
Sectional Master:
Phyllis Accardi, Marlene Arnst, Cathy Becker, Kathy Mast, Martha Matt, Marc Rovner
Regional Master:
Karen Davis, Walter Gaige, Sandra Greenfield, Karen Pagano, Karen Zimmerman
NABC Master:
Janice Leuenberger, Margaret Sobelewski, Jeffrey Stead, Tim Sumner
Life Master:
Barrie Callahan, Sandra King, Richard Lyden, Pamela Stackhouse
Bronze Life Master:
Susan Kennedy
Silver Life Master:
Jack Hund, Dennis Shaub
Diamond Life Master:
Kenneth Meyer
Wacky Hands & Gadgets -
by Dave Bort
Redwood, Keycard Responses with a Void, & King-Ask
In a club matchpoints game earlier this month, both were vulnerable, and my RHO was the dealer.
West: AQJ743 AK AKJT2 Void
East: K2 J75 Q965 A985
With the opponents silent, the bidding proceeded:
West East
1S(1) 1N(2)
3D(3) 4H(4)
5H(5) 5N(6)
6H(7) 7D(8)
(1) Avoiding problems showing two suits, if opening 2C
(2) Semi-forcing
(3) Opener's jump-shift, forcing to "game" (3N or 4 of a minor)
(4) Redwood, 1430 for Diamonds (wow, partner's jump-shift shows a 4-loser hand, and I think I've got 3 solid cover cards, given the bidding)
(5) Even number of keycards (not 0!), with a known-to-be-useful void (e.g., not in one of partner's bid suits)
(6) Specific King-Ask (wow, partner must have 4 keycards for her jump-shift, and if so, she must have a Club void. Also, I can't believe she'd jump in a suit with only 4 cards, so partner is most likely 5=3=5=0 or 6=2=5=0. Hmmm, let's check for the King of Hearts...)
(7) I've got the Heart King, partner!
(8) That's good enough for me, since you've got to have something more in Spades, and I can probably ruff them good, if necessary.
Making 7, on the lead of the Heart 9 (also makes 7N and 7S in the East, but only 6S in the West, since North can start by giving their partner a Diamond ruff, if in the Spade grand).
At any rate, that's the way the bidding COULD have gone, if partner and I had been solid on an agreement for keycard responses with a void. But, in the unreasonable, imperfect "real world", partner only ended up in 6S, making 7. Still, a boy can dream, can't he?
Good Old Jacoby, with a Courtesy Cue-bid
In another afternoon matchpoints club game, partner and I were vulnerable when I opened East's inauspicious 12-point, 6-loser hand.
West: 953 AQ84 A65 AQ3
East: 4 K6532 KQJ2 K98
The bidding proceeded (with the opponents silent throughout):
West East
2N(1) 3S(2)
3H(3) 4C(4)
4N(5) 5C(6)
6H(7) Pass(8)
(1) Jacoby 2N (13+ playing points, with 4 trumps)
(2) Spade singleton or void
(3) Showing at least mild slam interest by keeping the bidding low
(4) Courtesy cue-bid, based on partner's interest, and despite my reservations (a so-called Italian Cue-bid, showing 1st- or 2nd-round control, i.e., an Ace, King, singleton, or void)
(5) 1430 for Hearts (amazingly, not everyone plays Kickback - go figure)
(6) 1 or 4 keycards in Hearts
(7) That should be enough, partner, with our 9-card fit, your King of Hearts (since we've agreed not to show stiff Aces as singletons in this type of auction), your Club control, your stiff Spade to cover my Spade losers, and the remaining strength you must have in Diamonds, for your opening bid - Let's Do This!
(8) Gulp, OK, trust your partner (did I mention I was a fairly light opener?)
Making 6, on the lead of the Heart Ten (or any lead), and the only pair in the room to bid it. Hmmm, seemed fairly straight-forward at the time. I'll blame it on partner's good combined hand evaluation (given the critical bidding information).
October 24
Unit 190 Dave Treadwell Sectional
December 26-31
The Delaware State Bridge Association warmly invites you to play in a relaxed atmosphere, at the Fall 299er Pairs on Tuesday October 24th starting at 10 am, at the Bridge Studio in Wilmington.
Eli Solomon (A); Mary Kay Reilly (C); Debbie Schell (B);
Tina Brinsfield (B);
Andy Stayton (A); Rich Weissmann (C)
Harry Heath, Jr.
Alan B. Palmer
Mary Kay Moriarty and Kathleen R. Sullivan
Dolores I. O'Boyle
Steve Herrmann, Audrey Hildenbrand
and John B. Strange
Nancy M. Steele
Marie G. Anzilotti and Barbara Rhoades
When I look at chocolate, I hear two voices in my head. The first one says: "You need to eat that chocolate." The other voice goes: "You heard. Eat the chocolate."
1. 11.02 Bernard Rehberg
2. 8.40 Ala Hamilton-Day
3. 7.98 Rick Rowland
4. 6.69 Francis Taylor, Jr.
5. 6.36 Kurt Engleman
6. 5.60 Randall Berseth
7. 5.52 Teresa Young
8. 4.16 Judith Cronin
9. 4.13 Jess Stuart
10. 3.71 Nancy Robbins
11. 3.71 Marcia Abbott
12. 3.71 Brenda Vogel
Unit 217 Sectional
October 6-8
Please join us for our next sectional October 6 - 8 at the
Williamsport Bridge Club, 1042 High Street, Williamsport, PA 17701. We will have our annual Unit 217 meeting between sessions that Sunday, October 8.
Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus:
, July, October
The ABC of Bridge by Dave Wachsman:
August, November
A Spot 4 the Advancing Player by Jay Apfelbaum:
June, September, December
here to read this month's article:
For Novices Only.
Click on any blue month above to read recent articles.
Master Solvers Club
Moderator: Nick Straguzzi
Don't be spooked by the Master Solvers Club! The bridge problems are fun to solve and it's easy to submit your answers online.
click here to read the analysis of last month's problem.
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4Spot | October 2017 | Editor: Allison Brandt | allisonrbrandt@gmail.com