President's Message
My Fellow Members, 

Your Special Events Committee and the Contract Cities staff are working hard to prepare for the 35th Annual Fall Summit. The Summit will take place November 13-15 at the Marriott Laguna Cliffs Resort in Dana Point. Our founding sponsor, the Water Replenishment District of Southern California, is to be commended for their support of the event. We could not put on this program without their support.

This year, Val Zavala of KCET will again serve as our Emcee. The theme for the Summit is Thinking in Terms of Tomorrow. Educational sessions will cover topics such as water, transportation, public safety and employee associations. These are all vitally important topics to the future of our cities, and we as elected officials have a responsibility to think in terms of the future when crafting policy today.

We have an exciting lineup of presenters, including Secretary of State Alex Padilla, Sheriff Jim McDonnell, Assemblymember Anthony Rendon, Supervisor Don Knabe and many more. Click here to view the event brochure.

Register by October 30th to receive the discounted registration rate of $425 per person. Click here to register or reserve rooms.

I look forward to seeing you, my colleagues and friends, at the upcoming Summit. Together we can work for a better tomorrow.


Gustavo Camacho
California Contract Cities Association 
USC Sol Price Executive Leaders Seminar
The University of Southern California Sol Price School of Public Policy Executive Education Forum for Local Leaders has been scheduled for November 20-21, 2015. Those interested in the program should submit an application here. This program focuses on building capacity for leaders. For more information on the program click here
CCCA Promo Video
Have you seen the recently updated CCCA promotional video? Tripepi Smith and Associates recently produced the updated CCCA Promotional Video to reflect this year's organizational leadership. 

Join Water Education for Latino Leaders
As part of the Contract Cities Association (CCA) continuing partnership with Water Education for Latino Leaders (WELL), we invite you to attend and participate at the WELL Regional Workshop from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, October 24, 2015, at South Coast Winery Resort & Spa, 34843 Rancho California Rd., Temecula, CA 92591. Click here for a letter from our President inviting you to the event. 
Legislative Update
SB 239 (Hertzberg) Local services: contracts: fire protection services
Limits cities' control over their ability to freely contract fire services. This bill puts an undue burden on contracting agencies.

Update: CCCA opposed this bill and requested a veto. Chaptered by the Secretary of State 10/10/15.

SB 32 (Pavley) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006
This enhances the requirements of AB 32, mandating a 40% reduction in greenhouse gasses by 2030.

Update: This has become a two-year bill. CCCA supports this bill.

AB 88 (Gomez) Sales and use taxes: exemption: energy or water-efficient home appliances
This bill exempts energy or water-efficient home appliances purchased by public utilities for low-income participants.

Update: CCCA was supportive of this bill. Bill vetoed by Governor.
Affiliate Members




To see a full list of our Associate Members click here
Upcoming Events
October 21, 2015 
6:00 PM 
Sanitation District of Los Angeles County 

November 13-15, 2015 Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort and Spa 

Save the Date 
All Cities Holiday Reception 
December 3, 2015 
6:00 PM 
The Grand, Long Beach 

Sacramento Legislative Orientation Tour January 11-13, 2016 Sheraton Grand Hotel 

February Board of Directors Meeting  
West Hollywood

Board Member Highlight

Ali Sajjad Taj 
City of Artesia

Council Member Ali Sajjad Taj has served on the Artesia City Council since December of 2013.

Council Member Taj has focused his energy and time on improving day to day quality of life issues for all Artesia residents. He has supported improved lighting, street quality and traffic safety while being an advocate for bringing new businesses to the City both to generate revenue for City services and to provide new amenities for residents.

The Council Member has been in the Financial Services Industry for the last 14 years. During his career he has held several important and key positions with Multinational Firms like American Express, Ameriprise Financial, Weddell & Reed and T.D. Ameritrade. He has worked as Financial Planner, District Manager, Regional Manager, Managing Principal, and in Vice President Positions.

Council Member Taj has a B.A. in Economics and Statistics and a Masters in Public Administration with an emphasis in Marketing. In addition, he has acquired FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) Licenses Series 4, Series 7, Series 24, Series 51 and Series 66. He has license for the State of California for Life and Health.

Council Member Taj is excited to use his broad educational and business background to support a positive future for all Artesia residents.

Council Member Taj remains humble about his accomplishments. He maintains that it's important to keep the right perspective, something he's strived to instill in his son. He often reminds him, as well as his colleagues, of a story from one of his favorite books, "The Noticer." The author says that life is a lot like a game of Monopoly: you may own Boardwalk and Park Place with two hotels but, when the game is over, all those pieces are going back in the box.