Colon Hydrotherapy, Certified GAPS™ Practitioner, Detox Programs, Workshops 
520-325-9686  4427 E 5 St Tucson AZ 85711
Intestinal Health Newsletter October 2013
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box of mangoes
Palm Beach County Mangoes


September was jam packed with a series of wonderful health gatherings. On September 7th I hosted the Community Raw Food Potluck. We have a great time, share delicious dishes and have fun socializing around a 'health' theme. Check out the photos. On a personal note, I love the raw food diet having attended the Hippocrates Health Institute in 1975. However, I support all natural diets and encourage each person to find their way with the diet.


The following Friday, September 13, I had a GAPS™ Group at my home. I gave a PowerPoint - Lesson 1 - Intro to the Gut & Psychology Syndrome diet and program. We had time for sharing and Q&A. One women brought wonderful goodies from her farm: fresh goat yogurt made from milk from her goats, a variety of squash cooked and with a demo of many way to use it, and a food sampling of a bread made with almond flour, vinaigrette, tomato and cucumber salad plus. I plan to have the next one on October 26, Saturday, 5:30-7:30pm.


Then on September 20-21, Ann Baldwin PhD and I gave our 8-hour workshop, Staying' Alive - A Mindful Eating workshop. We are both very inspired by people's willingness to choose natural health over a processed food and body life. The workshop is experiential. Tanya Whitman of Yoga Oasis came Saturday at noon and gave us an hour yoga class. It rocked. Meal planning for the evening and day included raw juices, green smoothies, salad dressings, sprouts and a luscious dessert, the Key Lime Cream Pie and all raw. Students had the opportunity to experience 'nutrient dense' natural food. Ann guided people into 'coherent' breathing through various computer models and games plus she shared the latest research on stress in relation to weight gain.


We will keep you informed about our next workshop. In the meantime, check out the Plant Based Nation Workshop. Ann and I are giving a talk, Solutions for Sugar and Stress, November 10, Sunday as part of their daylong workshop on plant based natural health. The workshop is a great opportunity for you, your family and friends to hear phenomenal speakers, sample natural foods and enhance your health protocol.


What are clients doing? Here's the latest from the cleansing front. A few have very successfully undertaken the Arise & Shine 14-Day Cleanse. A few have done the Dr Schulze Bowel Detox, and his 30-day program that includes 2 Bowel Detoxes, 1 Liver Gall Bladder Detox and 1 Kidney Detox. Heavy metal chelation, vitamin C drips, Insulin Potentiated Therapy, the 3-Day Cleanse are other therapies clients are using. One client did a 15-day raw juice fast and she said she handled the stress of a move and work issues very calmly. She also lost her belly fat. I share this to let you know you can accompany your colonic with a cleanse or detox! 


Be in touch, and be in detox,

Sheila Shea MA 


Upcoming Events


October 26, Saturday, GAPS™ Group

We are meeting on Saturday from 5:30-7:30pm and will have a powerpoint on the GAPS™ diet and program, sharing and food demo and tasting. $5 cover. Call or email to RSVP. 520-325-9686 or


November 10, Sunday, Plant Based Nation


Solutions for Sugar and Stress!

Download Workshop Flyer!


Session One: 8:30 - 10am Room 2: Ann Baldwin and Sheila Shea present 'Solutions for Sugar and Stress'. Let's become aware of our bodies and how our bodies feel. We'll start off with a stretch.  Sheila will then address real and chemical sugars, fructose metabolism and sugar imbalance diseases. Interactive exercise: How to read ingredients labels for sugars.  Stress increases cortisol levels that increase blood sugar glucose levels. This is fine when you need it but not when it's chronic.  Ann will address how chronic stress affects sugar imbalance. How can we control our stress response and reduce sugar levels? Stress results from emotional responses that strain the heart. Ann will be teaching you a breathing and emotional restructuring technique that will give you control of your heart, emotions and stress levels. Interactive exercise: fun computer games to show when you have overcome stress!  To close, Sheila will provide a list of what you need in your natural kitchen to move away from the processed food world. Ann will end with a relaxing meditation.


Join us for a new and exciting workshop! Register at Plant Based Nation.

Workshop Leaders  


Ann Baldwin Portrait  

Ann Baldwin PhD


Sheila Shea Portrait

Sheila Shea MA Intestinal Health


For more information, contact Ann or Sheila  

Detox Baths

 How to take care of yourself 101A


I was speeding around the internet the other day reading various health-related articles. I came across a detox site that includes detox baths as part of the detoxification or purification of our body. Last year, a health practitioner gave me a recipe for a Lymph Bath that is helpful for skin conditions like eczema and shingles. Campbell-McBride MD, author of Gut & Psychology Syndrome, suggests rotating through various ingredients in a bath: one day, seaweed, next day, vinegar etc.


Various substances you can use in your detox bath are: sea salt, Epsom salt, baking soda, vinegar, seaweed, clay, herbs and oil drops. The detox baths have many purposes. They can soothe skin conditions, calm and relax you, nurture you while cleansing, alkalinize the skin and pull toxins out the skin. The detox baths are also good to do when taking colon hydrotherapy.


Lymph Bath

1 cup Epsom Salts

� cup Sea Salt

� cup Baking Soda

1-3 drops of essential oil


Put is a hot bath, cover yourself up to your neck, stay in tub 15-20 minutes.


Another Detox Bath

For another more rigorous detox regimen, take a detox bath twice a day for three to four days. Add four cups of Epsom salt, two bags of Traditional Medicinals detox tea, and two bags of digestive enzyme tea or four opened capsules of digestive enzymes to the water. This bath is not only cleansing, but also counteracts excess acidity in the body. For a more relaxing experience, add three droppers of kava extract, a few drops of lavender essential oil, or both.


Links to seaweed


The Seaweed Bath Company


Mountain Rose Herbs

Special # 1

Unlimited Annual Pass for $1500


For those of you who would like to make this your 'year of intestinal health' I am offering you an unlimited number of colon hydrotherapy sessions for one year from the date of purchase. This gives you unlimited opportunity to work on GI, liver, gall bladder, kidney and parasite cleansing. Some use this to have a breakthrough with very challenging personal health issues. The Colon Hydrotherapy is a perfect adjunct for many other therapies you may be using for your health improvement program!


Consider buying an annual pass!


$1500 for an Unlimited Annual Pass

No Refunds on Pass 


Please call or email Sheila to make an appointment


Special # 2
25% Off Your Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions
When You Buy Three!

Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions are now $60 each down from $80
You may purchase 3 or more.
You have 3 months to use them from date of purchase. 


No refunds on series.

Offer expires October 25 Friday, 2013

Please call or email Sheila to make an appointment


Special # 3

$120 for Cranial and Colonic Sessions 


Rest, Relax, Release!


Michael Pellegrino practices at my office at the Intestinal Health Institute. You go from his room after the cranial session to my room for your colon hydrotherapy session.


1 hour of Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) with Michael Pellegrino

1 session of colon hydrotherapy with Sheila Shea


Please call or email Sheila to make an appointment: 520-325-9686, 


Please contact Michael for questions about CST: 520-275-4888


Expiry: October 30, 2013
In This Issue
Upcoming Events!
Detox Baths
Special # 1
Special # 2
Special # 3
Coupon 25% Off

October 26 - Saturday

 GAPS™ Group



November 10  - Sunday 

Plant Based Nation  

Solutions for Sugar & Stress!

Ann Baldwin & Sheila Shea 

Hot Links Cool Sites

National Geographic
Sugar Love

 Diane Rehm Show
Cohen & Johnson on Sugar

The Berry Breeze 

Colon Hydrotherapy

Certified GAPS™ Practitioner

Nutritional Counseling
Detox Programs
Diagnostic Testing

The Intestinal Health Institute is offering the 8-Hour IACT Certification Course for all those who have given 100 documented colonics and would like to be certified by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy. The Course requires membership in IACT and their test administered at my office. If you are interested, I am offering this day course for $600, 25% off the regular price of $800. IACT membership and test fees are in addition.
Offer expires October 31, 2013. 

Call or email Sheila Shea
Offer Expires: October 31, 2013