October 2022

October Festivities


10/01 Heather Lords

10/02 Bill Gray

10/04 Chris Weber

10/10 Ryan Paglia

10/10 Tom Ristvey

10/15 Tom Ambrass

10/21 Lori Gallagher

10/21 Richard Matas

10/23 Bill Boros

10/28 Mark LoDico


10/18 Ryan & Jamie Paglia

10/19 Pat & Sue Donnelly

10/21 Gary & Kinta Alizzeo

10/25 Alan & Robbie Fusetti

10/28 Gene & Kathy Soriano

Fall Party: High School Reunion

The season wound down on September 10th with PCC’s Class Reunion Fall Party. The evening started off with cocktails and dinner then launched into some high energy dancing thanks to the Pittsburgh DJ Company.

I need to acknowledge my other half, Tom, for taking over for me in the kitchen, following my instructions to the letter then delivering the food into the capable hands of Michelle Johnson, Beth Cummings, Sue Porter, Sue Donnelly, Sue Valitsky and Michelle Bish then put it all together in my absence and made sure things ran smoothly. What a crew! Thank you.

Last, my thanks to everyone who so generously contributed senior pix for the photo board. I think it’s safe to say we were a great looking bunch of kids.


Sunday, October 30 @ 9AM

Our Work Parties are all hands on deck, and we hope to see you all there!

Its been a great summer but it's time to put the Century Club to bed for the winter. By taking care of the property today we prepare for next summer. Lunch and annual membership meeting will follow.

School Equipment Shed

We are hosting a fundraiser, and we need your help!

Our sailing school needs are growing, and it's time to move out of the classroom and build a dedicated shed. We are going to hold a fundraiser to help offset the cost of any material that will need to be purchased. We are planning a Basket Raffle to be held during the Fall Membership Meeting. Donations of any items, or prepared baskets can we brought to the club any time before October 16.

If you'd like to support, but are not much of a shopper, don't have the time or ideas, we have made it so much easier! Click on our Amazon Wish List and make a purchase directly thru your Amazon account! Items (starting at $11) will be shipped directly to us and will be put into a basket. 

Any questions, contact Lidia.

~ To all who already donated: THANK YOU! ~

New Breeze Editor needed!

Are you looking for a way to get more involved in the club? Do you like the idea of being a photographer and reporter while supporting our club? Then perhaps this job is for you!

Anyone interested should submit their writing resume and publication portfolio to Lidia Gray. Just kidding - simply let us know if this sounds like fun and perhaps something for you!

October/November hors d'oeuvre party

Join us on Saturday, October 1st at 6:00 PM for our monthly hors d'oeuvre party! 

Come and enjoy the camaraderie of the evening. Bring your favorite dish to share. It's BYOB or donate to the fridge. Friends and new or potential members are welcome. This is a great opportunity to show off our facilities to any folks interested in membership. No RSVP's necessary, just show up. See you all there!

Don't forget! In November, the monthly hors d'oeuvre party will move to 5pm for the winter months. Same rules apply, show up and join the camaraderie :) 

Kitchen Reminder

Please remember to remove your perishable food items from refrigerators at the end of the weekend. Also, no other food items are permitted to be stored in the kitchen. Items stored in cabinets such as spices, peanut butter, soup, etc. are permitted. Adhering to these club rules will help keep the kitchen clean and prevent attracting rodents and insects.

Input to our monthly newsletter is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please email articles and photos to Breeze Editor in Chief, Lidia Gray at szarak2000@yahoo.com by the 25th of each month.
Board of Directors
Bill Gray
Pam Ambrass
VP/Social Chair
Michelle Johnson
Bill Boros
Harbor Master
Ross Cummings
Racing Liaison
Dave Porter
Buildings & Grounds
Gene Soriano

Ex-Officio Board Members

Michelle Bish
Caretaker & Sunshine
Ron Gallagher
Assistant Caretaker
Lidia Gray
Breeze/PR/Sailing School
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