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OCT./NOV. 2018                             Newcomer's Information Here

Editor's Note: We hope this newsletter finds you happy and with a continued fascination with your horse and riding. Peggy and Susan are enjoying their time in Europe right now, and the following articles are from their travels and their observations. We hope you enjoy them and if something in Connected Riding philosophy fascinates you, I encourage you to submit an article for a future newsletter.  
Judy Good

Hello Connected Riders

Observations from my travels 
over recent months 
to  Canada and Germany

When I spend time, at the beginning of a lesson or course, doing  "Connected Movement" awareness work, I notice how quickly riders find connection. In this initial work, the rider learns ways of checking on her posture on the ground:  sitting, standing, walking; and then sitting on the horse. When the rider's focus is 75% on her body, everything she does with the horse becomes so much easier for her and the horse, because the rider is able to stay "in synch" much more readily.
                                                           ( cont. on page 3)

 -Peggy Cummings

Table of Contents

Observations  from my Travels  
by Peggy Cummings p. 1


The People Part  of Connected Riding
by Susan Cook  p. 4

See below for more of  What's Hot

What's Hot!!


(cont. from page 1)
Observations from my Travels
by Peggy Cummings

A demo rider who worked with me recently was able to identify the differences between her "new" more neutral posture and her habitual posture as well as the reactions of her horse. She felt how his motion lessened and felt heavier to her when she went into her habitual posture. When she returned to neutral posture, she noticed how he immediately lightened and moved more freely and became more focused.  

So, what is the magic? A horse responds immediately as the oscillating rhythm from the rider's body goes through their body. This is a soothing and informational feel that supports the horse to move in a rhythm, not unlike two dancers who reciprocate and synchronize in movement as they dance together. Each individual's rhythm invites the other's, and so on. It is truly the most rewarding sensation one can feel while dancing or while riding on the back of a horse!  

Learning how to self-monitor your riding posture, and being able to assess if your or your horse's movement is feeling sticky or stuck, is the most important aspect of learning to ride, from my perspective. And the good news is that everyone can learn these skills. Any skill takes practice, patience and willingness to pay attention to what your body is telling you; yet the process is part of the wonder and fun, too! 

I look forward to helping you discover the rhythm of the ride with your horse!


Susan Cook

Connection applies to everything within and outside of you.  It is a gift that keeps on giving!
    Peggy Cummings synchronizing movement of horse and rider.

The People Part 

of Connected Riding

A note from my desk about the "people" part of Connected Riding, which is my specialty of the CR work and organization. It is interesting to see, through several decades of development, how the personal and interpersonal work is inspired by riding and relationships with horses, and how the synchronization of movement transforms people from the inside out. This is the main reason I was so taken with how Peggy Cummings works with riders.

In 1991 when I sat with her as she was teaching a riding clinic, I noticed how riders were shifting in their awareness and consciousness.  At that time, with my background in counseling psychology, I was involved in training sales people how to relate with more integrity to their customers. And then, there was this master teacher Peggy - the "sales woman" (that is, selling people on themselves) - who was deeply affecting people's self awareness. Needless to say, her work and mission captivated me enough to join forces and build an organization around this concept.

"This isn't just about riding, is it?!"
I cannot say enough about the people who comprise our worldwide teaching staff, who continue growing and becoming more of who they truly are through the work of Connection. My favorite quote that has been uttered a million times in a "Peggy clinic" is "This isn't just about riding, is it?!" It's about you, your awareness, your sensations, your alignment, your sensitivities to yourself, first and foremost, and what choices, what freedom you have to act upon those aware choices with horses, as well as everything in your life. Connection applies to everything within and outside of you.  It is a gift that keeps on giving!

Equine Self Expression
I just had a long and heartfelt lunch with a dear friend and senior instructor Deb Davies. One of her specialties is leading people through the labyrinth of awareness through her Equine Self-Awareness Course, where people can journey into themselves through a reflection from an equine partner. Debbie, Peggy, I and many others welcome you to this journey in a safe atmosphere of learning about your deepest self and desires through our Connected work and this lovely, values-based community.  Join us for one of our courses soon!

With love, 


What's Hot!!

101 Courses 

February 1-5th

March 14-18th

 13-17th April



102 Courses 2019

11-15 September

United Kingdom

Our courses are a big hit!

Our 100 level courses are designed for people who wish to incorporate Connected Riding into their own riding or teaching program, or who wish to take the initial steps to becoming certified.

Cultivate teamwork, cooperation, responsibility to group, and win-win process



Advertise your business 
in our calendar 

Fundraising Event


*Sales Start March 2019



Book a lesson, clinic or course with Peggy, or one of our Instructors and Practitioners.
 Open to all levels.   




We would love to share 
 your story next. 
Dear Peggy, Susan, Diane and the Connected riding team,
"I am so grateful and thankful to y'all and for what you're doing. During the last class Peggy had Diane moved my pelvis in I think a final position and WOW the energy flow is amazing and it's been helping my neck even more. Wish I would have gotten this years ago. What an honor, privilege and pleasure to have been blessed to take this class and sit again under Peggy, Diane, my co-students and now Susan."
Love always, Julie S.

"I can find now the neutral much easier: when I stand, walk, sit, ride. And this security helps me a lot and I can transfer it to my mare.
My stirrups are shorter now and the position of my leg (surrounding the belly) is much clearer for me now as well as the position of my elbows and hands. Great!!!! I am much more stable and have the feeling to have now a lot of tools. Thank you Peggy for giving us all your knowledge! The horses were so grateful. I was deeply impressed seeing the effects on them."
Kind regards, Caro


Items in our store have been picked personally and designed by Peggy to help connect with your horse.

Black Crown Piece for your Special USA Made Halter
CR Rope, Halter & Nose Piece all in our store



School of Connected Riding is a non-profit organization.  Donations go towards funding our workshops and providing rider's scholarships to our courses. 

Volunteer, Donate Air Miles, Help Write Grants.

Amazon is donating 5% through these dates, most ever!!
**Please buy through Amazon Smile
at no extra cost to you, look up our name **


Click Above when shopping Amazon
A percentage goes back to SCR
when you shop Amazon SMILE 

Thank you!!