OST Learning Institute
December 2022 Newsletter
Healing Centered Engagement Opportunities
A year for healing!

OST community members, try using these Healing Centered Engagement recordings as professional development tools to help your team reflect on this year and set goals to support each other and young people in our community.

"As leaders, as adults, I know this is the way I was trained; if I did X,Y and Z, I could have effective relationships and provide youth development opportunities and supports to young people. But my own training didn't tell me who I needed to be, allow me to reflect on my own insecurites and trauma, or the tools I needed to heal. Today, I want to talk about the Four Pivots that give us the pathway and permission to think about our leadership in a healing centered way. Hopefully these four pivots will provide us the pathway to engage with each other and support our young people in profound ways. " -2022 OST Symposium Keynote speaker Dr. Shawn Ginwright

Shawn Proctor, Nelita DePina, Bralyn Beathea and Barbara Brothers shared their reflections during the 2022 OST Symposium panel The Power of Healing: Beginning our Journey
Some of the Healing Centered Engagement Cohort at OST Learning Institute Appreciation Luncheon at Russell Youth Center 11/15/2022

Congratulations to the 25 OST professionals across Cambridge who participated in Healing Centered Engagement Certification with Flourish Agenda!

Healing Centered Engagement Certified Practioners please fill out this interest form to tell us how we can support your continued learning.
OSTLI Introductory Recorded Trainings
Spotlight: Cultural Proficiency: A Way of Being
Cultural Proficiency is a "way of being" that allows individuals and organizations to interact effectively with people. It is a developmental approach for addressing the issues and opportunities that emerge in diverse environments. Our life journeys have been shaped by race and culture and often influence the way we interface with others. This 3-part video workshop will provide participants with insights and tools to support increased cultural proficiency in their roles working with youth, families, and colleagues. 
We encourage program directors to explore these training videos with their teams. We are here to support you with any questions you may have.
OST Community Spotlight
Community Art Center
Watch OST Community members Sarah Winter and Jada Alleyne discuss supporting their student's passion at the Cambridge Community Art Center!

Do you have an OST program or community member you would like to see spotlighted?
email: Ashley@agendaforchildrenost.org
Upcoming Training Opportunities
Cambridge Changemakers: Youth Advocacy - Coming Soon!
In this live frontline leadership development program, we are inviting teams of youth workers across Cambridge to build and co-create with a cohort of like-minded, passionate, and caring youth workers to encourage and prepare youth to skillfully and positively impact their communities and take charge of their own destinies.

Check out Changemakers and other OST Learning Institute offerings here.
Some of the Cambridge Changemakers 2022 Cohort at OST Learning Institute Appreciation Luncheon at Russell Youth Center 11/15/2022
More Tools and Resources
An Exciting Opportunity to Join the AFCOST Team!
We are hiring: a part-time Professional Development Associate. Part of this role is supporting the OST Learning Institute Coordinator with Communities of Practice, Trainings and OST Symposium that are highlighted in this newsletter.
If this interests you, click here to see posting, coming soon or email Ashley@agendaforchildrenost.org. Help us spread the word!
If you have questions about professional development, please contact ashley@agendaforchildrenost.org