"Special Edition"
Higher Education Faculty
Time Sensitive Information:
OSEP Personnel Preparation Funding Opportunities
ECPC Grant Writing Tools
ECPC Community of Practice Announcement
Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities
(Assistance Listing Number/CFDA 84.325)
Applications for New Awards: Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, &Related Services Leadership Personnel (Assistance Listing Number/CFDA 84.325D) Due June 7, 2021
ECPC has developed Grant Writing Tools
Applications for New Awards: Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel (Assistance Listing Number/CFDA 84.325D)
ECPC Community of Practice (CoP):
Grant Writing Tools for OSEP Personnel Preparation Funding Opportunities
Specific to the 325K and the 325D Grants
In the Community of Practice you will learn how to:
Learn about resources specific to addressing the grant priorities:
Grant Requirement
  • Identify the competencies required of personnel and interdisciplinary teams.

  • Submit program syllabi.

  • Use evidence-based adult learning practices.

  • Align with and use resources available through technical assistance centers funded by the Department.
Tools and resources
  • ECPC tools to align programs of study to state and national professional organization personnel standards and the ECPC Cross-Disciplinary Competencies.

  • ECPC tools to increase the use of practices and strategies to support adult learners.

  • Learn about the resources of ECPC and other TA centers to support your application.
Interested in joining the Grant Writing Community of Practice?
CoP Kickoff date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET