May 19 - 2019

We have a Deal!

This evening, around 6:30 pm, our legislative leaders announced an agreement for a
two year state spending budget.  There are still many details to iron out but here are the key parts:

1. 2% and 2% added to Education formula
2. No Gas Tax
3. Provider Tax will remain, but at 1.8% rather than the current 2%

This link is where you will find the agreement documents that were presented tonight.

Conference Committees
Conference Committees - Schedule
For updates call 651-296-0504

You can find all Side by Side language comparison here on the Mn revisors website.
Omnibus agriculture, rural development and housing 
SF 2226/HF 2200
Senate Conferees: Westrom, Weber, Goggin, Draheim, Dziedzic
House Conferees: Poppe, Hausman, Pelowski, Vang, Gunther
1100 Minnesota Senate Building 

Omnibus E-12 education bill
SF 7/HF 2400
Senate Conferees: tbd
House Conferees: Davnie, Youakim, Pinto, Sandstede, Urdahl
5 State Office Building

Omnibus environment and natural resources 
SF 2314/HF 2209
Senate Conferees: Ingebrigtsen, Ruud, Eichorn, Johnson, Tomassoni
House Conferees: Hansen, Persell, Fischer, Becker-Finn, Nelson, N.
G-3 Capitol

Omnibus health and human services 
SF 2452 /HF 2414
Senate Conferees: Benson, Abeler, Utke, Jensen, Marty
House Conferees: Liebling, Moran, Schultz, Halverson, Hamilton
1200 Minnesota Senate Building

Omnibus higher education 
SF 2415 /HF 2544
Senate Conferees: Anderson, P., Draheim, Jensen, Relph, Clausen
House Conferees: Bernardy, Pryor, Lien, Klevorn, Nornes 
123 Capitol

Omnibus jobs, energy and commerce bill
SF 2611/HF 2208
Senate Conferees: Pratt, Dahms, Osmek, Housley, Simonson
House Conferees: Mahoney, Wagenius, Stephenson, Long, Hassan
10 State Office Building

Omnibus judiciary and public safety bill
SF 802/HF 2792
Senate Conferees: Limmer, Anderson, B., Johnson, Lang, Latz
House Conferees: Mariani, Lesch, Moller, Pinto, Zerwas
120 State Office Building

Omnibus state government bill
SF 2227/HF 1935
Senate Conferees: Kiffmeyer, Anderson, B., Koran, Mathews, Carlson
House Conferees: Nelson, M., Freiberg, Ecklund, Kiel, Dehn
G-23 Capitol

Omnibus tax bill
SF 5/HF 2125
Senate Conferees: Chamberlain, Senjem, Dahms, Howe, Rest
House Conferees: Marquart, Loeffler, Lislegard, Gomez, Davids 
G-15 Capitol

Omnibus transportation bill
SF 1093/HF 1555
Senate Conferees: tbd
House Conferees: Hornstein, Koegel, Tabke, Richardson, Torkelson
200 State Office Building
What's Next?

Starting tonight and going through tomorrow at 5pm the conference committee will be working at a VERY fast pace to finalize spreadsheets and any policies that will be included. There is not enough time remaining to have these conference committee reports assembled and voted on so they will have to hold a one day special session on Thursday.

One item of note: the agreement includes $500 million for a bonding package. To do this it requires votes from the minority caucuses in each body.  Neither leader agreed to the global deal, as both pointed out, so getting their support is not a given.

So for all those capitol insiders, tomorrow will be a busy day. Eat your Wheaties.

Cap O'Rourke
President, O'Rourke Strategic Consulting 

Cap O'Rourke | (612) 483-1863 | |
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