Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School 


Next Week's Calendar

Monday, September 11 - Specials Rotation B

Tuesday, September 12 - Specials Rotation C

Wednesday, September 13 - Specials Rotation A

All School Mass

(Students may wear Encounter Joy tshirts with uniform bottoms.)

Staff luncheon hosted by 8th grade

Thursday, September 14 - Specials Rotation B

Friday, September 15 - Specials Rotation C

Ball Drop Dress Down Day

Students who purchased a golf ball for the helicopter drop may dress down today. Please adhere to Dress Down Guidelines.


School Lunch Calendar

OLP School Calendar

Sycamore School


School Parent Rosary

Please join fellow OLP parents in saying the rosary in the Church space on September 14, 21 and 28. We will pray the rosary promptly at 2:35pm. This will leave you plenty of time to pick up your child in the gym. If you have questions, contact Kristine Wheeler at 816.916.3119.  


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Volunteers needed to help teachers by making copies and preparing projects. Please sign up using the link below:


VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS: Please keep in mind that volunteering at school events requires Virtus compliance. Please log in to your Virtus account promptly to verify the currency of all your training. If you require assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to Ashley Henry, ahenry@olpls.org. Additionally, you can find the dates for upcoming Protecting God's Children classes on the diocese website linked below. It is imperative to have this completed in order to be eligible for volunteering at the school.  www.virtus.org    www.kcsjcatholic.org.

PANTHER PARTNERS: OLP appreciates the support from our amazing community! Do you know a business or family who might want to donate to our school?  OLP accepts new sponsors throughout the school year.

On your sponsorship form you can make a general school donation or specify to donate specifically to one or more of our school year events or activities. Donations will be accepted the entire school year, but best to pledge early to take advantage of the entire school year marketing! Anonymous donations are also honored.

How do I sign up?  You can either fill out the online sponsorship form and email it back to pantherpartners@olplsschool.org OR print and mail it/turn into the school address.  

Questions?  Visit our school website for details or email the Panther Partner Committee!


NEW SPIRIT WEAR: The OLP Spirit Shop is officially open to purchase spirit wear and uniform sweatshirts. This year all orders for both spirit wear and uniform sweatshirts will be filled and sent home ONLY on Thursdays. 

NEW ITEMS are available inlcuding hats, jean jackets and accessories. 

Please reach out to olpspiritwear@gmail.com for questions or concerns.

TOURNAMENT VOLUNTEERS & DONATIONS NEEDED: Volunteers and donations are needed for the upcoming PTO Golf Tournament. Let's rally together for this amazing event that provides important funding to support students and teachers at OLP.




St. Michael the Archangel invites you to some of their upcoming events.

· September 14- Middle school night for football at 7:00 p.m.

· September 21- Middle school night for Volleyball.  JV – 5:30 p.m. Varsity – 6:30 p.m.

· October 7 – Open House 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

All 8th Grade students, during the months of September, October, and November are welcome to experience the SMA campus and be a Guardian for a day! Registration and more information on middle school events may be found at smacatholic.org.

Our Lady of the Presentation School | olplsschool.org

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