Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School 

Next Week's Calendar

Monday, August 28 - Specials Rotation B

Tuesday, August 29 - Specials Rotation C

Wednesday, August 30 - Specials Rotation A

All School Mass

(Students may wear Encounter Joy tshirts with uniform bottoms.)

Thursday, August 31 - Specials Rotation B

Friday, September 1 - Specials Rotation C

NO SCHOOL - Monday, September 4 (Labor Day)

School Lunch Calendar

OLP School Calendar

Sycamore School


Tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 p.m. a TEST Remind text message will be sent to all parents who have signed up for this service. If you have not yet signed up, please follow these instructions to join a list for future text notifications from OLP.




A reminder for all about Pass A Note in Sycamore. Notes are written from the Health Room to you through this system. If you need help finding this or using it, please contact the office and they can assist you. We try to send a note through the Pass A Note function about anything, other than a need for a band-aid, that brings a child to the HR. If things are more urgent, we do try to contact families directly by phone.

Please take a moment to look at the Parent Handbook with regard to the illness policy at school. Though we want to have the children in school as much as possible, the policy does say when they need to be sent home and whether they need to remain at home for 24 hours or can return sooner, if that applies.


Finally, we want to encourage you to have your students bring personal water bottles to school. Last year, we found that many visits to the HR were only for water. Our water fountains have a filling station so that they can refill them whenever needed. Water is the key to feeling better throughout the day. 


If we can be of service to you and your child during the school day, please don’t hesitate to call us directly at 816.251.1123, or email us if it is not an urgent matter. We will be happy to help in any way possible. 

GOLF BALL HELICOPTER DROP: Get ready for the 2023 Golf Ball Drop to benefit the PTO Golf Tournament. A helicopter will drop golf balls over the target in the OLP field at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, September 8. The student whose golf ball lands nearest the target will win 4 Chiefs tickets (game TBD) provided by Saint Michael the Archangel High School as well as a pizza party for their class.

How to purchase golf balls - Students will have an opportunity to purchase golf ball chances outside the gym doors at afternoon dismissal Friday, August 25 and Thursday, August 31. A flyer will also be sent home with students September 1. Deadline to purchase chances is September 5. All students who purchase a golf ball will be allowed to dress down on Friday, September 15. Please adhere to dress down guidelines found in the Parent Handbook.

PANTHER PARTNERS: OLP appreciates the support from our amazing community! The new 2023-2024 school year fundraising efforts are underway and the August 31 deadline is just around the corner! Do you know a business or family who might want to donate to our school? 

Pledge now, pay later! Sponsorship forms received by August 31 could receive marketing at all of our school events, on our school grounds and in the Lee's Summit Community! On your sponsorship form you can make a general school donation or specify to donate specifically to one or more of our school year events. Donations will be accepted the entire school year, but best to pledge early to take advantage of the entire school year marketing! Anonymous donations are also honored.

How do I sign up?  You can either fill out the online sponsorship form and email it back to pantherpartners@olplsschool.org OR print and mail it/turn into the school address.  Questions?  Visit our school website for details or email the Panther Partner Committee!

Planning to play golf?

Panther Partners get first dibs on registering for the PTO Golf Tournament (it sells out fast!). Register as a Panther Partner by August 25 to ensure your golf spot. After this date, registration will be open to all and will be available on a first come, first served basis.



FOLLOW PTO ON FACEBOOK: Don’t miss important information about PTO events and endeavors. Join the private OLP PTO Facebook group.

PTO MEETING: Join us for the first PTO meeting of the year! Hear about all PTO contributes to the school and community last year and exciting plans for this year! Meetings are typically the 1st Tuesday each month with food and drinks provided!! ALL are welcome! 

Tuesday, September 5th; 6:30 pm - Donovan Room

Registration Opens August 26.

The registration link will be posted at https://olplsschool.org/pto-golf-tournament.

SCRIP UPDATE: Scrip is a PTO fundraiser. We do not sell candy bars, cookie dough, or wrapping paper. This is a fundraiser where you buy gift cards - at face value - for items you are already purchasing and a percentage of the total gift card is returned as a rebate. The PTO receives the first $50 of rebates and then all rebates after that are split 50-50 with half going to the PTO, the other half being applied to your child’s tuition the following school year.

                PTO uses this money to help take care of our teachers, put on events for your children and family, and purchase much needed supplies.

Does it take a little planning? YES! But it is so worth it! If used consistently, rebates REALLY do add up fast! Get Grandma and Grandpa involved. They always love to help the grandkids!

How do you get started? Set up your Family Account. Go to shopwithscrip.com and click on “Create Account.” Fill in the required information and click “I Accept.” Provide the answers to two security questions from the list. Finally, link your account to our school by entering our school code: E2LF4D9C8846.

With each business, you will be given the option to purchase an Ecard or a physical card (sometimes both). If you choose a physical card, many are kept in stock, but those that have to be ordered, usually arrive within the week.

You can pay by check, credit card, or checking account. There is also a new app that makes ordering scrip super easy. Download the app at: https://bit.ly/DownloadApp_RaiseRight. If you have any questions regarding Scrip, please contact the Scrip Coordinator, Nicole Thomas at scrip@olpls.org.




EXTRA-CURRICULAR MUSIC PROGRAM: If your student has interest in participating in the band, drumline, orchestra or ukulele program at OLP, please stop by the table at Back to School night to learn more or complete the interest form.


Welcome Back to School from St. Michael that Archangel Catholic High School! We are excited to visit OLP this year and see students from OLP at St. Michael throughout the year. Please know of our prayers for all OLP students, staff and families! 

Save the Dates:

September 14 – Middle School Night FOOTBALL

September 21 – Middle School Night VOLLEYBALL

October 7 – Open House

Our Lady of the Presentation School | olplsschool.org

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