Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School 


Monday, May 6 - Specials Rotation A

8th Grade Skip Day

Tuesday, May 7 - Specials Rotation B

8th Grade vs. Staff Volleyball

PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, May 8 - Specials Rotation C

All School Mass

Thursday, May 9 - Specials Rotation A

8th Grade Brunch & Graduation

Friday, May 10 - Specials Rotation B

Impact Graduation, 2:00 p.m. (6th grade)

Dress as your favorite teacher or staff member.

May Lunch Calendar


Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is May 6-10. Please check out the sign-up for ways to support the celebrations and take a look at the flyer for the breakdown of the week. Your student(s) will be coming home this week with a paper bouquet to decorate for a beloved teacher or staff member of their choosing (see Monday on the schedule).


End of Quarter Reminders

The end of the school year is quickly approaching, on Friday, May 17. As a reminder, all accounts must be current, as indicated below, in order for your child’s report card to be released. 

¨ Tuition payments: Please remember that tuition payments must be paid in full in order for your child(ren)’s report cards to be released. You may go online at www.sycamore.com to check your tuition balance and to make your tuition payments.  Checks or cash may be dropped off at the school or parish offices. If you have any questions, please contact the parish Finance Office at 816.251.1100.

¨ Lunch Accounts must not have a negative balance in order to receive student grade cards. Online payments should be made directly into your Sycamore accountIf questions, please contact Mrs. Melissa Wade, at mwade@olpls.org.

¨ ACED Accounts must have all monthly charges paid. Online payments should be made directly into your Sycamore accountIf questions, please contact Mrs. Ashley Henry, ahenry@olpls.org.


Please join fellow parents in saying the Rosary in the Church space on May 16. We will pray the rosary promptly at 2:35pm. This will leave you plenty of time to pick up your child in the gym. If you have questions, contact Kristine Wheeler at 816.916.3119.  


·    April 29th– May 3rd will be the LAST week of library classes.

·       Students may check out 1 AR book beginning the week of April 29th.

·       All 8th grade books are due no later than Friday, May 3rd.

·       All K-7th grade books are due no later than Friday, May 10th.  

FIELD DAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Join the fun on the last day of school and volunteer for Field Day! Three volunteers are still needed for the Drip Drip Drip activity (scroll to the bottom of the sign up). Please use the sign up link to lend a few hours to help make this an amazing last day for our students! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0449A5AB29A0F85-49290891-field


A reminder for all families with students in 7th Grade. As part of registration for next year please send a copy of your student's immunization record to the office or as an attachment to nurses@olpls.org, if your student has received their Meningococcal Vaccine(MCV) and Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis(Tdap). School requests documentation of these by July 1 for next school year.

All New Kindergartners or New Families need to provide their vaccination records by July 1 as well.

If you have questions regarding vaccinations to attend school for any of your children, attached is a Schedule of Missouri Requirements for vaccination for the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you! 

School Access During Drills

Once per quarter the school will conduct a fire, tornado and lockdown drill. These can take 3-5 minutes. During these drills parents will not have access to the school building. If you arrive to sign out your student for an appointment or to sign them in, you will need to wait until the drill has been completed before being admitted. Thank you for your understanding.


As we gear up for the upcoming fall sports season, we request that all parents of students interested in participating in volleyball and football for the next school year visit PLKC.ORG and complete the registration process.


Volleyball Girls who plan on joining the volleyball team next year need to register promptly at plkc.org. This includes girls entering grades 3-8 for the 2024-25 school year. Evaluations are scheduled for May 13 for grades 3–5, May 14 for grades 6–8, with a makeup session on May 15. Registration is a prerequisite for tryouts. Should you have any inquiries, please reach out to Carolyn McKnight at mcknight@ku.edu.

Football We are in the process of forming football teams for the upcoming season. Exciting camps and activities will be available throughout the summer for boys interested in joining the football program. Additionally, we are excited to announce a brand new 5th & 6th-grade tackle football team.

Registration is now open for both sports.



Our Lady of the Presentation School | olplsschool.org

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