Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic School 

Next Week's Calendar

Monday, February 12

Specials Rotation A

Tuesday, February 13

Specials Rotation B

Cheese Pizza Lunch hosted by 8th grade

Fat Tuesday/Early Valentine Parties

Culver's Night, 5-8 p.m.

Wednesday, February 14

Specials Rotation C

All School Mass - Ash Wednesday

Thursday, February 15

Specials Rotation A

Kindergarten Buddy Dance

Friday, February 16


February Lunch Calendar

OLP School Calendar

Sycamore School


School Parent Rosary—Please join fellow OLP parents in saying the Rosary in the Church space on February 15, 22 and 29. We will pray the Rosary promptly at 2:35pm. If you have questions, contact Kristine Wheeler at 816.916.3119.  


School Access During Drills

Once per quarter the school will conduct a fire, tornado and lockdown drill. These can take 3-5 minutes. During these drills parents will not have access to the school building. If you arrive to sign out your student for an appointment or to sign them in, you will need to wait until the drill has been completed before being admitted. Thank you for your understanding. 


Your Donation Doubles Through Next Wednesday!


 Please complete this survey to share your thoughts on OLP. We would like to have the results from these surveys by February 14. We appreciate your feedback.


Spanish version of School Climate & Leadership Survey  

Registration is now open for current families to enroll for the 2024-25 school year. Please see the instructions and documents in the registration packet for details. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school office.

Auction folders will be sent home with the youngest child on Friday, February 9. Please review the information to stay up to date for this year’s event.


Current families with an incoming kindergartener for the 2024-25 school year should contact the school office. This helps us determine how many open spots we have for new families. Current families are not required to attend Kindergarten Info Night, but feel free to share the information with others you know who may be interested in Catholic school for their kindergartener next school year.


SPIRIT WEAR SALE: Spirit wear items ONLY (not uniform sweatshirts) are on sale now. Sale price as marked ~ up to 50% off.

***PLEASE NOTE: We will be filling orders and sending them home on Wednesdays. Once the sale ENDS ON FEB. 27th the spirit wear shop will be CLOSED for the remainder of the year. This also includes uniform sweatshirt orders. https://olpspiritshop.com/





Registration is now open for boys grades 4-8 interested in playing volleyball this spring. Sign up today at plkc.org to join the OLP team. We are also looking for coaches. Contact Carolyn McKnight if you are interested at mcknight@ku.edu. Thanks!

BOYS AND GIRLS TRACK: Boys and girls grades 4-8 interested in participating in track may register at plkc.org. Practices will begin in March.

BROADCAST: https://www.youtube.com/@firefoundation2174 on the FIRE Foundation YouTube Channel

Zones of Regulation: An overview for parents & educators of the approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children.

Presented by: Mikayla Stupps, MOT, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist

ALL ARE WELCOME! This presentation is designed for parents & educators. 

CUTS FOR CANCER: Last year nearly 25 young women donated their hair to Children with Hairloss and SMA raised over $1,000 (which is the cost for Children with Hairloss to make one wig).


Thursday, February 22 from 2:30–3:15 PM. Several stylists have offered their time, including Ian O’Connell and Metric Salon, OLP parent and Presentation Panther Partner. Ponytails must be at least 8 – 12 inches long; dyed hair is okay. 


If interested in participating, OLP students would need their parent to provide transportation to SMA. Please complete the Google Form to register.

Advanced Mathematics course for 6th to 8th graders:

The Math+ program includes 6 courses. Each Math+ course focuses on 1 major idea based on key concepts included in Stanford University’s introductory math sequence. 

This Spring, the Math+ program will be focused on Logic and Proofs. In Mathematics, logic and proofs represent the most rigorous way to ‘solve’ a problem and form the backbone of advanced math. These critical skills have become increasingly tested in standardized exams with ~20% of SAT Math questions testing basic logic. A letter about the course is attached.

The six session course will be taught at Rockhurst High School on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:00 pm starting on Thursday, March 21 and ending on April 25. The course costs $250.

We think that many of the students at your school would enjoy and benefit from Math+ so we would appreciate your help letting families know about this program. If you could provide the attached information to families who may be interested, we would very much appreciate it. Families can sign-up at www.RedwoodPrep.com.

If you have any questions, please reach out. We look forward to working with your students!--

All the best,

Greg Owsley, Math+ Program Director


Our Lady of the Presentation School | olplsschool.org

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