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OLLI 2024 play festival

Good news! There are still a limited number of tickets available for the OLLI Play Festival available at the door. The OLLI Play Festival features four short comedies written, directed, and acted by OLLI members.

April 18-21

Thursday and Sunday 2pm

Friday and Saturday 7pm

Gordon 1 at The Social Chico

Doors open 30 minutes before the performance begins. Tickets are $10 each, cash or check only. Tickets are limited, so arrive early!

For more information about tickets, contact Debbie Vermette at dvermette@csuchico.edu.


Members at OLLI's annual picnic

Join us for our annual potluck picnic lunch where we reconnect with old friends and welcome new learners to the OLLI community. This is a chance to eat, socialize, and even play a few rounds of bingo.

OLLI staff will be available to answer any questions about registration or the upcoming spring term, and your fellow members will be there to eat and socialize. Free and open to the public. Invite your friends!

Friday, April 12, 11:30am-1pm

Wildwood Park

Free parking and beverages. Join us!

To allow people to make the best food choices for themselves, please bring a full list of ingredients for your dish. Print out our form (pdf) or bring your own. We'll also have forms for you to fill out at the event.


An older woman with a laptop

Did you know that OLLI has over 30 classes online this spring? If you're new to OLLI, or new to online classes, and aren't sure how it all works, we can help.

OLLI offers individualized, one-on-one Zoom training to help you have a successful experience taking online classes. OLLI staff will walk you through the basics, like how to change your display name and how to mute and unmute yourself, so you can feel confident signing in to any online class.

To request one-on-one Zoom training, contact the OLLI office at 530-898-6679 or olli@csuchico.edu.


Protest sign reading Love Our Planet

Unravel the complexities of one of the most important issues of our time this spring in Climate Change: What's Really on the Horizon? Experts Cheri Chastain, a senior strategic advisor who previously served as the City of Chico Climate Action Commission Chair, and Ruby Triguero, a CivicSpark Fellow working on the implementation of the City's Climate Action Plan, will look at climate change globally and locally.

Explore the latest scientific findings, learn how we can mitigate emissions, and discover what we need to prepare for as a result of a changing climate. Gain a deeper understanding of the science, policies, and individual actions that shape our response to this environmental challenge, and how each of us can contribute to a sustainable future.

Register now for Climate Change: What's Really on the Horizon? and join this hybrid class to learn more.


Margaret Rader and Nancy McCartney at the OLLI Annex

Here’s a fun opportunity to meet some new friends, while supporting OLLI. Paul Coots is recruiting OLLI members to help staff the Annex Office, located next to Bradley 2 classroom at The Social Chico. If you are already attending classes at The Social please consider coming a bit early or staying a bit later on that day. There are three open time slots:

  • Wednesdays, April 24-May 22, 9:45-11:45am
  • Wednesdays, April 24-May 22, 12:45-2:45pm
  • Thursdays, April 25-June 26, 9:45-11:45am

Paul provides an orientation so volunteers are ready to help answer members' questions, typically related to class dates, times, and locations, as well as where to park. Please contact Paul at cootspaul@gmail.com with "OLLI Office" in the subject line if you are interested. Include your preferred day of week and time. Thank you!

Pictured: Experienced Annex volunteer Margaret Rader helps a member. Photo by Matt Bates, Chico State.


Celebrating 75 years of service to the community this year, Chico Hearing Aid Center remains as committed as ever to ensuring people can enjoy the world of sound. A family owned business, certified audioprosthologist and hearing aid dispenser Deanna McCoy bought the center from her father 25 years ago. "I grew up understanding the connection between hearing and quality of life," Deanna shared in a conversation with Program Director Ann Nikolai earlier this month. "It only seemed natural that I would follow in his footsteps."

The family's passion for improving the quality of life through better hearing is also evident in their mission to serve the community. An OLLI sponsor since 2016, Chico Hearing Aid Center found a kindred spirit in our lifelong learning program. "OLLI keeps people active and engaged, something I strive to promote in the office and to my clients," Deanna said. "Lifelong learning is the backbone of healthy lifestyle choices, and hearing is a major part of that equation. When you lose your hearing, you lose contact with people."

But not everyone realizes they're experiencing hearing loss. "Because hearing loss typically occurs gradually, a person often isn't aware of the loss," explained Charlotte Hall, a longtime associate. "More often, people who are losing their hearing show greater signs of irritability or they express feelings of isolation and loneliness." Charlotte pointed to Deanna's "Try before you buy" program, where potential hearing aid clients can take home hearing aids with no upfront commitment or costs.

The Center also offers free hearing screenings and assessments, like the upcoming screening, exclusively for OLLI members, on Thursday, April 18, 10am-12pm. The free event will take place at the Chico Hearing Aid Center at 1600 Mangrove Avenue, Suite 160.

"I'd heard so many positive stories about OLLI, and how it enriches people's lives, that a partnership with OLLI made perfect sense," said Deanna. "Now if only I could make more time to participate in the classes!" In the meantime, we're fortunate to have Deanna to turn to for hearing support. "She makes each customer feel cared for, even for the littlest things," Charlotte said. "A customer came in to get their hearing aids fixed, but it turns out the batteries just needed replacing." Charlotte shared this example as one that is repeated many times a day and, according to Charlotte, Deanna never loses patience with a customer. "The opposite happens," Charlotte said. "She compliments them for taking the initiative to keep their devices in good working order. They leave feeling like they're the ones who made a difference!"

Pictured: Chico Hearing Aid Center staff members Deanna McCoy, Char Macey, Zion Frison, Addy Venegas, and Angela Rodriguez.

Gold Level Sponsor logo
Chico Hearing Aid Center logo


OLLI member art piece Early Spring in Wildwood Park

In 2017, former "Poetry for Pleasure" instructor Jim Kirks (1938-2021) made a donation to launch the OLLI Art Gallery. Jim wanted to see a space held for the perpetual celebration of the many talented artists in OLLI.

With 60 pieces of art by OLLI members, the Bradley 2 classroom at The Social Chico has been turned into a monument to the artistic expression found within our OLLI community. The art will be on display throughout the spring semester, and be sure to join us later this month for the opening reception.

Sunday, April 28, 2-4pm

OLLI Art Gallery, Bradley 2 at The Social Chico

Light refreshments will be served.

Pictured: Early Spring in Wildwood Park by Bonnie Chiros.


Nancy Gipson and Sue Monroe

Nancy Gipson and Sue Monroe met in OLLI 15 years ago. Nancy was new to Chico but familiar with the Osher programs in Maryland and New York. "It was a given I would join the organization here," she said.

They first traveled together when Sue led a trip to Egypt right after the Arab Spring political activities in that part of the world. It was on that adventure they discovered they shared June birthdays, the beginning of their planned celebrations for any and all occasions, with most events taking place at Scotty's on the river. They continued to travel together along with other OLLI members and friends to South America and Alaska.

Even after the loss of their traveling partners (Stew and Jim), and a pause for the pandemic, Nancy and Sue continue to enjoy cruises to Mexico and Europe. "OLLI provided us the extraordinary gift of a lifetime friendship and for that we are most grateful."

Pictured: Nancy and Sue hand out personalized "passports" for Sue’s "Armchair Traveler" class last spring.


Dick Heitzman and Shelley Connolly

"In Ireland, socializing is an integral part of making music," explained Shelley Connolly, instructor for the spring class Irish Traditional Music Ensemble. Shelley, pictured with flute player Dick Heitzman, learned to play Irish music in Chico, but over time the group she played with got further away from socializing. "When I went to Ireland, I discovered how much they value making personal connections as well as good music. It strengthened my resolve to find a balance back home."

For those eager to make music with Shelley, note that she has expanded the requirements for her spring class to include anyone with a desire to learn. "It's an introductory class," she explained. "I will be reinforcing the learning tradition of knowing the social, cultural, historical, and political background. Even if you don't play an instrument, but desire to listen and learn, I believe you'll find enjoyment in this class."

Register now for Irish Traditional Music Ensemble and learn more about music and social connections.


Tropical Costa Rica, Winter '25

A frog on a branch in Costa Rica

Experience the paradise of lush forests and stunning waterfalls, rumbling volcanoes and endless coastlines in Costa Rica. Take in tranquil views of Arenal Volcano, visit the Cano Negro nature preserve, experience the Monteverde Cloud Forest's lush canopy, and relax on sandy beaches. Your 9 days and 13 meals will be guided by seasoned tour guides from Collette.

View the Tropical Costa Rica full itinerary (pdf) and book now for discounted rates.

Exploring Greece and Its Islands, Spring '25

Ruins in Greece

Discover the magnificent ruins of ancient Greece and bask in the brilliance of the Mediterranean. This comprehensive journey explores Greece's most important ancient monuments with ample time to explore on your own. Your 16 days and 25 meals will be guided by seasoned tour guides from Collette.

View the Exploring Greece and Its Islands full itinerary (pdf) and book now for discounted rates.

Memorials of World War II, Fall '24

Retrace the D-Day preparation efforts and path this October. Join the OLLI members who have already signed up for this exciting tour! Book your trip and view the Memorials of WWII full itinerary (pdf).


Endangered Species Faire poster

Earth Day has been celebrated in the US on April 22 since 1970 as a day to focus on environmental issues. Celebrate our earth at a local event.

Endangered Species Faire

Join Butte Environmental Council for the 45th Annual Endangered Species Faire. Animal demonstrations, educational booths, live music, and a parade.

Saturday, April 20, 10am-4pm

Chico City Plaza

Full Moon Forest Bathing

Join the Chico State Ecotherapy Program for a moonlit forest therapy walk at the Butte Creek Ecological Reserve. Free to attend; registration required.

Sunday, April 21, 6:30-8:30pm

Register Now


Master Gardener logo

OLLI is partnering with the UC Master Gardeners of Butte County to co-sponsor gardening workshops that will take place in Bradley 2 at The Social Chico. All workshops are free; registration is required. As an OLLI member, you are warmly invited to register for these workshops taking place in a familiar classroom.

Firewise Gardening

Thursday, May 2, 3-4:30pm

This presentation will cover fire behavior, state guidelines for defensible space and how to create and maintain a defensible space around your home. Consideration will also be given to the characteristics and examples of firewise plants as well as plants that should be avoided in a firewise landscape.

Register Now


Building Connected Communities poster

This April marks the 23rd anniversary of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The first rape crisis center, Bay Area Women Against Rape, opened in San Francisco in 1971; thirty years later, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) launched Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the symbol of the teal ribbon.

This year's theme is Building Connected Communities. "In a connected community, we can look out for one another and make choices to promote health, safety, and well-being." A first step in looking out for one another is to understand that sexual violence can affect people across age groups, including older adults. You can learn more in the NSVRC's fact sheet Sexual Violence in Later Life (pdf).

You can join the local community's efforts to build a connected, safer community that prevents sexual violence by participating in a Sexual Assault Awareness Month event or training from Catalyst.


Debi Durham

OLLI member and instructor Debi Durham passed away on February 27. In addition to being an OLLI member, Debi was a UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener, a teacher, and a writer. Her column "The Real Dirt" appeared in the Chico Enterprise-Record.

"I only got to know Debi in retirement," said Debi's co-instructor Debra Barger, "but we discussed the joy of seeing students embrace new ways of thinking and she was a kindred spirit in the wonder of lifelong learning." Debi and Debra created the highly popular "Garden Gourmands" class together, mixing their knowledge of gardening with a love of locavore food options.

"We shared seeds and seedlings, reveled in our travels, created both mosaic art and tasty spiced peaches together, and strategized about how we could make a bigger impact among gardeners, writers, and readers in our community," Debra said. "She gave so much and had infinitely more to offer with her boundless passion."




April 12

April 18-21

April 21

April 22

April 28

Spring Social Meetups

Spring Class Registration

OLLI Spring Picnic

OLLI Play Festival

Spring Social Meetups End

First Day of Spring Classes

OLLI Art Gallery Opening Exhibition


If you have something to say, a photo to share, or a question to pose to the editor, you can submit information using our OLLI Newsletter Submission form.