Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.


2024 Graduates!

Loop the 'Lupe

Like mud

Principal's Letter

Dear OLG Community, 

Yesterday afternoon, we celebrated our graduates, recognizing their many achievements over their years. As I sat in the pew across from our newest alumni, it brought me such joy, and pride to see them so close-knit, choosing to purposefully and intentionally sit next to one another rather than spread out, celebrating one another, lifting each other up and smiling over the memories of years gone by. To hear the impact that OLG had on three of our graduates from the class of 2020, was heartfelt and a testament to who we are as a community. We have so much to be proud of at OLG. Our community is tremendous. Our spirit, alive. Because of all of you-- families, staff, students, alumni and community members. Yesterday made that abundantly clear, yet again. Congrats class of 2024 (and to Mr. Casey too with his first graduating 8th grade class!) May God bless you abundantly in all the ways that count, and may you continue to be lights in your communities wherever you go. 

Tomorrow, we will celebrate a Free Dress Day (follow dress code), declared by Principal Seba last week during is stint as Principal for the Day. How much fun we had, supervising recess, visiting classrooms, and even paying bills! The capstone was helping with the Talent Show, where we had so many incredible performances! Way to go, brave and mighty Bulldogs, for sharing your talents! I can’t wait to see who joins me next year for Principal for the Day! We had a blast.

Last but certainly not least, Loop the Lupe is on Saturday! It’s your last chance to get volunteer hours for this year, so if you need them, please sign up to help! Remember that the deadline to log your hours is Sunday night, before midnight. 

Have a wonderful evening, and enjoy the sunshine!

With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Important Dates

Jun 7 - Free Dress Day Thank you Principal Seba! Keep it school appropriate (page 48)

  • Jump Up Day - Students "jump up" to visit next year's classroom and teachers.

Jun 8 - Loop the 'Lupe - Have fun AND support OLG!

June 9 - Log volunteer hours by midnight - Special extension for Loop the 'Lupe! hours

Jun 11 - Summer Film Festival 6:30 pm

Jun 12 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

Jun 14 - K-8 Full uniform "blues"

  • All School Mass "Light of Leadership" 9:00 am
  • 10:30 am DISMISSAL ALL GRADES (NO EDC/Aftercare)
  • Last day of the School Year

Coming up

Jun 17-21 - OLG Summer Camp (K-5)

Jun 24-28 Vacation Bible Camp (PK-5 campers / MS/HS Crew)

Jul 8-12 - Summer Band Camp for incoming grades 6-9

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

Loop the 'Lupe

Saturday, June 8, 2024

It's HERE!

Join the other 450+ participants by registering today!

3rd grade is now ahead. With 2nd grade and Kindergarten CLOSE behind! Rally your class!

Special ice cream party to the class who has the most students register!



Race Day Set Up and Clean Up

Hand Out Medals at Finish Line

Course/Obstacle Builders / Monitors

School Happenings

End of Year Wrap Up

Lost and Found

We have a lot! Stop by the front office

2023-2024 payments due June 2024

Please ensure balances are paid.

2024-2025 tuition payments begin July 5, 2024. Check Finalsite to confirm your payment plan:

  • Monthly: July 2024 to June 2025
  • Semi-annual: July 5, 2024 and Jan 5, 2025
  • Annual: Aug 5, 2024

Back-to-School 2024-2025


Summer is a great time to catch up doctor appointments and vaccines! (WA DOH)

2023-24 volunteer hours due June 9 midnight

Help at Recess to end of year: earn double hours!

Unmet hours will be charged $50 per hour

Log those hours!

Volunteer Opportunities

Order OLG Sweatshirt

for August delivery

Our Uniform Exchange sweatshirts are depleted -

this is the best option!

Seeking Candidates

Order online 

or $45 cash/check to office

If you are not sure if you ordered, check your email

for a confirmation.

Band News

My heartfelt gratitude for another wonderful year! I am proud of you all!

I am already looking forward to next year!

In between now and then, don't forget a "Slice of Summer" with me at Kennedy Catholic High School, July 8 - 12 / 12:15 - 2:00p.m. DEADLINE is July 5!

Summer Blessings!

Miss McKamey

CYO Athletics

Still have a CYO Jersey?

Return it and earn a candy !

If your season has finished and you still have a CYO Jersey lucking at the back of your wardrobe, please do return to the box by the school office door - we need them for next year!

CYO, it's not just for Youth Sports!

Adult League Co-ed Softball

Games are during the summer, June through August, and played on a Tuesday or Thursday. Most games are played locally at St. Bernadette's ballfield. 

Register here for a fun time!

For questions reach out to Tom O'Toole

Parent Org

OLG West Seattle Parade

Help us show our OLG pride at this year's West Seattle Parade on July 20th! We won first place for Community Youth last year, let's do it again!

Sign up to Help!


Our prayers continue for Fr. Kevin. If you would like to send him a card, drop it off at the school or parish office and we will personally deliver them to him.

For Liz Quade and family.

Please keep the Beza family (Enrico 6th grade) in your prayers. More on Caring Bridge. You can also show support through a Go Fund Me created here and shared by request of the family.

Please pray for staff and students who are sick and those that are well, stay well.

We also keep Sandy Plummer and Fr. Jack Walmesley in our prayers.

For Ms. Hobbs' grandfather who passed away this week. May he rest in peace.

For our community members whose family members who are fighting cancer and other ailments.

For our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We ask God to help them find shelter and comfort.

Parish News

Send us your photos of Fr. Kevin...Continue Reading

Help Fr. Kevin take a dream train ride across the country..."Go Fund Me" campaign


Save the Date: June 29-30. Reception after the 11:00 am Mass

You are invited to sign your name to a “Welcome Poster” in the church vestibule for Fr. Phuong and Fr. Tim. We plan to hang it in the vestibule beginning in July 1st.


Save the Date: July 20-21. Reception after the 11:00 am Mass

Join us for our 9th Annual Summer Film Festival on the second Tuesday of the month starting at 6:30 pm in the Walmesley Center. Popcorn and lemonade are provided; bring your favorite candy or snack! Our first film of the season will be “Rustin” on June 11. You can view the movie trailer and the entire lineup for this summer on our website.

Faithful and Civil Political Engagement in an Election Year

As the 2024 election season begins, our Washington State bishops encourage all Catholics to serve as ambassadors of civility and to exercise our right and responsibility of political engagement prayerfully,thoughtfully and in accordance with our faith-beliefs to promote the common good and the dignity and sanctity of every life. They encourage us to engage respectfully with others to improve civil dialogue and our entire political system. Read the Bishops’ letter here and see our website for additional resources.

Sign the Pledge Here

This month’s topic: "The Mass Before and After Vatican II"  Each month, our parish will provide a monthly e-newsletter, "Catholic Update", which explores a key aspect of our Catholic faith or a current topic of importance to Catholics.

Join us for Vacation Bible Camp!

Campers (Preschool-grade 5 in the fall): https://bit.ly/VBC24

Crew (grade 6 through high school): https://bit.ly/VBC24crew

Crew members may help with pre-schoolers, as team leaders, as activity assistants, or in the kitchen!

More details at Vacation Bible Camp

Adult Volunteers Needed! Contact Molly or Sarah if you can help.

Donate or give a scholarship for a camper (select VBC).

Thank you for your support of our children!

More on the OLG Parish Website

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

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