Dear OLG Community,
It seems hard to believe that a full school year has passed. Glancing through my newsletters over the course of the year, I found so many themes shared, so many paths taken as a community. Joys and challenges, celebrations and consolations. Collectively, we have experienced much. As I end the year, I go back to where we began in September, thinking about our theme for the year “We are called: Embracing the YES!” In order to say yes, we had to step back from some things from time to time. We had to be willing to propel ourselves, and one another forward in order to thrive. Did it always mean smooth sailing, no. But as a whole, I believe it made us come together even stronger than before.
Today, the newsletter is a little longer, but a few things to highlight:
- Thank you to all who participated in the Loop, and to the 2nd grade class who had most registered participants! Way to go!
To our graduates! Unable to make it? Check out this video featuring our grads HERE!
- To our brave and fearless Student Council Candidates! Thank you all for applying, running, speaking, and putting ourselves out there! We are thrilled to have all of you on the Student Council next year! Congrats to our newest officers:
- Assistant Publicist - Theo T.
- Publicist - Canon W.
- Assistant Secretary - Lucy R.
- Secretary - Bethel H.
- Lead Rep - Jamie F.
- Vice President - Lena D.
- President - Kirubel T.
Tomorrow is FULL DRESS for our last ALL SCHOOL MASS led by the 7th graders at 9am with Fr. Rob, our visiting priest from the Vicar’s Office.
10:30 dismissal after Mass for ALL GRADES. No aftercare for ELC or EDC. We will begin in the classrooms and end in the classrooms, attending one last time in Family Groups. Alumni and parents and families welcome and encouraged to attend!
Check out the info about school supplies below! You’re most welcome to purchase them yourselves this year, or if you need to save time, there is an option to use a company that we’ve partnered with as an option (not requirement) and have things shipped directly to your house before school starts!
SUMMER PACKETS and August Back to School! Read below!
Now for a few more things:
WIth a new year will come a new theme, a new way that we, as a community are asked to grow, come together and create a brighter tomorrow for the Our Lady of Guadalupe community. We will have new ups, and we may have times of challenge, but when we work together for a common goal and a greater good, so much can be accomplished. I personally am excited for a new year, with two new really excited priests, a community ready to tackle new tasks, an opportunity to grow as a faith community with our partner parish at Holy Rosary, and in the new students and families we are gaining next year. Just today we hit 230 students for next year, which means so many wonderful new families, new ideas, and new ways to grow. To me, this is so fantastic!
Of course, as you all are acutely aware of another theme of mine, today we give great thanks and gratitude. OLG is what it is because of the many hands, voices, ideas, and spirit that are alive in each of you. The dedication and passion of our faculty and staff. The heart for learning and the joy of the students. The volunteering and the amazing level of involvement from all who are on our many boards, who coach, who give of their time and talents. To all the parents who strive everyday to make a Catholic education possible for their students, and to be present members of our community. To our parish staff who work to build relationships and help as all to grow in faith, and support us in so many ways. To donors, to sponsors, to community members at large who seek ways to share the good news of OLG. And for the sacrifices that so many make in all of the areas of life, to be a part of OLG… THANK YOU, truly and sincerely. Thank you.
Wishing you a wonderful summer. Report cards will be in the mail. Summer packets/folders/ online logins have also been sent home for students going into incoming K- 8th. We will be sending out reminders about various things throughout the summer, so please check your emails! We look forward to seeing you in person on Wednesday, August 28th for School Supply Drop Off and Ice Cream Social! More to come on that in the future emails this summer.
Praying for you all over the summer, and thinking of you from Notre Dame!