Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and

sponsored by the Holy Spirit.

Pray with OLG

Dive deeper into our devotion to the Virgin Mary this May with our special gift:

An audio and visual guide to praying the rosary, prepared by our OLG students from all grades.

Join us in meditating on the full life of Jesus with the soothing sound of our students' voices. Let's embrace this beautiful tradition together! 

Principal's Letter

Pictured here is Principal Hobbs with the Jamaica Maryknoll Missionary group with Bishop John

Dear Families, 

It is Tuesday, May 7th and I am writing to you as I am preparing to leave for my mission trip to Jamaica with Maryknoll, on behalf of the Archdiocese of Seattle and Office for Catholic Schools. As you are reading this, I will likely be reflecting on a day working in one of the many locations we will be sent out to, a hospice center, a school for children with disabilities, a center for teen moms, etc. I will be thinking of you all while I am away and look forward to sharing more with you upon my return. 

Celebrations and Acknowledgements

Congratulations to our First Communicants who celebrated the sacrament on Saturday night with Fr. Gary. We were all so proud of the way you answered his questions, and shared your knowledge with the congregation. May God continue to bless you and keep you, all the days of your life. 

Band Festival was last night, Wednesday. Congratulations to Miss McKamey and all of our talented band students. I hear you practice, and have seen you perform. I am sure it was a night to remember. Thank you for your leadership, Miss McKamey! 

Tonight (Thursday) is New Family Night for families that are enrolled for the 24-25 school year, and are not attending OLG in the present. Please keep Ms. Janet, Ms. Shelley and Ms. Laura in your prayers as they lead this night and welcome our newest members of OLG. We are lucky to have their expertise, knowledge and wisdom, and our new families will benefit from hearing from them. Thank you, CYO (Dan), parish (Michelle) and PO (Courtney and Heather) for your support and presence too!

Congrats to our Battle of the Books Teams in 4th- 8th grade competing on 5/10 for championships at ASB! Thank you for representing OLG, and thank you, Mrs. Somerville, for your leadership! 

Coming Up!

The week of 5/13- 5/17 is busy. Here are the highlights. See link for more information. 

5/13- 5/17: Multicultural Week 

5/15: Spring Concert! 5:30- 6:30pm in the Church. 

  • Drop off in the classrooms by 5pm. 
  • Students (1st- 8th) will stay with their class until the end of the show out of respect and celebration of ALL classes, and to reduce the conversation, early exits and disruption seen at the winter concert that overshadowed later performances. 
  • ELC- K will be dismissed after singing, and are encouraged to stay, seated with families. 
  • No cell phones, devices etc. for students. 
  • If you are not staying, you should be in the church no later than 6:20pm to pick up your child when their class is dismissed. 

5/16: Career Day! 

5/17: Heritage/ Cultural Dress Day (or Uniform) See “Details about Multicultural Week” for more Information.

5/17: BINGO! Hosted by the Parent Org! Join us for a great time in the school hall. All are welcome in this FUNraising evening. Volunteer


5/19: OLG Parish Multicultural Mass and Fair, following the 11am Mass.

Details about Multicultural Week 
With Gratitude, 

Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs

Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School

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Important Dates

May 9 - 2nd Grade field trip to MOHAI

  • 8th grade to Providence Mount St. Vincent
  • New Family Night 6:30 pm for 2024-25 new families

May 10 - 3rd Grade field trip to MOHAI

  • Battle of the Books Finals Grades 4-8

May 14 - Parent Org Meeting 6:30 pm Gym stage

May 15 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal

  • YES! After School Tutoring (last session May 29)
  • Spring Concert 5:30 pm
  • Talent Show permission slips due

May 16 - Career Day

May 17 - Heritage /Ethnic dress or uniform

  • Bingo Night 6:00 pm School Hall

May 19 - Multi-cultural Mass & Fair 11 am Mass, followed by Fair at the gym

Coming up!

May 23 - Full Uniform "blues" K-8 / All-School Mass

May 24 - Field Day & Picnic

Stay up-to-date with calendar events

Staffing Updates


EDC Director - We are seeking a Extended Day Care Director for the 2024-25 school year. Implement programs and activities that enhance the student day outside the classroom. Find out more and apply HERE!

Development Director - Job posting coming soon. Stay tuned to our jobs page. If you are interested, email your resume to Principal Hobbs anytime.

School Happenings

Win Prizes & Dab Away!

Volunteer May 17

Celebrating our cultural diversity

Volunteer May 19

To make this special day a success, we need your help! Each student is assigned an item to bring (by class). Click here

Order online 

or $45 cash/check to office


If you are not sure if you ordered, check your email (Pre-orders were open 3/28-4/25/24 and charged to Finalsite on 4/26).

Summer Fun!

Register this week!

Camp Registration CLOSING!

Pirates and Mermaids (Gr K-2) - 2 spots!

Explore the Deep Blue Sea (Gr 2-4)

Art Through the Seasons (Gr 3-5)

Sports, STEM and Scribbles (Gr 3-5)

Register OLG Summer Camps

Summer School @ St. George (Beacon Hill)

Open to students attending a Catholic School K-5

Fantastic 5-week academic summer school program with certificated teachers and instructional assistants. Please note this is NOT a summer camp. June 24 - July 26, half day or full day. Contact OLG or St. George school offices for registration form. Registration DUE May 24

CYO Athletics

CYO, it's not just for Youth Sports!

Adult League Coed Softball is just around the corner. Games are during the summer, June through August, and played on a Tuesday or Thursday. Most games are played locally at St. Bernadette's ballfield. Register here for a fun time:   https://www.teamsideline.com/sites/seattlecyo/home

For questions reach out to Tom O'Toole

Community Outreach

Let's stay connected!

Please use these resources or forward on to someone who will benefit...

Spaces available

Grades 1-6 for 2024-25

Calling Alumni!

Reach out to OLG!

Discover a wealth of trusted local businesses! 

OLG PBP Directory

PBP Digital Directory Sponsor

Today, we're thrilled to extend our heartfelt thanks to our Digital Directory sponsor, RAC CPA.  Need tax planning assistance? Look no further! RAC CPA, a valued member of our community, is here to support you.  Reach out to them with confidence, knowing they'll be delighted to serve our OLG family with excellence and care.  


Loop the 'Lupe

Saturday, June 8, 2024

YES! You can earn hours for the 23-24 school year! 

The 2023-24 commitment hour deadline has been extended to include Loop the 'Lupe (June 8th)! This event isn’t possible without the over 75 amazing volunteers needed. Log Loop the 'Lupe hours for 23-24 or 24-25.


OLG Incentive..Special prize

for the class that has the most students register!

Register here!

Help us Spread the Word!

Follow - Like - Share!

Partners in the Gospel

QUESTION: What will change at parishes when this is implemented?

The new parish family will have more collective resources (people and finances) to carry out the mission of the Church. What this looks like for each parish family will be determined by the creativity of that community. While each parish family will be assigned a pastor and one or more parochial vicars, decisions for how the parish family comes together are intended to be made by the local community to ensure what emerges reflects the gifts and needs of their specific communities. Working with their liaison, each parish family will have resources and tools to help them implement changes along this three-year process. Keep in mind that these changes are taking place to help achieve the larger goal of renewing parish life so that we can help others encounter Jesus.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us! 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

School Fund Drive

Check out the 2023-2024 Annual School Fund Drive Thermometer for the most up-to-date results!

ONLY we all TOGETHER can make this happen! It is not too late!

Less than $3K to reach our next milestone!

Show your love for OLG!

We are now at at $37,600 for our Annual School Fund. This is a $7K increase from last week!

Our annual goal is of 100K, but let's try to reach $40,000!

We are almost there!

We have less than 2 months left until the end of the school year and to reach our goal!

While there are many worthy causes, let's not forget the importance of our Annual School Fund, which serves as a vital pillar of support for our school.


Our prayers continue for Fr. Kevin. If you would like to send him a card, drop it off at the school or parish office and we will personally deliver them to him.

For Liz Quade and family.

Please keep the Beza family (Enrico 6th grade) in your prayers. More on Caring Bridge. You can also show support through a Go Fund Me created here and shared by request of the family.

Please pray for staff and students who are sick and those that are well, stay well.

We also keep Sandy Plummer and Fr. Jack Walmesley in our prayers.

For our community members whose family members who are fighting cancer and other ailments.

For our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We ask God to help them find shelter and comfort.

Parish News

LAST CHANCE to Order Tickets

OLG Night with the Mariners and our New Pastor

Our Mariners are tied for first place! Now is the time to order your tickets as there is a limited supply. Join us in cheering them on, eating hotdogs and popcorn, and playing the hydro races! After the game you can enjoy a fireworks show. Tickets are $10 each. 


May is a Month Traditionally Dedicated to Honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary

In our churches and homes, we celebrate May as a “Marian month,” with May processions, May crownings, and other popular devotions in honor of the Mother of God. There are a wide variety of images of Mary and you are invited to share your favorite image with our community. Just bring it to Mass with you and place it on the table next to Our Lady of Guadalupe statue. You can also add a note that describes why it is special to you, including if it has any particular cultural meaning.


Mass Intentions During Fr. Kevin's Absence

Even though we are not able to celebrate daily Mass at this time, it is still possible for you to request a special prayer intention for a loved one for one of our Liturgy of the Word and Communion Services. We will acknowledge your intention in a special way as we gather together as a faith community in prayer and worship of our compassionate and loving God. Just contact the Parish Office to make the arrangements.

Are you interested in Learning more about the Catholic Faith or becoming Catholic?A new RCIA inquiry group is starting on Wednesday, May 15, 6:30-8:30 pm.  RCIA is a process of initiation into the Catholic community of faith—with no strings attached! Participants can go at their own pace. For more information, please contact Helen Oesterle at 206-935-0358, x 108; You can also find more information at our parish website- www.olgseattle.org/rcia  

A new issue of Family Times is available at https://bit.ly/FamilyTimesMay24.

                  Join us for Vacation Bible Camp!

Campers (preschool-Grade 5 in the fall): https://bit.ly/VBC24

Crew (grade 6 through high school): https://bit.ly/VBC24crew

    Crew members may help with pre-schoolers, as team leaders, as activity assistants, or in the kitchen!

More details at Vacation Bible Camp

You may also donate or loan items. Contact Molly or Sarah for information.  

  • Scholarship or cost offset donations-- $65 per child registration or amount of your choice to help.Mail to OLG Parish /7000 35th Ave SW/Seattle WA 98126  Attn: Molly Berger, bring to Parish Office, donate online, or put in envelope in box in vestibule.
  • Check the table in the vestibule for other items to loan or donate.

Thank you for your support of our children!

More on the OLG Parish Website

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!

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