Our Lady of Guadalupe School fosters Gospel values, inspires academic excellence, and develops service and leadership. We face this as a sacramental community united and
sponsored by the Holy Spirit.
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Wear comfortable/appropriate clothing + sunscreen (applied) and labeled water bottle
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Kindergarten and 2nd grade are tied to win for most registrants at Loop the 'Lupe.
Can your class beat them?
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Hi OLG Community,
Tomorrow is Field Day and we are ready for it! Rain or shine, Field Day and our 8th Grade v. Teacher volleyball game are happening! Ms. Mackenzie and the 7th graders have planned out some wonderful activities for our K-8 kids (ELC Field Day happening on a separate day,) and it will be an awesome day as a community.
If you haven’t already brought in your food donations, please do so first thing in the morning. Thank you to those who have donated, and for PO for helping to prepare the food. A huge thank you to our alumni family, the Lindholm’s, who donated all the Boar’s Head hot dogs!
Today we celebrated Mass with Fr. Rob who works in the Bishop’s Office. We are so lucky that he has said yes to substitute for all of our remaining school Masses. Our 2nd graders did a beautiful job leading Mass, and our middle school choir, and guest pianist, Evan Z in 6th grade, did a great job. Thank you for all who could attend! Our next school Mass is Light of Leadership Baccalaureate Mass on Wednesday, June 5th at 9am. All families are invited.
As a reminder, tomorrow is an athletic wear free dress/ Space theme. Students should be wearing tennis shoes and things that they can move around in. They should be comfortable, but also remember that it should be school appropriate free dress, as outlined in the handbook.
Looking forward to tomorrow! Only a few more weeks of school so let’s make it great!
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With Gratitude,
Ms. Lauren Hobbs
Lauren Hobbs
Principal, Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School
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May 24 - Field Day & Picnic Wear comfortable/appropriate clothing + sunscreen (applied) and labeled water bottle
May 27 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
May 29 - Wednesday 2:15 pm Early Dismissal
- LAST After School Tutoring Session
Coming up
Jun 5 - Light of Leadership Mass + Graduation
Jun 8 - Loop the 'Lupe!
Jun 14 - Last Day 10:30 am Dismissal (NO EDC or ELC aftercare)
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Our Lady of the Sound
OLG is thrilled to be a part of this initiative. Click here for more.
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Thank you for a Great Career Day!
A massive shout out to everyone who came to speak at Career Day last week and all the teachers and volunteers who made the day amazing. PreK through 4th grade each explored careers in unique ways, adding to the skill and job explorations we've been doing in SEL classes the last couple of weeks. Meanwhile, a whopping 29 professionals from a wide range of industries came to speak to grades 5-8! Lawyers, non-profit executives, professional dancers, pilots, health care professionals, mental health specialists, engineers, computer programers, radio personalities, financial advisors, chefs, HR representatives...it was an amazing and diverse representation. The students learned a lot and loved all the interesting stories people shared. Overall, a great success! special thanks to Sheila Hui, parishioner and former OLG parent for helping make the day such a success. Several speakers were unable to make the day and Sheila did an amazing job of recruiting last minute volunteers. << Kindergarten pics >>
Kim Brunskill, School Counselor
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Priority needs include:
- Race Day Set Up and Clean Up
- Build and Tear Down Obstacles
- Hand Out Medals at Finish Line
- Course/Obstacle Monitors
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CYO, it's not just for Youth Sports!
Adult League Co-ed Softball
Games are during the summer, June through August, and played on a Tuesday or Thursday. Most games are played locally at St. Bernadette's ballfield.
Register here for a fun time!
For questions reach out to Tom O'Toole
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June 24 - July 26
5-week academic summer school program with certificated teachers and instructional assistants (NOT a summer camp) Half day or full day. Convenient on Beacon Hill
DUE TODAY: Register Now
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Band Camp
Incoming grades 6-9
July 8-12
Join Miss McKamey for a musical adventure! Hurry! Band members are signing up NOW!!
Register for Band Camp
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Priests meet in April for a Partners in the Gospel Retreat
The multi-day retreat at St. Edwards State Park in Kenmore, focused on personal reflection, fraternity and learning. The retreat began with Archbishop Etienne presiding and preaching at the opening Mass, followed by his welcome and talk to the pastors in which he described his vision of the exciting opportunities, as well as the challenges, that are ahead. See this month’s UPDATE for more information.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
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Our prayers continue for Fr. Kevin. If you would like to send him a card, drop it off at the school or parish office and we will personally deliver them to him.
For Liz Quade and family.
Please keep the Beza family (Enrico 6th grade) in your prayers. More on Caring Bridge. You can also show support through a Go Fund Me created here and shared by request of the family.
Please pray for staff and students who are sick and those that are well, stay well.
We also keep Sandy Plummer and Fr. Jack Walmesley in our prayers.
For Ms. Hobbs' grandfather who passed away this week. May he rest in peace.
For our community members whose family members who are fighting cancer and other ailments.
For our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We ask God to help them find shelter and comfort.
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Thank you to the Multicultural Ministry
Thank you for organizing many aspects of our Pentecost celebrations this past weekend. Thank you also to all who participated in the Masses, bringing food and in the entertainment. Our parish is truly blessed by all your variety of gifts and talents.
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Join us for Vacation Bible Camp!
Campers (preschool-grade 5 in the fall): https://bit.ly/VBC24
Crew (grade 6 through high school): https://bit.ly/VBC24crew
Crew members may help with pre-schoolers, as team leaders, as activity assistants, or in the kitchen!
More details at Vacation Bible Camp
You may also donate or loan items to VBC.
Contact Molly or Sarah for information
Scholarship or cost offset donations-- $65 per child registration or amount of your choice to help.Mail to OLG Parish /7000 35th Ave SW/Seattle WA 98126 Attn: Molly Berger, bring to Parish Office, donate online, or put in envelope in box in vestibule.
Check the table in the vestibule for other items to loan or donate.
Thank you for your support of our children!
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Interim Synod Update
In this stage of listening, we were asked to focus on the co-responsibility of the baptized and to ponder what gets in the way of our participation in the mission of the Church, and what fosters it. This Lent, across the Archdiocese, a number of groups took part in listening sessions, including parishes, schools, women in ministry, Chancery staff, and more. While the number of participants was much smaller than in the first consultation, the Archdiocese, including our own parish, made a special effort to hear voices that were not fully represented in earlier listening—in particular, parish priests and youth. Remarkably, more than 500 young people took part, thanks to the efforts of some of our Catholic high schools, and the hard work of the new Archdiocesan Youth Council. You can read the Synthesis from the Seattle Listening Sessions on our parish website.
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Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us! | | | | |